PoshCode Archive  Artifact [9de55645ee]

Artifact 9de55645eec865699617af2f91659c00af8c524c574202d845f5d2ac4f25041a:

  • File LibrarySqlBackup.ps1 — part of check-in [646e152f6a] at 2018-06-10 13:42:45 on branch trunk — Standalone script adapted from SQL Server Powershell Extensions (sqlpsx) http://sqlpsx.codeplex.com. Defines SQL Server backup and restore functions. (user: Chad Miller size: 5530)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: LibrarySqlBackup
# description: Standalone script adapted from SQL Server Powershell Extensions (sqlpsx) http://sqlpsx.codeplex.com. Defines SQL Server backup and restore functions.
# version: 10.0
# type: script
# author: Chad Miller
# license: CC0
# function: Invoke-SqlBackup
# x-poshcode-id: 4541
# x-archived: 2015-01-07T23:51:15
# x-published: 2015-10-22T12:47:00
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
### <Script>
### <Author>
### Chad Miller 
### </Author>
### <Description>
### Excerpt from SQL Server Powershell Extensions (sqlpsx)
### http://sqlpsx.codeplex.com
### Defines backup and restore functions
### </Description>
### <Usage>
### . ./LibrarySqlBackup.ps1
### $server = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") 'Z002\SQL2K8'
### invoke-sqlbackup 'Z002\SqlExpress' 'pubs' $($server.BackupDirectory + "\pubs.bak")
### invoke-sqlrestore 'Z002\SqlExpress' 'pubs' $($server.BackupDirectory + "\pubs.bak") -force 
### </Usage>
### </Script>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$smoAssembly = [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo")
if (!($smoVersion))
{ Set-Variable -name SmoVersion  -value $smoAssembly.GetName().Version.Major -Scope Global -Option Constant -Description "SQLPSX variable" }

function Invoke-SqlBackup
    param($sqlserver=$(throw 'sqlserver required.'),$dbname=$(throw 'dbname required.'),$filepath=$(throw 'filepath required.')
          ,$action='Database', $description='',$name='',[switch]$force,[switch]$incremental,[switch]$copyOnly)
    #action can be Database or Log

    $server = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $sqlserver

    Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlBackup $($server.Name) $dbname"

    $backup = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Backup")
    $backupDevice = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupDeviceItem") $filepath, 'File'

    $backup.Action = $action
    $backup.BackupSetDescription = $description
    $backup.BackupSetName = $name
    if (!$server.Databases.Contains("$dbname")) {throw 'Database $dbname does not exist on $($server.Name).'}
    $backup.Database = $dbname
    $backup.Initialize = $($force.IsPresent)
    $backup.Incremental = $($incremental.IsPresent)
    if ($copyOnly)
    { if ($server.Information.Version.Major -ge 9 -and $smoVersion -ge 10) 
      { $backup.CopyOnly = $true }
      { throw 'CopyOnly is supported in SQL Server 2005(9.0) or higher with SMO version 10.0 or higher.' }
    trap {
        $ex = $_.Exception
        Write-Output $ex.message
        $ex = $ex.InnerException
        while ($ex.InnerException)
            Write-Output $ex.InnerException.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
    if ($?)
    { Write-Host "$action backup of $dbname to $filepath complete." }
    { Write-Host "$action backup of $dbname to $filepath failed." }

} #Invoke-SqlBackup

function Invoke-SqlRestore
    param($sqlserver=$(throw 'sqlserver required.'),$dbname=$(throw 'dbname required.'),$filepath=$(throw 'filepath required.'),

    #action can be Database or Log

    $server = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $sqlserver
    Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlRestore $($server.Name) $dbname"

    $restore = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore")
    $restoreDevice = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupDeviceItem") $filepath, 'File'

    $restore.Action = $action
    $restore.Database = $dbname
    $restore.ReplaceDatabase = $($force.IsPresent)
    $restore.NoRecovery = $($norecovery.IsPresent)
    $restore.KeepReplication = $($keepreplication.IsPresent)
    if ($stopat)
    { $restore.ToPointInTime = $stopAt }

    if ($relocatefiles)
       if ($relocateFiles.GetType().Name -ne 'Hashtable')
       { throw 'Invoke-SqlRestore:Param relocateFile must be a hashtable' }

       $relocateFileAR = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
       foreach ($i in $relocatefiles.GetEnumerator())
            $logicalName = $($i.Key); $physicalName = $($i.Value);
            $relocateFile = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RelocateFile") $logicalName, $physicalName

        $restore.RelocateFiles = $relocateFileAR

    trap {
        $ex = $_.Exception
        Write-Output $ex.message
        $ex = $ex.InnerException
        while ($ex.InnerException)
            Write-Output $ex.InnerException.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
    if ($?)
    { Write-Host "$action restore of $dbname from $filepath complete." }
    { Write-Host "$action restore of $dbname from $filepath failed." }

} #Invoke-SqlRestore
