# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: ConvertTo-ASCII
# description: Here is a quick script I created to convert files to ASCII character set. This came about because I found Out-File was creating files as Unicode and Add-Content was writing ASCII (Even though the help says it defaults to Unicode). So writing to the files with Add-Content would use the wrong encoding and add garbage to the log files. I changed all my code to include the -Encoding ASCII parameter, but had thousands of files encoded as Unicode. (Note: To see what format it is, open in Notepad and select Save As… it will be listed at the bottom). It replaces the file with a new ASCII encoded file so I also added some logic to capture and set the original file timestamps. This is my first draft so I’m sure there is room for improvements. Such as error handling and adjustments so the input parameters don’t have to be so exact, but it works and thought I would share. -=Levon
# version: 2.0
# type: script
# author: Levon Becker
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2612
# x-archived: 2011-08-10T02:05:52
# x-published: 2011-04-13T09:29:00
#requires –version 2.0
#region Help
Automation script for file character set format convertion to ASCII encoding.
Script for automating the convertion of files to ASCII format. Good for if you've used Out-File without specifying the
encoding. Which would make a Unicode formatted file by default. If you then used Add-Content to append data to that
file it would have garbage characters because even though it states it defaults to Unicode it will write ASCII/ANSI.
Full Path to files to convert.
Replacement files in ASCII format.
AUTHOR: Levon Becker
TITLE: ConvertTo-Ascii
VERSION: 1.001
DATE: 4/13/2011
ENV: Powershell v2
TOOLS: PowerGUI Script Editor, RegexBuddy
.\ConvertTo-Ascii -path "C:\Folder1\Folder2\*" -include "*.txt"
Will convert all of the files with a TXT file extension in the directory named Folder2.
.\ConvertTo-Ascii -path "C:\Folder1\Folder2\*" -include "filename.txt"
Will convert a single file named filename.txt in the directory named Folder2
.\ConvertTo-Ascii -path "C:\Folder1\Folder2\*" -include "*.txt" -recursive $true
Will convert all of the files with a TXT file extension in the directory named Folder2 and any subdirectories.
.\ConvertTo-Ascii -path "C:\Folder1\Folder2\*" -include "filename.txt" -recursive $true
Will convert a single file named filename.txt in the directory named Folder2 and any subdirectories.
Full path to file/s to process. Standard wild cards are excepted. Be sure to put in quotation marks.
It should work without a trailing backslash or asterisk, but it's recommended to simply include.
See examples
.PARAMETER include
Filename filtering opiton. Standard wild cards are excepted. Be sure to put in quotation marks.
.PARAMETER recursive
Specifies if the script should look in subfolders off the path provided. Default is False (Do not do recursive).
Use -recursive $true to enable.
#endregion Help
#region Changelog
04/12/2011: Created
04/13/2011: Added timestamp capture and write in order to keep the replacement files with the same time information as the original.
Cleaned up comments and regions.
#endregion Changelog
#region Sources
#endregion Sources
#region Parameters
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$recursive = "$false"
#endregion Parameters
#region Variables
$scriptver = '1.001'
$originaltitle = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
$title = "File Convert to ASCII Script v$scriptver by Levon Becker"
$count = $null
$file = $null
#endregion Variables
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title
#region Check Parameters
If ((Test-Path -Path $path) -eq $false) {
Write-Host "ERROR: PATH NOT FOUND ($path)" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White
#endregion Check Parameters
#region Main Process
# Check that \* is at the end of the path
$regex = '\b\\\*'
# If not then add \* to the end of the path
If ($path -notmatch $regex) {
$path = $path + '\*'
# Get list of filenames
If ($recursive -eq $true) {
$filelist = Get-ChildItem -path $path -Include $include -Recurse
Else {
$filelist = Get-ChildItem -path $path -Include $include
Foreach ($file in $filelist) {
# Get File Information
$fullname = ($file.FullName)
$creationtime = ($file.CreationTime)
$creationtimeutc = ($file.CreationTimeUtc)
$lastwritetime = ($file.LastWriteTime)
$lastwritetimeutc = ($file.LastWriteTimeUtc)
$lastaccesstime = ($file.LastAccessTime)
$lastaccesstimeutc = ($file.LastAccessTimeUtc)
# Get File Contents
$content = Get-Content $fullname
# Replace file with corrected character set
Out-File -FilePath $fullname -Encoding ASCII -Force -InputObject $content
# Set original time stamp information on new file
Set-ItemProperty -Path $fullname -Name CreationTime ($creationtime)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $fullname -Name CreationTimeUtc ($creationtimeutc)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $fullname -Name LastWriteTime ($lastwritetime)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $fullname -Name LastWriteTimeUtc ($lastwritetimeutc)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $fullname -Name LastAccessTime ($lastaccesstime)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $fullname -Name LastAccessTimeUtc ($lastaccesstimeutc)
Write-Host $file
#endregion Main Process
#region Conclusion Information
Write-Host '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
Write-Host ''
Write-Host "Total Converted: " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host $count
Write-Host ''
Write-Host '-------------' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host '| COMPLETED |' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host '-------------' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ''
#endregion Conclusion Information
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title + ' (COMPLETED)'
Sleep -Seconds 1
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $originaltitle