PoshCode Archive  Artifact [a2928718a2]

Artifact a2928718a2dc9b461360e9ecbb2dcf7f637ce885938aa174f135b46118a4b121:

  • File LibraryMSCS.ps1 — part of check-in [de9aeb66cd] at 2018-06-10 14:23:05 on branch trunk — Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 will include cluster cmdlets, until then this script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class and parsing the output of cluster.exe (user: Chad MIller size: 5179)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: LibraryMSCS
# description: Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 will include cluster cmdlets, until then this script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class and parsing the output of cluster.exe
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Chad MIller
# license: CC0
# function: Get-ClusterList
# x-poshcode-id: 724
# x-archived: 2016-10-27T12:52:01
# x-published: 2009-12-09T17:49:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
### <Script>
### <Author>
### Chad Miller 
### </Author>
### <Description>
### Defines functions for working with Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS)
### </Description>
### <Usage>
### . ./LibraryMSCS.ps1
### </Usage>
### </Script>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

function Get-ClusterList
    $cmd = `cluster.exe /LIST`

    for ( $i=3; $i -le ($cmd.length - 1); $i++)
        if ( $cmd[$i] -match '\w+' )
        { $cmd[$i].TrimEnd() }

} #Get-ClusterList

function Get-ClusterToNode
    foreach ($cluster in $input) { 
        trap {Write-Error "Cannot connect to $i.";continue} 
        Get-WmiObject -class MSCluster_Node -namespace "root\mscluster" -computername $cluster |
        add-member noteproperty Cluster $cluster -pass | select Cluster, Name 

} #Get-ClusterToNode

function Get-ClusterToVirtual
    foreach ($cluster in $input) { 

        $pv = '.*VirtualServerName\s+(?<virtual>\w+$)'
        $pi = '.*InstanceName\s+(?<instance>\w+$)'
        $seen = @()

        $cmd = cluster.exe $cluster res /Priv | select-string "VirtualServerName|InstanceName"

        for ( $i=0; $i -le ($cmd.length - 1); $i++)
            if ( $cmd[$i] -match $pv )
                $virtual = $matches.virtual
                $cmd[$i+1] -match $pi > $null
                $instance = $matches.instance 

                if (!($seen -contains $virtual))
                    $seen += $virtual 
                    new-object psobject |
                    add-member -pass NoteProperty Cluster $cluster |
                    add-member -pass NoteProperty Virtual $virtual |
                    add-member -pass NoteProperty Instance $instance


} #Get-ClusterToVirtual

function Get-ClusterPreferredNode

    # $prfHash = @{}
    # Get-ClusterPreferredNode "." | where {$_.order -eq 1} | foreach { $prfHash[$_.groupname] = $_.node }
    # $prfHash.keys | foreach { cluster . group "$_" /online:$prfHash."$_" /wait }
    #cluster . group /status
    #get-content ./clusters.txt | foreach {Get-ClusterPreferredNode $_}
    #get-content ./clusters.txt | foreach {Get-ClusterPreferredNode $_} | where {$_.order -eq 1}
    $pg = 'MSCluster_ResourceGroup.Name="(?<group>[^"]+)'
    $pn = 'MSCluster_Node.Name="(?<node>[^"]+)'

    get-wmiobject -class MSCluster_ResourceGroupToPreferredNode -namespace "root\mscluster" -computername $cluster |
        select groupcomponent, partcomponent | 
        foreach {   if ($_.GroupComponent -match $pg) {
                                                        add-member -in $_ -membertype noteproperty clustername $cluster
                                                        add-member -in $_ -membertype noteproperty groupname $matches.group
                                                        if ($grp -ne $matches.group)
                                                            { $i = 1; $grp = $matches.group}
                                                            { $i++ }
                                                        add-member -in $_ -membertype noteproperty order $i

                    if ($_.PartComponent  -match $pn) {add-member -in $_ -membertype noteproperty node $matches.node -passthru}
                } | select clustername, order, groupname, node

} #Get-ClusterPreferredNode

function Get-ClusterGroup

    #$grpArray = @()
    #get-clustergroup . | where {$_.groupname  -notlike "Cluster*"} | foreach {$grpArray += $_.groupname}
    #$grpArray | foreach { cluster . group "$_" /offline /wait}
    #cluster . group /status

    $p = '(?<group>^\w+\s?\w*)\s+(?<node>\w+)\s+(?<status>\w+$)' 
    $cmd = `cluster $cluster group`

    for ( $i=8; $i -le ($cmd.length - 1); $i++)
        if ( $cmd[$i] -match $p )
            new-object psobject |
            add-member -pass NoteProperty groupname $matches.group.TrimEnd() |
            add-member -pass NoteProperty node $matches.node |
            add-member -pass NoteProperty status $matches.status

} #Get-ClusterGroup