# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: Audit Script
# description: Ok, i guess i have too much code for the paste bin, please can someone remove this !
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# author: alanrenouf
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 641
# x-archived: 2008-10-17T08:21:35
# Audit script by Alan Renouf - Virtu-Al #
# Blog: http://teckinfo.blogspot.com/ #
# #
# Usage: Audit.ps1 'path' #
# #
# The file needs to be a plain text list of #
# computers to be audited one on each line #
# #
param( [string] $auditlist)
if ($auditlist -eq ""){
Write-Host "No list specified, using Localhost"
$targets = "localhost"
if ((Test-Path $auditlist) -eq $false)
Write-Host "Invalid audit path specified: $auditlist"
Write-Host "Using Audit list: $auditlist"
$Targets = Get-Content $auditlist
$Date = Get-Date
Foreach ($Target in $Targets)
$Filename = ".\" + $Target + "_" + $date.Hour + $date.Minute + "_" + $Date.Day + "-" + $Date.Month + "-" + $Date.Year + ".htm"
# =====================================================================================================================
# =====================================================================================================================
Write-Output " "| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output '<html ES_auditInitialized='false'><head><title>Audit</title>'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "<META http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=windows-1252'>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- Start of Style Definition Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Write-Output "<STYLE type=text/css>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " DIV .expando {DISPLAY: block; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; RIGHT: 10px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " TABLE {TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed; FONT-SIZE: 100%; WIDTH: 100%}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " #objshowhide {PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; Z-INDEX: 2; CURSOR: hand; COLOR: #000000; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; TEXT-ALIGN: right; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; WORD-WRAP: normal}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " .heading0_expanded {BORDER-RIGHT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5em; BORDER-TOP: #bbbbbb 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; PADDING-LEFT: 8px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; CURSOR: hand; COLOR: #FFFFFF; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bbbbbb 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 2.25em; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cc0000}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " .heading1 {BORDER-RIGHT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5em; BORDER-TOP: #bbbbbb 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; PADDING-LEFT: 16px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; CURSOR: hand; COLOR: #ffffff; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bbbbbb 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 2.25em; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #7BA7C7}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " .heading2 {BORDER-RIGHT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5em; BORDER-TOP: #bbbbbb 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; PADDING-LEFT: 16px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; CURSOR: hand; COLOR: #ffffff; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bbbbbb 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 2.25em; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #A5A5A5}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " .tableDetail {BORDER-RIGHT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bbbbbb 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; PADDING-LEFT: 16px; FONT-SIZE: 8pt;MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: #000000; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bbbbbb 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f9f9f9}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " .filler {BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; FONT: 100%/8px Tahoma; MARGIN-LEFT: 43px; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #ffffff; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; POSITION: relative}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " .Solidfiller {BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; FONT: 100%/8px Tahoma; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #000000; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; POSITION: relative; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " td {VERTICAL-ALIGN: TOP; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " th {VERTICAL-ALIGN: TOP; COLOR: #cc0000; TEXT-ALIGN: left}"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "</STYLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- End of Style Definition Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------- Start of Control Script Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Write-Output "<SCRIPT language=vbscript>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- Declare Global Variables for Routines --------------------------------------------------------------------
Write-Output " strShowHide = 1"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' strShow = "show"'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' strHide = "hide"'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' strShowAll = "show all"'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' strHideAll = "hide all"'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "Function window_onload()"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' If UCase(document.documentElement.getAttribute("ES_auditInitialized")) <> "TRUE" Then'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Set objBody = document.body.all"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " For Each obji in objBody"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " If IsSectionHeader(obji) Then"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " If IsSectionExpandedByDefault(obji) Then"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " ShowSection obji"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Else"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " HideSection obji"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Next"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " objshowhide.innerText = strShowAll"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' document.documentElement.setAttribute "ES_auditInitialized", "true"'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "End Function"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "Function IsSectionExpandedByDefault(objHeader)"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' IsSectionExpandedByDefault = (Right(objHeader.className, Len("_expanded")) = "_expanded")'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "End Function"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "Function document_onclick()"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Set strsrc = window.event.srcElement"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' While (strsrc.className = "sectionTitle" or strsrc.className = "expando")'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Set strsrc = strsrc.parentElement"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Wend"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " If Not IsSectionHeader(strsrc) Then Exit Function"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " ToggleSection strsrc"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " window.event.returnValue = False"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "End Function"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "Sub ToggleSection(objHeader)"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' SetSectionState objHeader, "toggle"'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "End Sub"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "Sub SetSectionState(objHeader, strState)"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " i = objHeader.sourceIndex"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Set all = objHeader.parentElement.document.all"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' While (all(i).className <> "container")'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " i = i + 1"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Wend"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Set objContainer = all(i)"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' If strState = "toggle" Then'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' If objContainer.style.display = "none" Then'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' SetSectionState objHeader, "show" '| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Else"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' SetSectionState objHeader, "hide" '| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Else"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Set objExpando = objHeader.children.item(1)"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' If strState = "show" Then'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' objContainer.style.display = "block" '| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " objExpando.innerText = strHide"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' ElseIf strState = "hide" Then'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' objContainer.style.display = "none" '| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " objExpando.innerText = strShow"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "End Sub"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "Function objshowhide_onClick()"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Set objBody = document.body.all"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Select Case strShowHide"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Case 0"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " strShowHide = 1"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " objshowhide.innerText = strShowAll"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " For Each obji In objBody"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " If IsSectionHeader(obji) Then"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " HideSection obji"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Next"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Case 1"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " strShowHide = 0"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " objshowhide.innerText = strHideAll"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " For Each obji In objBody"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " If IsSectionHeader(obji) Then"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " ShowSection obji"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End If"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " Next"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " End Select"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "End Function"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output 'Function IsSectionHeader(obj) : IsSectionHeader = (obj.className = "heading0_expanded") Or (obj.className = "heading1_expanded") Or (obj.className = "heading1") Or (obj.className = "heading2"): End Function'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output 'Sub HideSection(objHeader) : SetSectionState objHeader, "hide" : End Sub'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output 'Sub ShowSection(objHeader) : SetSectionState objHeader, "show": End Sub'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "</SCRIPT>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- End of Control Script Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Write-Output " </HEAD>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- End of Head Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------- Start of Body Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Write-Output "<BODY>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' <p><b><font face="Arial" size="5">'$Target' Audit<hr size="8" color="#CC0000"></font></b>'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' <font face="Arial" size="1"><b><i>Version 1.0 by Alan Renouf (Virtu-Al)</i></b></font><br>'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output ' <font face="Arial" size="1">Report generated on ' (Get-Date) '</font></p>'| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TBODY>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TR>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TD>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV id=objshowhide tabIndex=0><FONT face=Arial></FONT></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TD>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TR>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TBODY>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "</TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
write-output "Writing Detail for $Target"
$ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_ComputerSystem
switch ($ComputerSystem.DomainRole)
0 { $ComputerRole = "Standalone Workstation" }
1 { $ComputerRole = "Member Workstation" }
2 { $ComputerRole = "Standalone Server" }
3 { $ComputerRole = "Member Server" }
4 { $ComputerRole = "Domain Controller" }
5 { $ComputerRole = "Domain Controller" }
default { $ComputerRole = "Information not available" }
$OperatingSystems = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_OperatingSystem
$TimeZone = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_Timezone
$Keyboards = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_Keyboard
$SchedTasks = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_ScheduledJob
$BootINI = $OperatingSystems.SystemDrive + "boot.ini"
$RecoveryOptions = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration
# ---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS Section HTML Code --------------------------------------------------------------
Write-Output "<DIV class=heading0_expanded>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>$target Details</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "</DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output "<DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - GENERAL Sub Section HTML Code ------------------------------------------------
write-output "..Computer Details"
Write-Output "<DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>General</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Computer Name</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'> " $ComputerSystem.Name "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Computer Role</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'> $ComputerRole </font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
switch ($ComputerRole)
"Member Workstation" { Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Computer Domain</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename }
"Domain Controller" { Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Computer Domain</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename }
"Member Server" { Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Computer Domain</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename }
default { Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Computer Workgroup</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename}
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $ComputerSystem.Domain "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Operating System</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $OperatingSystems.Caption "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Service Pack</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $OperatingSystems.CSDVersion "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>System Root</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $OperatingSystems.SystemDrive "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Manufacturer</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $ComputerSystem.Manufacturer "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Model</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $ComputerSystem.Model "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Number of Processors</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $ComputerSystem.NumberOfProcessors "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Memory</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Registered User</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $ComputerSystem.PrimaryOwnerName "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Registered Organisation</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $OperatingSystems.Organization "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Last System Boot</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $LBTime "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - GENERAL Sub-section HTML Code --------------------------------------------------
# ---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - HOFIXES Sub-section HTML Code ------------------------------------------------
write-output "..Hotfix Information"
$colQuickFixes = Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>HotFixes</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>HotFix Number</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='75%'><b>Description</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
ForEach ($objQuickFix in $colQuickFixes)
if ($objQuickFix.HotFixID -ne "File 1")
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" $objQuickFix.HotFixID "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $objQuickFix.Description "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - HOFIXES Sub-section HTML Code --------------------------------------------------
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - LOGICAL DISK CONFIGURATION Sub-section HTML Code -----------------------------
write-output "..Logical Disks"
$colDisks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Target Win32_LogicalDisk
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Logical Disk Configuration</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='15%'><b>Drive Letter</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='20%'><b>Label</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='20%'><b>File System</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='15%'><b>Disk Size</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='15%'><b>Disk Free Space</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='15%'><b>% Free Space</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Foreach ($objDisk in $colDisks)
if ($objDisk.DriveType -eq 3)
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='15%'>"$objDisk.DeviceID"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'>"$objDisk.VolumeName"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'>"$objDisk.FileSystem"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
$disksize = [math]::round(($objDisk.size / 1048576))
Write-Output " <td width='15%'>"$disksize" MB</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
$freespace = [math]::round(($objDisk.FreeSpace / 1048576))
Write-Output " <td width='15%'>"$Freespace" MB</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
$percFreespace=[math]::round(((($objDisk.FreeSpace / 1048576)/($objDisk.Size / 1048676)) * 100),0)
Write-Output " <td width='15%'>"$percFreespace" %</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - LOGICAL DISK CONFIGURATION Sub-section HTML Code -------------------------------
# ---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - NIC CONFIGURATION Sub-section HTML Code --------------------------------------
write-output "..Network Configuration"
$NICCount = 0
$colAdapters = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Target Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>NIC Configuration</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
$NICCount = 0
Foreach ($objAdapter in $colAdapters)
if ($objAdapter.IPEnabled -eq "True")
$NICCount = $NICCount + 1
If ($NICCount -gt 1)
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=Solidfiller></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Description</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $objAdapter.Description "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Physical address</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $objAdapter.MACaddress "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objAdapter.IPAddress -ne $Null)
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>IP Address / Subnet Mask</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $objAdapter.IPAddress " / " $objAdapter.IPSubnet "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Default Gateway</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $objAdapter.DefaultIPGateway "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>DHCP enabled</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objAdapter.DHCPEnabled -eq "True")
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>Yes</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>No</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>DNS Servers</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objAdapter.DNSServerSearchOrder -ne $Null)
Write-Output $objAdapter.DNSServerSearchOrder | out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Primary WINS Server</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $objAdapter.WINSPrimaryServer "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Secondary WINS Server</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $objAdapter.WINSSecondaryServer "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
$NICCount = $NICCount + 1
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - NIC CONFIGURATION Sub-section HTML Code ----------------------------------------
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - Software Sub-section HTML Code -------------------------------------------
if ((get-wmiobject -namespace "root/cimv2" -list) | ? {$_.name -match "Win32_Product"})
write-output "..Installed Software"
$colShares = get-wmiobject -ComputerName $Target Win32_Product | select Name,Version,Vendor,InstallDate
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Software</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Name</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Version</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Vendor</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Install Date</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Foreach ($objShare in $colShares)
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='50%'>" $objShare.Name "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'>" $objShare.Version "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='15%'>" $objShare.Vendor "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='15%'>" $objShare.InstallDate "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
# ---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - Software Sub-section HTML Code ---------------------------------------------
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - LOCAL SHARES Sub-section HTML Code -------------------------------------------
write-output "..Local Shares"
$colShares = Get-wmiobject -ComputerName $Target Win32_Share
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Local Shares</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Share</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Path</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='50%'><b>Comment</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Foreach ($objShare in $colShares)
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" $objShare.Name "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" $objShare.Path "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='50%'>" $objShare.Caption "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - LOCAL SHARES Sub-section HTML Code ---------------------------------------------
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - PRINTERS Sub-section HTML Code -----------------------------------------------
Write-output "..Printers"
$colInstalledPrinters = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Target Win32_Printer
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Printers</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Printer</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Location</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Default Printer</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Portname</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Foreach ($objPrinter in $colInstalledPrinters)
If ($objPrinter.Name -eq "")
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='100%'>No Printers Installed</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" $objPrinter.Name "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" $objPrinter.Location "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
if ($objPrinter.Default -eq "True")
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>Yes</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>No</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>"$objPrinter.Portname"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - PRINTERS Sub-section HTML Code -------------------------------------------------
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - SERVICES Sub-section HTML Code -----------------------------------------------
Write-Output "..Services"
$colListOfServices = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Target Win32_Service
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Services</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='20%'><b>Name</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='20%'><b>Account</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='20%'><b>Start Mode</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='20%'><b>State</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='20%'><b>Expected State</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Foreach ($objService in $colListOfServices)
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'>"$objService.Caption"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'>"$objService.Startname"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'>"$objService.StartMode"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objService.StartMode -eq "Auto")
if ($objService.State -eq "Stopped")
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font color='#FF0000'>"$objService.State"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'><font face='Wingdings'color='#FF0000'>û</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objService.StartMode -eq "Auto")
if ($objService.State -eq "Running")
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font color='#009900'>"$objService.State"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font face='Wingdings'color='#009900'>ü</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objService.StartMode -eq "Disabled")
If ($objService.State -eq "Running")
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font color='#FF0000'>"$objService.State"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'><font face='Wingdings'color='#FF0000'>û</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objService.StartMode -eq "Disabled")
if ($objService.State -eq "Stopped")
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font color='#009900'>"$objService.State"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font face='Wingdings'color='#009900'>ü</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objService.StartMode -eq "Manual")
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font color='#009900'>"$objService.State"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font face='Wingdings'color='#009900'>ü</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objService.State -eq "Paused")
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font color='#FF9933'>"$objService.State"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='20%'><font face='Wingdings'color='#009900'>ü</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - SERVICES Sub-section HTML Code -------------------------------------------------
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - REGIONAL SETTINGS Sub-section HTML Code --------------------------------------
Write-Output "..Regional Options"
$ObjKeyboards = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Target Win32_Keyboard
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Regional Settings</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Time Zone</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $TimeZone.Description "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Country Code</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $OperatingSystems.Countrycode "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Locale</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $OperatingSystems.Locale"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Operating System Language</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $OperatingSystems.OSLanguage"</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
switch ($ObjKeyboards.Layout)
"00000402"{ $keyb = "BG" }
"00000404"{ $keyb = "CH" }
"00000405"{ $keyb = "CZ" }
"00000406"{ $keyb = "DK" }
"00000407"{ $keyb = "GR" }
"00000408"{ $keyb = "GK" }
"00000409"{ $keyb = "US" }
"0000040A"{ $keyb = "SP" }
"0000040B"{ $keyb = "SU" }
"0000040C"{ $keyb = "FR" }
"0000040E"{ $keyb = "HU" }
"0000040F"{ $keyb = "IS" }
"00000410"{ $keyb = "IT" }
"00000411"{ $keyb = "JP" }
"00000412"{ $keyb = "KO" }
"00000413"{ $keyb = "NL" }
"00000414"{ $keyb = "NO" }
"00000415"{ $keyb = "PL" }
"00000416"{ $keyb = "BR" }
"00000418"{ $keyb = "RO" }
"00000419"{ $keyb = "RU" }
"0000041A"{ $keyb = "YU" }
"0000041B"{ $keyb = "SL" }
"0000041C"{ $keyb = "US" }
"0000041D"{ $keyb = "SV" }
"0000041F"{ $keyb = "TR" }
"00000422"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00000423"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00000424"{ $keyb = "YU" }
"00000425"{ $keyb = "ET" }
"00000426"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00000427"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00000804"{ $keyb = "CH" }
"00000809"{ $keyb = "UK" }
"0000080A"{ $keyb = "LA" }
"0000080C"{ $keyb = "BE" }
"00000813"{ $keyb = "BE" }
"00000816"{ $keyb = "PO" }
"00000C0C"{ $keyb = "CF" }
"00000C1A"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00001009"{ $keyb = "US" }
"0000100C"{ $keyb = "SF" }
"00001809"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00010402"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00010405"{ $keyb = "CZ" }
"00010407"{ $keyb = "GR" }
"00010408"{ $keyb = "GK" }
"00010409"{ $keyb = "DV" }
"0001040A"{ $keyb = "SP" }
"0001040E"{ $keyb = "HU" }
"00010410"{ $keyb = "IT" }
"00010415"{ $keyb = "PL" }
"00010419"{ $keyb = "RU" }
"0001041B"{ $keyb = "SL" }
"0001041F"{ $keyb = "TR" }
"00010426"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00010C0C"{ $keyb = "CF" }
"00010C1A"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00020408"{ $keyb = "GK" }
"00020409"{ $keyb = "US" }
"00030409"{ $keyb = "USL" }
"00040409"{ $keyb = "USR" }
"00050408"{ $keyb = "GK" }
default { $keyb = "Unknown" }
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Keyboard Layout</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='75%'>" $keyb "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </div>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - REGIONAL SETTINGS Sub-section HTML Code ----------------------------------------
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - EVENT LOGS Sub-section HTML Code ---------------------------------------------
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading1>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Event Logs</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - EVENT LOGS - EVENT LOG SETTINGS Sub-section HTML Code ------------------------
Write-Output "..Event Log Settings"
$colLogFiles = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Target Win32_NTEventLogFile
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading2>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>Event Log Settings</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Log Name</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Overwrite Outdated Records</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Maximum Size</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='25%'><b>Current Size</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
ForEach ($objLogFile in $colLogfiles)
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" $objLogFile.LogFileName "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
If ($objLogfile.OverWriteOutdated -lt 0)
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>Never</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
if ($objLogFile.OverWriteOutdated -eq 0)
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>As needed</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>After " $objLogFile.OverWriteOutdated " days</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" (($objLogfile.MaxFileSize)/1024) " KB</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='25%'>" (($objLogfile.FileSize)/1024) " KB</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=filler></DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
#---------- End of COMPUTER DETAILS - EVENT LOGS - EVENT LOG SETTINGS Sub-section HTML Code --------------------------
# ---------- Start of COMPUTER DETAILS - EVENT LOGS - ERROR ENTRIES Sub-section HTML Code -----------------------------
write-output "..Event Log Errors"
$WmidtQueryDT = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-14))
$colLoggedEvents = Get-WmiObject -computer "Localhost" -query ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Type='Error' and TimeWritten >='" + $WmidtQueryDT + "'")
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=heading2>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <SPAN class=sectionTitle tabIndex=0>ERROR Entries</SPAN>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <A class=expando href='#'></A>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=container>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <DIV class=tableDetail>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='10%'><b>Event Code</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='10%'><b>Source Name</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='15%'><b>Time</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='10%'><b>Log</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <th width='55%'><b>Message</b></font></th>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
ForEach ($objEvent in $colLoggedEvents)
$dtmEventDate = $ObjEvent.ConvertToDateTime($objEvent.TimeWritten)
Write-Output " <tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='10%'>" $objEvent.EventCode "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='10%'>" $objEvent.SourceName "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='15%'>" $dtmEventDate "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='10%'>" $objEvent.LogFile "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " <td width='55%'>" $objEvent.Message "</font></td>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </tr>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </TABLE>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
Write-Output " </DIV>"| out-file -Append -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filen