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Artifact a829a9b6521f9c903e6697955cffb6b86cd307341c6e21f422afe3a6fa25fa30:

  • File Get-Parameter.ps1 — part of check-in [db24ad1bce] at 2018-06-10 13:09:43 on branch trunk — This is another Must Have upgrade, because I screwed up the last one ;-) (user: Joel Bennett size: 16237)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-Parameter
# description: This is another Must Have upgrade, because I screwed up the last one ;-)
# version: 2.5
# type: script
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Join-Object
# x-poshcode-id: 2404
# x-derived-from-id: 2405
# x-archived: 2016-10-28T04:35:10
# x-published: 2011-12-13T14:02:00
# Added -ParameterName parameter to filter returned parameters
# Added custom ToString() implementation to support -Like and -Match on the output
# Enumerate the Parameters of a command by ParameterSet, including DynamicParameters
# Now uses FormatData so the output is objects
# Added calculation of shortest names to the aliases (borrowed from Shay Levy http://poshcode.org/1982)
#Requires -version 2.0

#  Enumerates the parameters of one or more commands
#  With many thanks to Hal Rottenberg, Oisin Grehan and Shay Levy
#  Version 0.80 - April 2008 - By Hal Rottenberg http://poshcode.org/186
#  Version 0.81 - May 2008 - By Hal Rottenberg http://poshcode.org/255
#  Version 0.90 - June 2008 - By Hal Rottenberg http://poshcode.org/445
#  Version 0.91 - June 2008 - By Oisin Grehan http://poshcode.org/446
#  Version 0.92 - April 2008 - By Hal Rottenberg http://poshcode.org/549
#               - Added resolving aliases and avoided empty output
#  Version 0.93 - Sept 24, 2009 - By Hal Rottenberg http://poshcode.org/1344
#  Version 1.0  - Jan 19, 2010 - By Joel Bennett http://poshcode.org/1592
#               - Merged Oisin and Hal's code with my own implementation
#               - Added calculation of dynamic paramters
#  Version 2.0  - July 22, 2010 - By Joel Bennett http://poshcode.org/get/2005
#               - Now uses FormatData so the output is objects
#               - Added calculation of shortest names to the aliases (idea from Shay Levy http://poshcode.org/1982, but with a correct implementation)
#  Version 2.1  - July 22, 2010 - By Joel Bennett http://poshcode.org/2007
#               - Fixed Help for SCRIPT file (script help must be separated from #Requires by an emtpy line)
#               - Fleshed out and added dates to this version history after Bergle's criticism ;)
#  Version 2.2  - July 29, 2010 - By Joel Bennett http://poshcode.org/2030
#               - Fixed a major bug which caused Get-Parameters to delete all the parameters from the CommandInfo
#  Version 2.3  - July 29, 2010 - By Joel Bennett 
#               - Added a ToString ScriptMethod which allows queries like:
#                 $parameters = Get-Parameter Get-Process; $parameters -match "Name"
#  Version 2.4  - July 29, 2010 - By Joel Bennett http://poshcode.org/2032
#               - CHANGED "Name" to CommandName
#               - ADDED ParameterName parameter to allow filtering parameters
#               - Fixed bug in 2.3 and 2.2 with dynamic parameters
#  Version 2.5  - December 13, 2010 - By Jason Archer (This Version)
#               - CHANGED format temp file to have static name, prevents bloat of random temporary files
#  Lists all the parameters of a command, by ParameterSet, including their aliases, type, etc.
#  By default, formats the output to tables grouped by command and parameter set
#  Get-Command Select-Xml | Get-Parameter
#  Get-Parameter Select-Xml
#.Parameter CommandName
#  The name of the command to get parameters for
#.Parameter ParameterName
#  Wilcard-enabled filter for parameter names
#.Parameter ModuleName
#  The name of the module which contains the command (this is for scoping)
#.Parameter Force
#  Forces including the CommonParameters in the output
param ( 

Function global:Get-Parameter {
#  Enumerates the parameters of one or more commands
#  Lists all the parameters of a command, by ParameterSet, including their aliases, type, etc.
#  By default, formats the output to tables grouped by command and parameter set
#  Get-Command Select-Xml | Get-Parameter
#  Get-Parameter Select-Xml
#.Parameter CommandName
#  The name of the command to get parameters for
#.Parameter ParameterName
#  Wilcard-enabled filter for parameter names
#.Parameter ModuleName
#  The name of the module which contains the command (this is for scoping)
#.Parameter Force
#  Forces including the CommonParameters in the output
param ( 
begin {
   $PropertySet = @( "Name",
                     @{n="Position";e={if($_.Position -lt 0){"Named"}else{$_.Position}}},
   function Join-Object {
      begin {
         [string[]] $p1 = $First | gm -type Properties | select -expand Name
      process {
         $Output = $First | Select $p1
         foreach($p in $Second | gm -type Properties | Where { $p1 -notcontains $_.Name } | select -expand Name) {
            Add-Member -in $Output -type NoteProperty -name $p -value $Second."$p"
   foreach($cmd in $CommandName) {
      if($ModuleName)   { $cmd = "$ModuleName\$cmd" }
      $commands = @(Get-Command $cmd)

      foreach($command in $commands) {
         # resolve aliases (an alias can point to another alias)
         while ($command.CommandType -eq "Alias") {
            $command = @(Get-Command ($command.definition))[0]
         if (-not $command) { continue }

         $Parameters = @{}

         foreach($provider in Get-PSProvider) {
            $drive = "{0}\{1}::\" -f $provider.ModuleName, $provider.Name
            Write-Verbose ("Get-Command $command -Args $drive | Select -Expand Parameters")
            [Array]$MoreParameters = (Get-Command $command -Args $drive).Parameters.Values
            [Array]$Dynamic = $MoreParameters | Where { $_.IsDynamic }
            foreach($p in $MoreParameters | Where { !$Parameters.ContainsKey( $_.Name ) } ){ $Parameters.($p.Name) = $p }
            # Write-Verbose "Drive: $Drive | Parameters: $($Parameters.Count)"
            if($dynamic) {
               foreach($d in $dynamic) {
                  if(Get-Member -input $Parameters.($d.Name) -Name DynamicProvider) {
                     Write-Debug ("ADD:" + $d.Name + " " + $provider.Name)
                     $Parameters.($d.Name).DynamicProvider += $provider.Name
                  } else {
                     Write-Debug ("CREATE:" + $d.Name + " " + $provider.Name)
                     $Parameters.($d.Name) = $Parameters.($d.Name) | Add-Member NoteProperty DynamicProvider @($provider.Name) -Passthru
         ## Calculate the shortest distinct parameter name -- do this BEFORE removing the common parameters or else.
         foreach($p in $($Parameters.Keys))
            foreach($char in [char[]]$p)
               $shortest += $char
               $Matches = ($Parameters.Keys -match $Shortest).Count
               Write-Debug "$($shortest.SubString(1)) $Matches"
               if($Matches -eq 1)
                  $Parameters.$p = $Parameters.$p | Add-Member NoteProperty Aliases ($Parameters.$p.Aliases + @($shortest.SubString(1).ToLower($PSUICulture))) -Force -Passthru
         Write-Verbose "Parameters: $($Parameters.Count)`n $($Parameters | ft | out-string)"
         foreach ($paramset in @($command.ParameterSets | Select -Expand "Name")){
            foreach($parameter in $Parameters.Keys | Sort) {
               Write-Verbose "Parameter: $Parameter"
               if(!$Force -and ($Parameters.$Parameter.aliases -match "vb|db|ea|wa|ev|wv|ov|ob|wi|cf")) { continue }
               if($Parameters.$Parameter.ParameterSets.ContainsKey($paramset) -or $Parameters.$Parameter.ParameterSets.ContainsKey("__AllParameterSets")) {                  
                  if($Parameters.$Parameter.ParameterSets.ContainsKey($paramset)) { 
                     $output = Join-Object $Parameters.$Parameter $Parameters.$Parameter.ParameterSets.$paramSet 
                  } else {
                     $output = Join-Object $Parameters.$Parameter $Parameters.$Parameter.ParameterSets.__AllParameterSets
                  Write-Output $Output | Select-Object $PropertySet | ForEach {
                     $null = $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata")
                     $null = $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadataEx")
                     Write-Verbose "$(($_.PSTypeNames.GetEnumerator()) -join ", ")"
                  } | 
                  Add-Member ScriptMethod ToString { $this.Name } -Force -Passthru  | 
                  Where-Object { $(foreach($pn in $ParameterName){ $_ -like $Pn}) -contains $true }

# Since you can't update format data without a file that has a ps1xml ending, let's make one up...
$tempFile = "$([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath())Get-Parameter.ps1xml"
Set-Content $tempFile @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                                      <Text>Command: </Text>
                                          <ScriptBlock>"{0}/{1}" -f $(if($_.command.ModuleName){$_.command.ModuleName}else{$_.Command.CommandType.ToString()+":"}),$_.command.Name</ScriptBlock>
                                      <Text>Set:     </Text>
                                          <ScriptBlock>if($_.ParameterSet -eq "__AllParameterSets"){"Default"}else{$_.ParameterSet}</ScriptBlock>
                                <ScriptBlock>if($_.Position -lt 0){"Named"}else{$_.Position}</ScriptBlock>

Update-FormatData -Append $tempFile

# This is nested stuff, so that you can call the SCRIPT, and after it defines the global function, we will call that.
Get-Parameter @PSBoundParameters