# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Rollback Policy Module
# description: This module allows you to Get, Enable and Disable the software rollback settings on your computer or computers. This is useful when working with certain patches and software installations that require the software rollback to be enabled.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Boe Prox
# license: CC0
# function: Get-RollbackPolicy
# x-poshcode-id: 2751
# x-archived: 2011-06-28T06:44:25
# x-published: 2011-06-25T16:09:00
# The link below details a common instance where this needs to be done when installing a .NET patch.
# http://support.microsoft.com/kb/312499
Function Get-RollbackPolicy {
Retieves the current rollback policy on a local or remote computer
Retieves the current rollback policy on a local or remote computer
.PARAMETER Computername
The name of the computer or computers to perform the query against
Name: Get-RollbackPolicy
Author: Boe Prox
DateCreated: 06/24/2011
Get-RollbackPolicy -Computername DC1
Rollback Computer
-------- --------
Enabled dc1
Performs a query against the server, DC1 and returns whether the rollback setting has been enabled
or disabled.
Get-RollbackPolicy -Computername DC1,server1,server2
Rollback Computer
-------- --------
Enabled dc1
Disabled server1
Enabled server2
Performs a query against the server, DC1 and returns whether the rollback setting has been enabled
or disabled.
Param (
Process {
ForEach ($computer in $computername) {
Try {
#Make initial registry connection
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to remote computer"
$registry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine",$computer)
#Connect to the subkey where the rollback is located
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Software' key"
If ($registry.GetSubkeyNames() -contains "Software") {
$subkey = $registry.OpenSubKey("Software",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Policies' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -contains "Policies") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Policies",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Microsoft' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -contains "Microsoft") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Microsoft",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Windows' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -contains "Windows") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Windows",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Installer' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -contains "Installer") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Installer",$True)
Write-Verbose "Checking to see if 'DisableRollback' value name exists"
If ($subkey.GetValueNames() -contains "DisableRollback") {
#Get the value of DisableRollback
Write-Verbose "Retrieving value of 'DisableRollback'"
$value = $subkey.GetValue('DisableRollback')
Switch ($value) {
0 {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Enabled"}}
1 {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Disabled"}}
Default {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Unknown"}}
Else {
Write-Warning "$($computer): Missing 'DisableRollback' value name in registy!"
$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Missing DisableRollback value name"}
Else {
Write-Warning "$($computer): Missing 'Installer' key in registy!"
$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Missing Installer key"}
Else {
Write-Warning "$($computer): Missing 'Windows' key in registy!"
$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Missing Windows key"}
Else {
Write-Warning "$($computer): Missing 'Microsoft' key in registy!"
$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Missing Microsoft key"}
Else {
Write-Warning "$($computer): Missing 'Policies' key in registy!"
$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Missing Policies key"}
Else {
Write-Warning "$($computer): Missing 'Software' key in registy!"
$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Missing Software key"}
Catch {
Write-Warning "$($computer): $($Error[0])"
$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = ($error[0].exception.innerexception.message -split "`n")[0]}
Finally {
$object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
Write-Output $object
Function Disable-RollbackPolicy {
Disables the rollback policy on a local or remote computer
Disables the rollback policy on a local or remote computer
.PARAMETER Computername
The name of the computer or computers to disable the rollback policy on
Displays the returned object after disabling the policy.
Name: Disable-RollbackPolicy
Author: Boe Prox
DateCreated: 06/24/2011
Disable-RollbackPolicy -Computername DC1 -Passthru
Rollback Computer
-------- --------
Disabled DC1
This disables the rollback policy on DC1 and returns the object showing that the policy has
been disabled.
Disable-RollbackPolicy -Computername DC1,server1,server2 -Passthru
Rollback Computer
-------- --------
Disabled DC1
Disabled server1
Disabled server2
This disables the rollback policy on DC1,server1 and server2 and returns the object showing that the policy has
been disabled.
SupportsShouldProcess = 'True'
Param (
Process {
ForEach ($computer in $computername) {
Try {
#Make initial registry connection
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to remote computer"
$registry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine",$computer)
If ($PScmdlet.ShouldProcess("$computer","Disable Rollback")) {
#Connect to the subkey where the rollback is located
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Software' key"
If ($registry.GetSubkeyNames() -notcontains "Software") {
$subkey = $registry.OpenSubKey("Software",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $registry.OpenSubKey("Software",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Policies' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Policies") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Policies",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Policies",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Microsoft' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Microsoft") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Microsoft",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Microsoft",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Windows' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Windows") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Windows",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Windows",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Installer' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Installer") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Installer",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Installer",$True)
Write-Verbose "Checking to see if 'DisableRollback' value name exists"
If ($subkey.GetValueNames() -notcontains "DisableRollback") {
Write-Verbose "Creating DisableRollback value name and setting to 1 (Disable)"
Else {
Write-Verbose "Disabling Rollback"
If ($PSBoundParameters['Passthru']) {
Write-Verbose "Retrieving value of 'DisableRollback'"
$value = $subkey.GetValue('DisableRollback')
Switch ($value) {
0 {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Enabled"}}
1 {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Disabled"}}
Default {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Unknown"}}
Catch {
Write-Warning "$($computer): $($Error[0])"
Finally {
If ($PSBoundParameters['Passthru']) {
$object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
Write-Output $object
Function Enable-RollbackPolicy {
Enables the rollback policy on a local or remote computer
Enables the rollback policy on a local or remote computer
.PARAMETER Computername
Name of computer or computers to enable the rollback policy
Displays the object after enabling the rollback policy on a computer
Name: Enable-RollbackPolicy
Author: Boe Prox
DateCreated: 06/24/2011
Enable-RollbackPolicy -Computername DC1 -Passthru
Rollback Computer
-------- --------
Enable DC1
This enables the rollback policy on DC1 and returns the object showing that the policy has
been enabled.
Enable-RollbackPolicy -Computername DC1,server1,server2 -Passthru
Rollback Computer
-------- --------
Enable DC1
Enable server1
Enable server2
This enables the rollback policy on DC1,server1 and server2 and returns the object showing that the policy has
been enabled.
SupportsShouldProcess = 'True'
Param (
Process {
ForEach ($computer in $computername) {
Try {
#Make initial registry connection
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to remote computer"
$registry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine",$computer)
If ($PScmdlet.ShouldProcess("$computer","Enable Rollback")) {
#Connect to the subkey where the rollback is located
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Software' key"
If ($registry.GetSubkeyNames() -notcontains "Software") {
$subkey = $registry.OpenSubKey("Software",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $registry.OpenSubKey("Software",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Policies' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Policies") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Policies",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Policies",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Microsoft' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Microsoft") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Microsoft",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Microsoft",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Windows' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Windows") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Windows",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Windows",$True)
Write-Verbose "Making registry connection to 'Installer' key"
If ($subkey.GetSubKeyNames() -notcontains "Installer") {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Installer",$True)
Else {
$subkey = $subkey.OpenSubKey("Installer",$True)
Write-Verbose "Checking to see if 'DisableRollback' value name exists"
If ($subkey.GetValueNames() -notcontains "DisableRollback") {
Write-Verbose "Creating DisableRollback value name and setting to 0 (Enable)"
Else {
Write-Verbose "Enabling Rollback"
If ($PSBoundParameters['Passthru']) {
Write-Verbose "Retrieving value of 'DisableRollback'"
$value = $subkey.GetValue('DisableRollback')
Switch ($value) {
0 {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Enabled"}}
1 {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Disabled"}}
Default {$hash = @{Computer = $computer;Rollback = "Unknown"}}
Catch {
Write-Warning "$($computer): $($Error[0])"
Finally {
If ($PSBoundParameters['Passthru']) {
$object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
Write-Output $object
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-RollbackPolicy,Enable-RollbackPolicy,Disable-RollbackPolicy