PoshCode Archive  Artifact [a9eba527ac]

Artifact a9eba527ac50b40f525d839ed281b13f267eaeeee44de518e7a02b11804625be:

  • File ESXiMgmt-module.ps1 — part of check-in [00e804b745] at 2018-06-10 13:16:46 on branch trunk — How can you automate your ESXi tasks having only bare ESXi software? May cmdlets in such case don’t work or work with serious limitations. To fulfill though partially the lack of ‘bare ESXi’ management tools, the ESXiMgmt module has been written and tested. (user: Alexander Petrovskiy size: 30498)

# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: ESXiMgmt module
# description: How can you automate your ESXi tasks having only bare ESXi software? May cmdlets in such case don’t work or work with serious limitations. To fulfill though partially the lack of ‘bare ESXi’ management tools, the ESXiMgmt module has been written and tested.
# version: 4.1
# type: module
# author: Alexander Petrovskiy                                                                              
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2907
# x-archived: 2011-09-15T09:27:30
# x-published: 2011-08-10T03:01:00
# The ESXiMgmt module uses the well-known plink.exe utility to access tht server via SSH and works almost perfectly with exception of the fact that often the cmd.exe window appears for several seconds.
# The module is and will be described in the SoftwareTestingUsingPowerShell.WordPress.Com blog (please use the tag ‘ESXiMgmt module’ during the search).
# File:             ESXiMgmt.psm1                                                                                     #
# Author:           Alexander Petrovskiy                                                                              #
# Publisher:        Alexander Petrovskiy, SoftwareTestingUsingPowerShell.WordPress.Com                                #
# Copyright:        © 2011 Alexander Petrovskiy, SoftwareTestingUsingPowerShell.WordPress.Com. All rights reserved.   #
# Prerequisites:    The module was tested with Vmware ESXi 4.1 U1 on the server side and                              #
#                       Vmware PowerCLI 4.1 U1                                                                        #
#                       plink.exe                                                                            #
# Usage:            To load this module run the following instruction:                                                #
#                       Import-Module -Name ESXiMgmt -Force                                                           #
#                   Please provide feedback in the SoftwareTestingUsingPowerShell.WordPress.Com blog.                 #
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

#region initialization
# Initailize PowerCLI environment
if ((Get-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core) -ne $null -and `
	(Get-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core).Name.Length -gt 0)
	Remove-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core;
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core;
# x86
	. "$env:ProgramFiles\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1"
# x64
	. "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1"

# It is recommended to put plink.exe in the directory this module resides
# plink.exe can be taken from this link
# http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/plink.exe
if (Test-Path -Path ($PSScriptRoot + '\plink.exe')){
	[string]$script:plinkPath = $PSScriptRoot + '\plink.exe';
#endregion initialization

#region private functions
	#region function Get-CurrentTime
function Get-CurrentTime
			The Get-CurrentTime function is used to write in the timestamp in the log file.

			The Get-CurrentTime functions is used for getting the current time of operation. 
			As s time source used [System.DateTime]::Now.TimeOfDay property.

			PS C:\> Get-CurrentTime

{	$timeOfDay = [System.DateTime]::Now.TimeOfDay;
	$time = "$($timeOfDay.Hours):$($timeOfDay.Minutes):$($timeOfDay.Seconds)`t";
	return $time;}
	#endregion function Get-CurrentTime
#endregion private functions
#region public functions
	#region function Connect-ESXi
function Connect-ESXi
			Connects to a single ESXi you are planning to work with.

			The Connect-ESXi function is intended to be the first the user runs 
			while working with this module.

		.PARAMETER  Server
			The name of IP address of the server you work with. 
			It's also used further as an user@server combination.

			Default value is 443. See the Connect-VIServer description.

		.PARAMETER  Protocol
			Default value is HTTPS. See the Connect-VIServer description.
			Username that is often root. It's also used further as an user@server combination.
		.PARAMETER  Password
			Password to connect to a ESXi. It's also used as a parameter for plink.
		.PARAMETER  DatastoreName
			The name of the datastore you work with.
			The name that will represents the content of the datastore.
			PS C:\> Connect-ESXi -Server -Port 443
					-Protocol HTTPS -User root -Password 123
					-DatastoreName datastore1 
					-Drive server1

			System.String, System.Int32


		  [int]$Port = 443,
		  [string]$Protocol = 'HTTPS',
		  [string]$Password = '',
	[string]$script:pwd = $Password;
	[VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.VIServerImpl]$script:esxiserver = `
		Connect-VIServer -Server $Server `
			-User $User -Password $Password `
			-Protocol $Protocol -Port $Port;
	[VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VMHostImpl]$script:vmhost = `
		Get-VMHost -Server $script:esxiserver;

	[VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreImpl]$script:datastore = `
		Get-Datastore -Server $script:esxiserver -Name $DatastoreName;
	try{New-DatastoreDrive -Datastore $script:datastore -Name $Drive;
	[string]$script:dsdrive = $Drive;}catch{}
	#endregion function Connect-ESXi
	#region function Disconnect-ESXi
function Disconnect-ESXi
			Disconnects the latest connected ESXi server.

			The function cleans up the variable that stores VIServer object of the server you connected.

			PS C:\> Disconnect-ESXi



	Disconnect-VIServer -Server $script:esxiserver -Force:$true;
	#endregion function Disconnect-ESXi
	#region function Invoke-ESXiCommand
function Invoke-ESXiCommand
			Runs a command or a semicolon-separated sequence of commands on an ESXi server.

			This function runs plink.exe with the command supplied and optionally 
			suppressses the console window.
		.PARAMETER  Server
			The name of IP address of the server you work with. 
			It's also used further as an user@server combination.
			Username that is often root. It's also used further as an user@server combination.
		.PARAMETER  Password
			Password to connect to a ESXi. It's also used as a parameter for plink.

		.PARAMETER  Command
			The string that plink.exe runs on a server.

		.PARAMETER  PathToPlink
			Used if for some reason you don't want to put plink.exe in the module folder.

		.PARAMETER  ShowWindow
			Enables or disables appearance of the plink.exe console window.
		.PARAMETER  OperationTimeout
			The time that the module sleeps before start next operation.

			PS C:\> Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server `
					 -User root -Password 123 `
					 -Command 'ls ~; sleep 10s; exit;' `
					 -PathToPlink 'C:\plink.exe' `
					 -ShowWindow $true -OperationTimeout 10;

			System.String, System.Int32, System.Boolean


		  [string]$Password = '',
		  [bool]$ShowWindow = $true,
		  [int]$OperationTimeout = 2
		[string[]]$private:connectArgs = `
			  "-ssh $($User)@$($Server) -pw $($Password) $($Command) "
		if ($ShowWindow){
			Start-Process -FilePath $PathToPlink `
				-ArgumentList $private:connectArgs;
			Start-Process -FilePath $PathToPlink `
				-ArgumentList $private:connectArgs -NoNewWindow;
		sleep -Seconds $OperationTimeout;
	#endregion function Invoke-ESXiCommand
	#region function New-ESXiFSDirectory
function New-ESXiFSDirectory
			Creates a directory on the datastore file system.

			This function creates a directory and is a cane.

		.PARAMETER  Server
			The name of IP address of the server you work with. 
			It's also used further as an user@server combination.
			Username that is often root. It's also used further as an user@server combination.
		.PARAMETER  Password
			Password to connect to a ESXi. It's also used as a parameter for plink.
			The absolute path to the folder which a new folder will be created within.

			The name for a new folder.

		.PARAMETER  PathToPlink
			Used if for some reason you don't want to put plink.exe in the module folder.

		.PARAMETER  OperationTimeout
			The time that the module sleeps before start next operation.

			PS C:\> New-ESXiFSDirectory -Server `
					-User root -Password 123 `
					-Path "/vmfs/volumes/datastore3" -Name foldername `
					-PathToPlink C:\plink.exe -OperationTimeout 20;

			System.String, System.Int32


		  [string]$Password = '',
		  [int]$OperationTimeout = 2
	if ($PathToPlink.Length -lt 1){$PathToPlink = $script:plinkPath;}
	[string]$private:commandToRun = "`"cd $($Path);mkdir $($Name);exit;`"";
	Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server $Server -User $User -Password $Password `
		-Command $private:commandToRun -PathToPlink $PathToPlink `
		-ShowWindow $false -OperationTimeout $OperationTimeout;
	#endregion function New-ESXiFSDirectory
	#region function Register-ESXiVM
function Register-ESXiVM
			Register an VMX file.

			this function register a new virtual machine specified as a full path to its .vmx file.

		.PARAMETER  Server
			The name of IP address of the server you work with. 
			It's also used further as an user@server combination.
			Username that is often root. It's also used further as an user@server combination.
		.PARAMETER  Password
			Password to connect to a ESXi. It's also used as a parameter for plink.

			The full path to a VMX file.

		.PARAMETER  PathToPlink
			Used if for some reason you don't want to put plink.exe in the module folder.
		.PARAMETER  OperationTimeout
			The time that the module sleeps before start next operation.

			PS C:\> Register-ESXiVM -Server `
						-User root -Password 123 `
						-Path "/vmfs/volumes/datastore3/vmname/vmname.vmx" `
						-PathToPlink C:\plink.exe;

			System.String, System.Int32


		  [string]$Password = '',
		  [int]$OperationTimeout = 20
	if ($PathToPlink.Length -lt 1){$PathToPlink = $script:plinkPath;}
	[string]$private:commandToRun = "`"/bin/vim-cmd solo/registervm $($Path);exit;`"";
	Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server $Server -User $User -Password $Password `
		-Command $private:commandToRun -PathToPlink $PathToPlink `
		-ShowWindow $false -OperationTimeout $OperationTimeout;
	#endregion function Register-ESXiVM
	#region function Start-ESXiVM
function Start-ESXiVM
			Starts a powered off orsuspended virtual machine.

			This function is intended to start a new virtual machine as well as an existing one.
			In case the machine is generated from an image, it also answer the question whether
			the machine was copied or moved.

		.PARAMETER  Server
			The name of IP address of the server you work with. 
			It's also used further as an user@server combination.
			Username that is often root. It's also used further as an user@server combination.
		.PARAMETER  Password
			Password to connect to a ESXi. It's also used as a parameter for plink.

			The Id of a virtual machine that is generated by the server that hosts it.

		.PARAMETER  PathToPlink
			Used if for some reason you don't want to put plink.exe in the module folder.
		.PARAMETER  OperationTimeout
			The time that the module sleeps before start next operation.

			PS C:\> Start-ESXiVM -Server `
						-User root -Password 123 `
						-Id 504 `
						-PathToPlink C:\plink.exe;

			System.String, System.Int32


		  [string]$Password = '',
		  [int]$OperationTimeout = 10
	if ($PathToPlink.Length -lt 1){$PathToPlink = $script:plinkPath;}
	[string]$private:commandToRun = "`"/bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on $($Id.ToString());exit;`"";
	Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server $Server -User $User -Password $Password `
		-Command $private:commandToRun -PathToPlink $PathToPlink `
		-ShowWindow $true -OperationTimeout $OperationTimeout;
	try{Get-VM -Id $Id;
		if ((Get-VM -Id $Id).PowerState -eq `
		[string]$private:commandToRun = "`"/bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/message $($Id.ToString()) 0 2;exit;`"";
		Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server $Server -User $User -Password $Password `
			-Command $private:commandToRun -PathToPlink $PathToPlink `
			-ShowWindow $true -OperationTimeout 2;}
		[string]$private:commandToRun = "`"/bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/message $($Id.ToString()) 0 2;exit;`"";
		Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server $Server -User $User -Password $Password `
			-Command $private:commandToRun -PathToPlink $PathToPlink `
			-ShowWindow $true -OperationTimeout 2;
	#endregion function Start-ESXiVM
	#region function Stop-ESXiVM
function Stop-ESXiVM
			Powers off (or what is set for this option on your server) a virtual machine.

			This funciton simply 'presses' the red button.

		.PARAMETER  Server
			The name of IP address of the server you work with. 
			It's also used further as an user@server combination.
			Username that is often root. It's also used further as an user@server combination.
		.PARAMETER  Password
			Password to connect to a ESXi. It's also used as a parameter for plink.

			The Id of a virtual machine that is generated by the server that hosts it.

		.PARAMETER  PathToPlink
			Used if for some reason you don't want to put plink.exe in the module folder.
		.PARAMETER  OperationTimeout
			The time that the module sleeps before start next operation.

			PS C:\> Stop-ESXiVM -Server `
						-User root -Password 123 `
						-Id (Get-ESXiVMId $vm);

			System.String, System.Int32


		  [string]$Password = '',
		  [int]$OperationTimeout = 60
	if ($PathToPlink.Length -lt 1){$PathToPlink = $script:plinkPath;}
	[string]$private:commandToRun = "`"/bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/power.off $($Id.ToString());exit;`"";
	Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server $Server -User $User -Password $Password `
		-Command $private:commandToRun -PathToPlink $PathToPlink `
		-ShowWindow $true -OperationTimeout $OperationTimeout;
	#endregion function Stop-ESXiVM
	#region function Suspend-ESXiVM
function Suspend-ESXiVM
			Puts a virtual machine into a suspended state.

			This function 'presses' the yellow button.

		.PARAMETER  Server
			The name of IP address of the server you work with. 
			It's also used further as an user@server combination.
			Username that is often root. It's also used further as an user@server combination.
		.PARAMETER  Password
			Password to connect to a ESXi. It's also used as a parameter for plink.

			The Id of a virtual machine that is generated by the server that hosts it.

		.PARAMETER  PathToPlink
			Used if for some reason you don't want to put plink.exe in the module folder.
		.PARAMETER  OperationTimeout
			The time that the module sleeps before start next operation.

			PS C:\> Suspend-ESXiVM -Server `
						-User root -Password 123 `
						-Id $private:vmId `
						-PathToPlink C:\plink.exe;

			System.String, System.Int32


		  [string]$Password = '',
		  [int]$OperationTimeout = 60
	if ($PathToPlink.Length -lt 1){$PathToPlink = $script:plinkPath;}
	[string]$private:commandToRun = "`"/bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/power.suspend $($Id.ToString());exit;`"";
	Invoke-ESXiCommand -Server $Server -User $User -Password $Password `
		-Command $private:commandToRun -PathToPlink $PathToPlink `
		-ShowWindow $true -OperationTimeout $OperationTimeout;
	#endregion function Suspend-ESXiVM
	#region function Get-ESXiVMId
function Get-ESXiVMId
			Returns the Id of a virtual machine.

			This function receives a virtual machine object and extract the Id property.

			The VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineImpl object.

			PS C:\> [int]$private:vmId = `
						Get-ESXiVMId -VM (Get-VM -Name $VMName);



	#[int]$private:vmId = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match( `
	#		(Get-VM -Name $private:currentVMName).Id.ToString(), "(?<=[-]).*").Value
	[int]$private:vmId = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match( `
			$VM.Id.ToString(), "(?<=[-]).*").Value;
	return $private:vmId;
	#endregion function Get-ESXiVMId
	#region function Get-ESXiVMName
function Get-ESXiVMName
			Returns the name of a virtual machine that contains a guest with name given.

			This function enumerates all the virtual machines hosted on a server 
			in order to get the name that has the corresponding virtual machine.

		.PARAMETER  VMHostname
			Ths name(s) of the guest host(s).

			PS C:\> $vmname = Get-ESXiVMName -VMHostname 'B45E19A64B5E418'



	[System.Collections.ArrayList]$vmnames = `
		New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
	[VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineImpl[]]$vmss = `
		Get-VM *;

	for ([int]$private:i = 0; $private:i -lt $VMHostname.Length; $private:i++)
		[bool]$addEmptyName = $true;
		foreach($vm in $vmss)
			if ($vm.Name -ne $null -and `
				$vm.Guest -ne $null -and `
				$vm.Guest.HostName -ne $null -and `
				$vm.Guest.HostName.Length -gt 0){
				if ($vm.Guest.HostName.toUpper() -eq `
					$VMHostname[$private:i].toUpper() -or `
					$null = $vmnames.Add($vm.Name);
					$addEmptyName = $false;
#		}
		if ($addEmptyName){$vmnames.Add("");}
	return $vmnames;
	#endregion function Get-ESXiVMName
	#region function New-ESXiVMs
function New-ESXiVMs
			Generates a bunch of virtual machines.

			This function generates new virtual machine by copying the existing virtual machine files,
			replacing the name of the original machine with the name that's provided and
			copying the result to the server the module connected..
		.PARAMETER  TemplateVMName
			The name of the virtual machine used as a template.
			The number of virtual machines you need.
		.PARAMETER  Logname
			The full path to the log file.
			The base name of new virtual machines. Virtual machines will be named in the follwing order:

		.PARAMETER  BasePath
			The path in the local file system where the template resides. the hardcoded values are
			basepath\hdd - the folder where the virtual disk(s) 
			<templatevm>-Snapshot<number>.vmsn (snapshot of a machine that was turned on)
			are stored. In short, the files of megabyte of gigabyte size.
			basepath\template - the folder where the rest of files 
			<templatevm>.vmdk (the header),
			<templatevm>-Snapshot<number>.vmsn (snapshot of a machine that was turned off)
			) reside, in other words, the files the size of which
			are measured in kilobytes

		.PARAMETER  PathToPlink
			Used if for some reason you don't want to put plink.exe in the module folder.
		.PARAMETER  OperationTimeout
			The time that the module sleeps before start next operation.
			PS C:\> New-ESXiVMs -TemplateVMName 'template XP SP2 Sv' -Count 20 `
						-Logname "C:\VMTests\20VMs.txt" -NewVMName 'XPSP2a' `
						-BasePath 'C:\VMTests\xpsp2';

			System.String, System.Int32


	[int]$Count = 1,
	[string]$NewVMName = 'newVM_',
	[int]$OperationTimeout = 600
	if ($PathToPlink.Length -lt 1){$PathToPlink = $script:plinkPath;}
	# the need in storaging a template VM on a host is deprecated
	# if we used traditional PowerCLI cmdlets, it would be easy to read properties from a template
	# or use a template and put the data to a new machine or even create one from template
	#[VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineImpl]$script:templateVM = `
	#	Get-VM -Server $script:esxiserver -Name $TemplateVMName;
	#if ($script:templateVM -eq $null)
	#	Write-Error "Couldn`'t get the '$($TemplateVMName)' virtual machine on the $($script:esxiserver) host.";
	#	return;

	for ($private:i = 0; $private:i -lt $Count; $private:i++)
		[string]$private:currentVMName = $NewVMName + ($private:i + 1).ToString();
		"$(Get-CurrentTime)Start creating the virtual machine '$($private:currentVMName)'" >> $Logname; 
	#region	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#	$private:newvm = New-VM -VM $script:templateVM `
	#		-Name $private:currentVMName `
	#		-Datastore $script:datastore `
	#		-VMHost $script:vmhost;
	#endregion	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#region	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#	$private:newvm = New-VM `
	#		-Name $private:currentVMName `
	#		-Datastore $script:datastore `
	#		-VMHost $script:vmhost; # `
	#		#-MemoryMB $script:templateVM.MemoryMB `
	#		#-NumCpu $script:templateVM.NumCpu
	#endregion	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
		New-Item -Path "$($BasePath)\$($private:currentVMName)" -type directory -Force;
		[string]$templateStorage = $BasePath + "\template";
		[string]$hddStorage = $BasePath + "\hdd";
		Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $templateStorage | `
		%{[string]$currentFile = $_.FullName; 
			[string]$newFile = `
				$currentFile.ToLower().Replace("$($templateStorage)\$($TemplateVMname)".ToLower(), `
		"Changing $($currentFile) to $($newFile)" >> $Logname;
		Copy-Item -Path $currentFile -Destination $newFile;
			(Get-Content $newFile) | %{ $_ -replace $TemplateVMname, $private:currentVMName; } | `
				Set-Content -Path $newFile;}
		New-ESXiFSDirectory -Server $script:esxiserver.Name -User $script:esxiserver.User -Password $script:pwd `
			-Path "/vmfs/volumes/$($script:datastore.Name)" -Name $private:currentVMName `
			-PathToPlink $PathToPlink -OperationTimeout 20;
		"$(Get-CurrentTime)Copying the config files '$($private:currentVMName)'" >> $Logname;
		Copy-DatastoreItem -Item "$($BasePath)\$($private:currentVMName)\$($private:currentVMName)*.*" `
			-Destination "$($script:dsdrive):\$($private:currentVMName)\";
		"$(Get-CurrentTime)Copying the virtual drive image(s) '$($private:currentVMName)'" >> $Logname;
		Get-ChildItem -Path "$($hddStorage)" | 
			%{[string]$private:newFileName = $_.Name.Replace($TemplateVMname, $private:currentVMName);
			Copy-DatastoreItem -Item $_.FullName `
				-Destination "$($script:dsdrive):\$($private:currentVMName)\$($private:newFileName)";}
	#region	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#	$private:newvm = `
	#		New-VM -VMHost $script:vmhost `
	#		-VMFilePath "$($script:dsdrive):\$($private:currentVMName)\$($private:currentVMName).vmx";
	#endregion	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#region	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#	Copy-HardDisk -HardDisk $vm.HardDisks[0] `
	#		-DestinationPath "[$($DatastoreName)] $($private:currentVMName)/"
	#	Copy-DatastoreItem -Item "$($script:dsdrive):\templXPSP3\templXPSP3.vmdk" -Destination "$($script:dsdrive):\3\1.vmdk"
	#endregion	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
		"$(Get-CurrentTime)Registering the VM '$($private:currentVMName)'" >> $Logname;
		Register-ESXiVM -Server $script:esxiserver.Name -User $script:esxiserver.User -Password $script:pwd `
			-Path "/vmfs/volumes/$($script:datastore.Name)/$($private:currentVMName)/$($private:currentVMName).vmx" `
			-PathToPlink $PathToPlink;

		[int]$private:vmId = Get-ESXiVMId -VM (Get-VM -Name $private:currentVMName);
	#region	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#	Start-VM -VM (Get-VM -Name $private:currentVMName) -RunAsync;
	#endregion	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
		"$(Get-CurrentTime)Starting the VM '$($private:currentVMName)'" >> $Logname;
		Start-ESXiVM -Server $script:esxiserver.Name -User $script:esxiserver.User -Password $script:pwd `
			-Id $private:vmId `
			-PathToPlink $PathToPlink;
	#region	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#	Set-VMQuestion -VMQuestion (Get-VM XPSP3_2 | Get-VMQuestion) -Option 'I copied it' -Confirm:$false
	#endregion	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
		sleep -Seconds $OperationTimeout;
	#region	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
	#	Get-VM $private:currentVMName | Suspend-VMGuest
	#endregion	#Unsupported for the ESXi host:
		Suspend-ESXiVM -Server $script:esxiserver.Name -User $script:esxiserver.User -Password $script:pwd `
			-Id $private:vmId `
			-PathToPlink $PathToPlink;
	#endregion function New-ESXiVMs
#endregion public functions

# Tested functions
Export-ModuleMember -Function Connect-ESXi, Invoke-ESXiCommand, New-ESXiFSDirectory; 
Export-ModuleMember -Function Register-ESXiVM, Start-ESXiVM, Suspend-ESXiVM, New-ESXiVMs;
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ESXiVMId, Get-ESXiVMName, Disconnect-ESXi, Stop-ESXiVM;