PoshCode Archive  Artifact [abf9cd9981]

Artifact abf9cd9981b7e314caacf7d03529db0c5552b26fd57746c51a3006f8e5f1bfe4:

  • File Robocopy-Log-analyser.ps1 — part of check-in [22b4d82c5d] at 2018-06-10 14:01:11 on branch trunk — A function to analyse Robocopy logs which are placed in a folder. (user: Bart Lievers size: 27564)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Robocopy Log analyser
# description: A function to analyse Robocopy logs which are placed in a folder.
# version: 165.24
# type: function
# author: Bart Lievers
# license: CC0
# function: Analyse-RC_Log
# x-poshcode-id: 5777
# x-archived: 2017-05-22T01:53:02
# x-published: 2017-03-08T20:56:00
# It returns a custom PS object containing three properties:
# – filename of the CSV file where the results are writen to.
# – RC like summary of all the RC Logs.
# – The results, same data as in the CSV file.
function Analyse-RC_Log {
        Robocopy log analyser
        analysing the robocopy logs that are generated with the /LOG option.
        It has two modes, anaylsing the summary of log files and analyse the full log.
        The report is saved as a CSV file.
        Returns an custom object containing a RC summary like property, a CSV property.
        During script process the Culture of the script is changed to en-US for date and number interpretation / calculations

        Script is based on Robocopy log analyser from http://www.chapmancentral.co.uk/cloudy/2013/02/23/parsing-robocopy-logs-in-powershell/
        >Analyse-RC_Log -SourcePath d:\RC_logdir -ExcelCSV -fp -unitsize GB
        Analyse log files in d:\RC_logdir, use a semicolon in the CSV file (conform MS Excel). Parse the complete log files and report al Bytes sizes as GB
        >$Result=Analyse-RC_Log -SourcePath d:\RC_logdir -ExcelCSV -fp -unitsize GB
	>& $Result.ReportFileName
	>$Result.Summary | out-gridview
	opens the CSV file and show the summary in a powershell gridview
        File Parsing. Parse the complete file instead of the heather and footer
    .PARAMETER SourcePath
        Path where the Robocopy logs are saved.
        Use a semicolon as seperator
    .Parameter UnitSize
        Report al Byte sizes  in given unit size.
        File Name      : Analyse-RC_Log.ps1
        Author         : B. Lievers
        Prerequisite   : PowerShell V2 over Vista and upper.
        Copyright 2015 - Bart Lievers

	    [parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Source Path with no trailing slash')][string]$SourcePath,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage='Unit size, default is Bytes when parameter is not present')][ValidateSet("B","GB","KB","MB","TB")][string]$UnitSize
    begin {
        $OldCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture
            [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $OldCulture
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $culture
        Write-Verbose ("Changing Locale from "+$oldCulture.Name+" to "+$culture.Name)

        write-host "Robocopy log parser. $(if($fp){"Parsing file entries"} else {"Parsing summaries only, use -fp to parse file entries"})"
        $ElapsedTime = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        $refreshrate=1 # progress counter refreshes this often when parsing files (in seconds)

        #region initialize header fields
        # These summary fields always appear in this order in a robocopy log
        $HeaderParams = @{
	        "04|Started" = "date";	
	        "01|Source" = "string";
	        "02|Dest" = "string";
	        "03|Options" = "string";
	        "07|Dirs" = "counts";
	        "08|Files" = "counts";
	        "09|Bytes" = "counts";
	        "10|Times" = "counts";
	        "05|Ended" = "date"
	        #"06|Duration" = "string"
        #-- summary fields for file tag statistics during file parsing, swich -fp
            "01|MISMATCH" = ""
            "02|EXTRA file" = ""
            "03|New File" = ""
            "04|lonely" = ""
            "05|Newer" = ""
            "06|Newer XN" = ""
            "07|Older" = ""
            "08|Older XO" = ""
            "09|Changed" = ""
            "10|Changed XC" = ""
            "11|Tweaked" = ""
            "12|Same IS" = ""
            "13|Same" = ""
            "14|attrib" = ""
            "15|named" = ""
            "16|large" = ""
            "17|small" = ""
            "18|too old" = ""
            "19|too new" = ""
            "20|New Dir"= ""
        #-- summary fields for directory tag statistics during file parsing, swich -fp
            "01|MISMATCH" = ""
            "02|Extra Dir" = ""
            "03|New Dir" = ""
            "04|lonely" = ""
            "05|named" = ""
            "06|junction" = ""
            "07|exist" = ""

        $ProcessCounts = @{
	        "Processed" = 0;
	        "Error" = 0;
	        "Incomplete" = 0

        #-- Default the CSV delim is a comma, when using CSV for Excel a semicolon is needed as delimmiter
        if ($ExcelCSV) { $Delim=";"} else {$Delim=","}
         #-- ASCII tab character

         #-- Get list of files to analyse
        $files=get-childitem $SourcePath
        #-- let's start writing, shall we ? 
        $writer=new-object System.IO.StreamWriter("$(get-location)\robocopy-$(get-date -format "dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss").csv")

        #region private functions
        function Get-Tail{
                Get tail of file
                >Get-Tail $reader 20
            .PARAMETER reader
                an IO stream file object
            .PARAMETER count
                Number of rows to collect
            Param (
                [int]$count = 10

	        $lineCount = 0
	        [long]$pos = $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1
	        while($pos -gt 0) {
		        # 0x0D (#13) = CR
		        # 0x0A (#10) = LF
		        if ($reader.BaseStream.ReadByte() -eq 10) {
			        if ($lineCount -ge $count) { break }
	        # tests for file shorter than requested tail
	        if ($lineCount -lt $count -or $pos -ge $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1) {
	        } else {
		        # $reader.BaseStream.Position = $pos+1
	        while(!$reader.EndOfStream) {
		        $lines += $reader.ReadLine()
	        return $lines
        function Get-Top {
                Get top of file
                >Get-Top $reader 20
            .PARAMETER reader
                an IO stream file object
            .PARAMETER count
                Number of rows to collect
                [int]$count = 10

	        $lineCount = 0
	        while(($linecount -lt $count) -and !$reader.EndOfStream) {
		        $lines += $reader.ReadLine()		
	        return $lines
        function Remove-Key{
                Return the name without the ID
                >Remove-Key -name "01|example"
            .PARAMETER name
                a string where the ID needs to be stripped
            Param ( $name 
	        if ( $name -match "|") {
		        return $name.split("|")[1]
	        } else {
		        return ( $name )
        function Get-Value{
                Get the value of a RC line
                >Get-Value -line " filecount : 35555" -variable "Filecount"
                Returns 35555
            .PARAMETER line
                A RC log string
            .PARAMETER variable
                The variable that needs to be extracted
	        if ($line -like "*$variable*" -and $line -like "* : *" ) {
		        $result = $line.substring( $line.IndexOf(":")+1 )
		        return $result 
	        } else {
		        return $null
        function UnBodge-Date{
                Convert Robocopy date to a usable format
                >UnBodge-Date -dt "Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013"
                Returns 16-02-2013 00:16:49 in Locale format
            .PARAMETER dt
	        # Fixes RoboCopy botched date-times in format Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013
	        if ( $dt -match ".{3} .{3} \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4}" ) {
		        $dt=$dt.split(" ")
		        $dt -join " " | Out-Null
	        if ( $dt -as [DateTime] ) {
                return(get-date $dt -format "dd/MM/yyy HH:mm:ss")
	        } else {
		        return $null
        function Unpack-Params{
	            Unpacks file count bloc in the format
	             Dirs :      1827         0      1827         0         0         0
	            Files :      9791         0      9791         0         0         0
	            Bytes :  165.24 m         0  165.24 m         0         0         0
	            Times :   1:11:23   0:00:00                       0:00:00   1:11:23
	            Parameter name already removed
                >UnBodge-Date -dt "Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013"
                Returns 16-02-2013 00:16:49 in Locale format
            .PARAMETER params
	        if ( $params.length -ge 58 ) {
		        $params = $params.ToCharArray()
		        for ( $i = 0; $i -le 5; $i++ ) {
			        $result[$i]=$($params[$($i*10 + 1) .. $($i*10 + 9)] -join "").trim()
		        #$result=$result -join ","
                $result=$result -join $Delim
	        } else {
		        #$result = ",,,,,"
	        return $result
    } #-- end of Begin
    $sourcecount = 0
        $targetcount = 1

        #region construct the header line of the CSV
    foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
	    if ( $HeaderParam.value -eq "counts" ) {
            $tmp="~ Total"+$Delim+"~ Copied"+$Delim+"~ Skipped"+$Delim+"~ Mismatch"+$Delim+"~ Failed"+$Delim+"~ Extras"
            if ((Remove-Key $headerparam.name) -match "Bytes") {
                #-- if column header is a Bytes Column then match it to the unitsize
                if ($UnitSize -and $UnitSize -ne "B") {
                    #-- change the Bytes header according to the unitsize, Unitsize is GB ==> header is GBytes
		            $tmp=$tmp.replace("~",$UnitSize.Substring(0,1)+ "$(Remove-Key $headerparam.name)")
                } else {
                    $tmp=$tmp.replace("~","$(Remove-Key $headerparam.name)")
            } else {
		        $tmp=$tmp.replace("~","$(Remove-Key $headerparam.name)")
	    } else {
            $writer.write($Delim+"$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.name)")
            $fields=$fields+$Delim+"$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.name)"
        foreach ($fileTag in $filetags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
        foreach ($DirTag in $Dirtags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
            $writer.write($Delim+"DIR "+$DirTag.name.split("|")[1])
             $fields=$fields+$delim+"DIR "+$DirTag.name.split("|")[1]
     # EOL

        # Enumerate the files
        foreach ($file in $files) {  
            write-host "$filecount/$($files.count) $($file.name) ($($file.length) bytes)"
            #-- open the file
	        $Stream = $file.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, 
	        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Stream) 
	        $HeaderFooter = Get-Top $reader 16
	        if ( $HeaderFooter -match "ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows" ) {
                #-- file has valid header
		        if ( $HeaderFooter -match "Files : " ) {
			        $HeaderFooter = $HeaderFooter -notmatch "Files : "
		        $Footer = Get-Tail $reader 16
                #check footer of file
		        $ErrorFooter = $Footer -match "ERROR \d \(0x000000\d\d\) Accessing Source Directory"
		        if ($ErrorFooter) {
			        write-host -foregroundcolor red "`t $ErrorFooter"
		        } elseif ( $footer -match "---------------" ) {
			        while ( !($Footer[$i] -like "*----------------------*") -or $i -lt 1 ) { $i-- }
		        } else {
			        #write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`t Log file $file is missing the footer and may be incomplete"
                    write-warning "`t Log file $file is missing the footer and may be incomplete"
		        foreach ( $HeaderParam in $headerparams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
			        $name = "$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.Name)"
			        $tmp = Get-Value $($HeaderFooter -match "$name : ") $name
			        if ( $tmp -ne "" -and $tmp -ne $null ) {
				        switch ( $HeaderParam.value ) {
					        "date" { $results[$name]=UnBodge-Date $tmp.trim() }
					        "counts" { $results[$name]=Unpack-Params $tmp }
					        "string" { $results[$name] = """$($tmp.trim())""" }		
					        default { $results[$name] = $tmp.trim() }		
                    #-- convert bytes statistics to numbers
                    if ($name -eq "Bytes" -and ($results[$name] -ne $null)) {
                        $results[$name].split($Delim) | % {
                            #-- convert value to MBytes 
                            if ($Bytes -match "m|g|t|k") {
                                switch ($Bytes.split(" ")[1]) {                
                                    "m" {$conv=1MB*$Bytes.replace(" m","MB")/1MB}
                                    "k" {$conv=1KB*$Bytes.replace(" k","KB")/1KB}
                                    "g" {$conv=1GB*$Bytes.replace(" g","GB")/1GB}
                                    "t" {$conv=1TB*$Bytes.replace(" t","TB")/1TB}
                            } else { 
                                #-- copy original value, no unit sign detected
                                $conv = $Bytes
                            #-- convert size 
                            switch ($UnitSize) {
                                "MB" {$tmp+=($conv/1MB)}
                                "KB" {$tmp+=($conv/1KB)}
                                "GB" {$tmp+=($conv/1GB)}
                                "TB" {$tmp+=($conv/1TB)}
                                default {$tmp+=($conv)} #-- no conversion needed. Size is in Bytes
                        #-- rebuild string
                        $results[$name]=$tmp -join $delim                    
                    } #-- end of converting bytes statistics          
		        } #-- end of parsing headerparam fields

		        if ( $fp ) {
                    #-- parse the complete file
			        write-host "Parsing $($reader.BaseStream.Length) bytes" -NoNewLine
			        # Now go through the file line by line
                    $FileTags.GetEnumerator() | select name | %{ $FT_counters.add($_.name.split("|")[1],0)}
                    $DirTags.GetEnumerator() | select name | %{ $DT_counters.add($_.name.split("|")[1],0)}
			        $filesdone = $false
			        try {
				        do {
					        $line = $reader.ReadLine()
					        if (($line -eq "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -and $linenumber -gt 16)  ) { 
						        # line is end of job
					        } elseif ($linenumber -gt 16 -and $line -gt "" ) {
                                #-- split line according to TAB

						        if ( $buckets.count -gt 3 ) {
                                    #-- line contains file information
                                    #-- File tag counters
                                    if ($status -ceq "Newer") { $FT_counters["$status" +" XN"]++ }
                                    elseif ($status -ceq "Older") {  $FT_counters["$status" +" XO"]++ } 
                                    elseif ($status -ceq "Changed") {  $FT_counters["$status" +" XC"]++ }
                                    elseif ($status -ceq "same") {  $FT_counters["$status" +" IS"]++ }
                                    else {$FT_counters["$status"]++}

                                    #-- Get Timestamp from file
							        if ($sizedatetime.length -gt 19 ) {
								        $DateTime = $sizedatetime.substring($sizedatetime.length -19)
								        if ( $DateTime -as [DateTime] ){
									        if ( $DateTimeValue -gt $newest ) { $newest = $DateTimeValue }
									        if ( $DateTimeValue -lt $oldest ) { $oldest = $DateTimeValue }
						        } elseif ($buckets.count -eq 3) {
                                    #-- line contains directory information
                                    #-- Directory tag counters
                                    if ($status.length -gt 0){
                                    } else {

                            #-- progress indicator 
					        if ( $elapsedtime.elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $tick ) {
						        if ( $line.Length -gt 48 ) {
						        $line="$([char]13)Parsing > $($linenumber) ($(($reader.BaseStream.Position/$reader.BaseStream.length).tostring("P1"))) - $line"
						        write-host $line.PadRight($LastLineLength) -NoNewLine
						        $LastLineLength = $line.length
				        } until ($filesdone -or $reader.endofstream)
			        finally {
			        write-host $line -NoNewLine

                #-- write results
                #-- write values
		        foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
			        $name = "$(Remove-Key $HeaderParam.Name)"
			        if ( $results[$name] ) {
			        } else {
				        if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
					        #-- placeholder
				        } elseif ( $HeaderParam.Value -eq "counts" ) {
                            #-- write summary counters
				        } else {
		        if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
			        $tmp = $($ErrorFooter -join "").substring(20)
		        } elseif ( $fp ) {
                    #-- write values from file parsing		
			        $writer.write($delim+"$LineCount"+$delim+"$($newest.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))"+$delim+"$($oldest.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))")		
                    #-- write File tag counters	
                    foreach ($fileTag in $filetags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
                    #-- write directory tag counters
                    foreach ($DirTag in $DirTags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
                #-- EOL
	        } else {
                #-- file is not a RoboCopy log file
		        #write-host -foregroundcolor darkgray "$($file.name) is not recognised as a RoboCopy log file"
                write-warning "$($file.name) is not recognised as a RoboCopy log file"
    } #- -end of Process

        #-- write and output results
        write-host "$filecount files scanned in $($elapsedtime.elapsed.tostring()), $($ProcessCounts["Processed"]) complete, $($ProcessCounts["Error"]) have errors, $($ProcessCounts["Incomplete"]) incomplete"
        write-host  "Results written to $($writer.basestream.name)"
        $writer.close() #-- yes, we are done writing
        #-- create output object, containing name of CSV file and Report object
        $Output=New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ReportFileName=$CSVFile
                                                          Report=ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter $Delim -InputObject $table

        #-- summize, build a Robocopy like Summary
        $types | % {
            $row= "" | select  Type,Total,Copied,Skipped,Mismatch,FAILED,Extras
            if ($row.type -ilike "Times") { 
                #-- calculate times
                $Output.Report | %{
                    if ($_.ended.length -gt 0){
                        #-- only use data from complete RC logs
                        $row.total=$row.total+[timespan]$_."Times Total"
                        $row.Failed=$row.Failed+[timespan]$_."Times Failed"
                        $row.Copied=$row.Copied+[timespan]$_."Times Copied"
                        $row.Extras=$row.Extras+[timespan]$_."Times Extras"   
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose ("RC log "+$_.file+" skipped for summary calculation. Log file is not complete.")
            } elseif ($row.type -ilike "Speed") {
                #-- Calculate speed
                $output.Report | %{
                        if ($_.ended.length -gt 0){
                            #-- only use data from complete RC logs
                            $Duration=$Duration+[timespan]$_."Times Copied"
                $row.Copied="{0:N1}" -F ((($output.report | Measure-Object -Property (("Bytes".replace("B",$SizeUnit))+" Copied") -Sum).sum) / $Duration.seconds)
            } else {
                #-calculate counters
                $row.Total="{0:N1}" -f ($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Total") -Sum).sum
                $row.Copied="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Copied") -Sum).sum
                $row.Skipped="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Skipped") -Sum).sum
                $row.Mismatch="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Mismatch") -Sum).sum
                $row.Failed="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Failed") -Sum).sum
                $row.Extras="{0:N1}" -f($output.report | Measure-Object -Property ($row.type+" Extras") -Sum).sum
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $OldCulture
        Write-Verbose ("Changed Locale back to "+$oldCulture.Name)
        return($output) #-- done, fini, finaly....
    } #-- end of End