# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: IniFile Functions
# description: A bunch of functions for working with .ini files…
# version: 1.0
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Get-IniSection
# x-poshcode-id: 3711
# x-archived: 2012-10-27T16:45:00
# x-published: 2012-10-24T09:08:00
function Get-IniSection($inifile,$section)
$sections = select-string "^\[.*\]" $inifile
if(!$section) {
return $sections | %{$_.Line.Trim("[]")}
$start = 0
{$_.Line.Trim() -eq "[$section]"}{
$start = $_.LineNumber -1
default {
return (gc $inifile)[($start)..($start + ($_.LineNumber-2 - $start))]
$lines = gc $inifile
return $lines[$start..($lines.length-1)]
function Get-IniValue($inifile,$section,$name)
$section = Get-IniSection $inifile $section
($section | Select-String "^\s*$name\s*=").Line.Split("=",2)[1]
function Set-IniValue($inifile,$section,$name,$value)
$lines = gc $inifile
$sections = select-string "^\[.*\]" $inifile
$start,$end = 0,0
for($l=0; $l -lt $sections.Count; ++$l){
if($sections[$l].Line.Trim() -eq "[$section]") {
$start = $sections[$l].LineNumber
if($l+1 -ge $sections.Count) {
$end = $lines.length-1;
} else {
$end = $sections[$l+1].LineNumber -2
if($start -and $end) {
$done = $false
for($l=$start;$l -le $end;++$l){
if( $lines[$l] -match "^\s*$name\s*=" ) {
$lines[$l] = "{0} = {1}" -f $name, $value
$done = $true
if(!$done) {
$output = $lines[0..$start]
$output += "{0} = {1}" -f $name, $value
$output += $lines[($start+1)..($lines.Length-1)]
$lines = $output
Set-Content $inifile $lines
## This is a ... different way of doing it,
## which will be faster if you need to read lots of values
#### HOWEVER ####
## I don't recommend using Set-IniFile, because it will loose any comments etc
function Get-IniFile {
param([string]$inifile=$(Throw "You must specify the name of an ini file!"))
$INI = @{}
$s,$k,$v = $null
foreach($line in (gc $inifile | ? {$_[0] -ne ";" -and $_.Trim().Length -gt 0})) {
$k,$v = $line.Split("=",2)
if($v -eq $null) {
$s = $k.Trim("[]")
$INI[$s] = @{}
} else {
$INI[$s][$k.Trim()] = $v.Trim()
return $INI
function Set-IniFile {
param([HashTable]$ini,[string]$inifile=$(Throw "You must specify the name of an ini file!"))
[string[]]$inistring = @()
foreach($section in $ini.Keys) {
#Add-Content $inifile ("[{0}]" -f $section)
$inistring += ("`n[{0}]" -f $section)
foreach($key in $ini[$section].Keys) {
$inistring += ("{0} = {1}" -f $key, $ini[$section][$key])
# make the write be atomic ...
Set-Content $inifile $inistring