PoshCode Archive  Artifact [ae1efe418c]

Artifact ae1efe418cd5fb53c64aed8628988d583ff4019a57a5a3a97e352a00bba987f5:

  • File Spin-Busy.ps1 — part of check-in [854756d7b0] at 2018-06-10 12:58:39 on branch trunk — Spin-Busy displays a “spinning” character with each step reflecting an individual pipeline object being passed through. (user: Joe Otto size: 4068)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Spin-Busy
# description: Spin-Busy displays a “spinning” character with each step reflecting an individual pipeline object being passed through.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Joe Otto
# license: CC0
# function: Spin-Busy
# x-poshcode-id: 157
# x-archived: 2017-04-30T12:13:45
# x-published: 2008-03-09T21:49:00
# The current cursor position, fg/bg colors, screen width, etc. can be specified or automatically detected.
# ##
# This is very loosly adapted from Out-Working by Joel Bennett (http://powershellcentral.com/scripts/105).
# ##
# Parameters:
# -msWait	Can be specified in order to insert a delay (in ms) after each character is written
# -spinStr	Can be specified in order to use an alternate set of “spin” characters (see below)
# -spinChars	Can be specified in order to use an alternate set of “spin” characters (see below)
# -rawUI		Can be specified if an alternate console window is to be used
# -bgColor	Can be specified to use a background color different than the current configuration
# -fgColor	Can be specified to use a foreground color different than the current configuration
# -curPos	Can be specified to spin in a different location than the current cursor position
# -startX	Can be specified to start spinning at a different “X” coordinate than the current cursor position
# -maxX		Can be specified to limit spinning to less than the current window width
# -trails	Can be used to leave a “trail” of characters to help with longer term waits
# ##
# If specified, -spinStr is passed as a string of characters with the last 2 characters being the trailing and blank character, respectively.
# Default: ‘\|/. ‘, spinning ‘\|/’, trailing with ‘.’ and blanking empty cells with ‘ ‘ when complete.
# ##
# If specified, -spinChars is passed as an array of characters with the last 2 elements being the trailing and blank character, respectively.
# Default: @(’‘, ‘\’, ‘|’, ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘ ‘), spinning ‘\|/’, trailing with ‘.’ and blanking empty cells with ‘ ‘ when complete.
# ##
# Examples:
# $t = (0..1000 | Spin-Busy)
# $t = (0..1000 | Spin-Busy -trails)
# $t = (0..1000 | Spin-Busy -mswait 1 -trails)
# $t = (0..1000 | Spin-Busy -mswait 1 -spinStr “123456789. “ -trails)
# $t = (0..1000 | Spin-Busy 1 -fgColor “Red” -trails)
# $t = (0..1000 | Spin-Busy 1 -fgColor “Red” -bgColor “Black” -trails)
function Spin-Busy {
		[Int]														$msWait =		0,
		[String]													$spinStr =		'-\|/. ',
		[Char[]]													$spinChars =	[Char[]] ($spinStr.ToCharArray()),
		[System.Management.Automation.Host.PSHostRawUserInterface]	$rawUI =		(Get-Host).UI.RawUI,
		[ConsoleColor]												$bgColor =		$rawUI.BackgroundColor,
		[ConsoleColor]												$fgColor =		$rawUI.ForegroundColor,
		[System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates]				$curPos =		$rawUI.Get_CursorPosition(),
		[Int32]														$startX =		$curPos.X,
		[Int32]														$maxX =			$rawUI.WindowSize.Width,
		[Switch]													$trails

	begin {
		$trailCell =	$rawUI.NewBufferCellArray(@($spinChars[-2]), $fgColor, $bgColor);
		$blankCell =	$rawUI.NewBufferCellArray(@($spinChars[-1]), $fgColor, $bgColor);

		$spinCells =	$spinChars[0..($spinChars.Count - 3)];

		for ($i=0; $i -lt ($spinCells.Count); ++$i) {
			$spinCells[$i] = $rawUI.NewBufferCellArray(@($spinCells[$i]), $fgColor, $bgColor)

		$charNdx =	0;

	process {
		if ($charNdx -lt $spinCells.Count)	{					$rawUI.SetBufferContents($curPos, $spinCells[$charNdx++]);					}
		else								{ $charNdx = 0;		$rawUI.SetBufferContents($curPos, $trailCell);
			if ($trails) {
				if (++$curPos.X -gt $maxX) 	{ do { --$curPos.X;	$rawUI.SetBufferContents($curPos, $blankCell)	} until ($curPos.X -le $startX)	}

		Start-Sleep -milliseconds $msWait

	end {
		do { $rawUI.SetBufferContents($curPos, $blankCell);	}
		until (--$curPos.X -le $startX)