# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Build-TFSProjects
# description: moved source from Poshcomm http://powershellcommunity.org/Forums/tabid/54/aff/1/aft/3804/afv/topic/afpgj/2/Default.aspx#4926 to accelerate development, and because I was sick of fighting the WYSIWYG editor…
# version: 9.0
# type: script
# author: glnsize
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1059
# x-derived-from-id: 1065
# x-archived: 2009-04-29T17:57:40
# Moved all the reporting to the debug/verbose pipeline, and cleaned up the logging.
# Script that will:
# 1. Create a workspace. Workspacce Name: _Root
# 2. Get the latest code from repository
$Outdir = "C:\Application\CSR"
Function SetTFS
$SCRIPT:tfsServer = ""
$script:userName = [system.environment]::UserName;
$script:computerName = [system.environment]::machinename
$script:workspaceName = $computerName + "_" + $userName +"_WS" #Use 'WS' as an acronym for "WorkSpace"
$script:CSRDIR = "C:\Brassring2\Application\";
$script:failed = $false
# Set up the TF Alias
# Find where VS is installed.
$key = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0
$dir = [string] (Get-ItemProperty $key.InstallDir)
$script:tf = "$dir\tf.exe"
} # End SetTFS
Function CreateWorkspace
Write-Debug "Starting CreateWorkspace"
Function DeleteWorkspace
# Delete the workspace if it exists.
Write-Verbose "Deleting workspace (if exists): $workspaceName"
$log += "Deleting workspace (if exists): $workspaceName"
&$TF workspace /delete $workspaceName /noprompt | out-null
Write-Verbose "Done deleting workspace."
$log += "Done deleting workspace."
} #END DeleteWorkspace
# Create the folder
if (! (Test-Path $CSRDIR))
Write-Verbose "Creating folder: $CSRDIR"
$log += "Creating folder: $CSRDIR"
new-item -itemtype directory -path $CSRDIR -force | out-null
Write-Verbose "Completed Creating folder: $CSRDIR"
$log += "Completed Creating folder: $CSRDIR"
# Move to folder
# Create the workspace
Write-Verbose "Creating workspace: $workspaceName"
$log += "Creating workspace: $workspaceName"
&$TF workspace /new /computer:$computerName /server:$TFsServer /noprompt $workspaceName
Write-Verbose "Done Creating workspace: $workspaceName"
$log += "Done Creating workspace: $workspaceName"
# Get the latest
Write-Verbose "Getting the latest code from: $TFsServer. This could take awhile..."
$log += "Getting the latest code from: $TFsServer. This could take awhile..."
&$TF get $/CSR/CSR /recursive
Write-Verbose "Done getting latest."
$log += "Done getting latest."
Write-Verbose "Tree initialization is complete."
$log += "Tree initialization is complete."
Write-Debug "CreateWorkspace Complete"
} #END CreateWorkspace
# Get Next Label
# Labels are BL{major}.{minor}
# major = 1 - ???
# minor = 001 - 999
Function GetNextLabel()
Write-Debug "Starting GetNextLabel"
$major = 1
$minor = 1
$list = (&$TF labels /format:brief |? { $_ -notmatch "-.+" -and $_ -notmatch "Label.+Owner.+Date"})
if ($list -ne $null) {
# Split label into major minor
$major,[int]$minor= (($list | Select-Object -last 1).split()).split(".")
# Increment minor label
# Remove BL from string, and cast to int
[int]$major = $major.substring(2)
# If minor gt 999 increment major and reset minor
if ($minor -gt 999) {
$minor = 1
# return label
$label = "BL{0}.{1:000}" -f $major, $minor
write-output $label
Write-Debug "GetNextLabel Completed"
Function MSBuild($outputdir, $webproject, $project, $ref)
Write-Debug "Starting MSBuild"
Write-Debug "outputdir: $outputdir webproject: $webproject project: $project ref: $ref"
# I think this can be cleaned up with where-object, but it's too important to play with
$failed = $false
&$MSBUILD /p:Configuration=Release /p:OutDir=$Outputdir /p:WebProjectOutputDir=$webproject $project |% {
if ($_ -match "Build FAILED") { $failed = $true } ; $_
if ($failed) { throw (new-object NullReferenceException) }
$failed = $false
&$MSBUILD /p:Configuration=Release /t:ResolveReferences /p:OutDir=$Outputdir\bin\ /p:ReferencePath=$ref $project |% {
if ($_ -match "Build FAILED") { $failed = $true } ; $_
if ($failed) { throw (new-object NullReferenceException) }
Write-Debug "MSBuild Completed"
# Create the Label
Function ApplyLabel()
Write-verbose "Create the Label"
$log += "Create the Label"
$label = GetNextLabel
&$TF label $label $/CSR/CSR /recursive
&$TF get /version:L$($label)
Write-verbose "Applied label $label"
$log += "Applied label $label"
return $Label
} # END ApplyLabel
} # End Begin
trap [Exception]
write-verbose "Build Failed"
$log += "Build Failed"
exit 1;
. SetTFS
. CreateWorkspace
. ApplyLabel
Write-Debug "No Options Found Setting ALL"
$CSRServices = $TRUE
Switch ("")
Write-Verbose "Building CSRWEB"
$log += "Building CSRWEB"
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
rm $Outdir\CSRWeb\*.config -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWeb\*.pdb -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWeb\*.dll -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWeb\*.xml -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWeb\bin\*.pdb -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWeb\bin\*.config -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWeb\bin\*.xml -recurse
Write-verbose "Build CSRWEB Successful"
$log += "Build CSRWEB Successful"
Write-verbose "Building CSRWS"
$log +="Building CSRWS"
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
rm $Outdir\CSRWS\*.config -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWS\*.pdb -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWS\*.dll -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWS\*.xml -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWS\bin\*.pdb -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWS\bin\*.config -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRWS\bin\*.xml -recurse
Write-verbose "Build CSRWS Successful"
$log += "Build CSRWS Successful"
Write-verbose "Building CSR Services"
$Log += "Building CSR Services"
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
# copy-item C:\TFSMAIN\CSR\bin\Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.dll $CSRDIR\CSRWeb\bin\ -credential
rm $Outdir\CSRSERVICES\*.config -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRSERVICES\*.pdb -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRSERVICES\*.dll -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRSERVICES\*.xml -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRSERVICES\bin\*.pdb -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRSERVICES\bin\*.config -recurse
rm $Outdir\CSRSERVICES\bin\*.xml -recurse
Write-verbose "Build CSR Services Successful"
$Log += "Build CSR Services Successful"
} # End Switch
} #End Process
IF ($LogPath)
$log | Out-file -FilePath $LogPath -Encoding ascii -Append
} #END End