# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Split-File
# description: Splits a file into many files based on a regular expression
# version: 0.1
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5522
# x-archived: 2015-01-31T20:29:05
# x-published: 2015-10-17T19:36:00
# Split a file into many files, based on a regular expression boundary
# Split-File huge.sql -Pattern '^GO$'
# Splits a SQL file into many pieces, with "GO" as the last line in each resulting file
# Split-File -Path .\huge.sql -Pattern "^print 'Processed \d+ total records'$" -Encoding ([Text.Encoding]::Unicode) -Verbose
# Splits the sql file based on the "processed 100 total records" line, using unicode encoding, while streaming to verbose output the number of lines in each file.
# The path to the text file to split
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
# The encoding to use to read and write files (uses [Text.Encoding]::Default by default)
# You may want to use [Text.Encoding]::Unicode
[Text.Encoding]$Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::Default,
# A Regular Expression pattern to split on
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="Pattern", Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
# An optional header to add to every file
# [Parameter(ParameterSetName="LineCount", Mandatory=$true)]
# [int]$LineCount,
$Path = Convert-Path $Path
Write-Verbose "Opening Reader for $Path"
$Reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader $Path, $Encoding
$Extension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)
$FileCount = 0
$LineIndex = 0
try {
if($Pattern) {
sls -Path $Path -pattern $Pattern | ForEach {
$Match = $_
$FileCount += 1
$FileName = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($Path, ".${FileCount}${Extension}")
$Writer = New-Object IO.StreamWriter $FileName, $false, $Encoding
Write-Verbose "Writing $($Match.LineNumber - $LineIndex) lines to $(Resolve-Path $FileName -Relative)"
if($Header) { $Writer.Write($Header + "`r`n") }
try {
for(; $LineIndex -lt $Match.LineNumber; $LineIndex++) {
$Writer.Write( $Reader.ReadLine() + "`r`n")
} catch {
throw $_
} finally {
Write-Debug "Closing Writer"
# Catch the tail end of the file:
$FileCount += 1
$FileName = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($Path, ".${FileCount}${Extension}")
$Writer = New-Object IO.StreamWriter $FileName, $false, $Encoding
Write-Verbose "Writing the rest to $(Resolve-Path $FileName -Relative)"
$LastFile = $LineIndex
try {
while($Reader.Peek() -ge 0) {
$Writer.Write( $Reader.ReadLine() + "`r`n")
} catch {
throw $_
} finally {
Write-Verbose "Wrote $($LineIndex -$LastFile) lines to $(Resolve-Path $FileName -Relative)"
Write-Debug "Closing Writer"
} finally {
Write-Debug "Closing Reader"