# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: chkhash.ps1
# description: ChkHash.ps1 – ChkHash.ps1 can create a .XML database of files and their SHA-512 hashes and check files against the database, in order to detect corrupt or hacked files.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: James Gentile
# license: CC0
# function: Get-SHA512
# x-poshcode-id: 2876
# x-archived: 2014-12-22T02:45:39
# x-published: 2011-07-28T17:31:00
# Run with -h option for help and usage. Options include -u to add new and modified files to a database, -e to exclude directories, -c to create a database, -x to specify a .xml file to create/use. Subdirs are automatically processed.
# calculate SHA512 of file.
function Get-SHA512([System.IO.FileInfo] $file = $(throw 'Usage: Get-MD5 [System.IO.FileInfo]'))
$stream = $null;
$cryptoServiceProvider = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512CryptoServiceProvider];
$hashAlgorithm = new-object $cryptoServiceProvider
$stream = $file.OpenRead();
$hashByteArray = $hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash($stream);
## We have to be sure that we close the file stream if any exceptions are thrown.
if ($stream -ne $null)
foreach ($byte in $hashByteArray) { if ($byte -lt 16) {$result += “0{0:X}” -f $byte } else { $result += “{0:X}” -f $byte }}
return [string]$result;
function noequal ( $first, $second)
if (!($second) -or $second -eq "") {return $true}
$first=join-path $first "\"
foreach($s in $second)
if ($first.tolower().startswith($s.tolower())) {return $false}
return $true
# functions to print overwriting multi-line messages. Test script will accept a file/filespec/dir and iterate through all files in all subdirs printing a test message + file name to demostrate.
# e.g. PS>.\writefilename.ps1 c:\
# call WriteFileName [string]
# after done writing series of overwriting messages, call WriteFileNameEnd
function WriteFileName ( [string]$writestr ) # this function prints multiline messages on top of each other, good for iterating through filenames without filling
{ # the console with a huge wall of text. Call this function to print each of the filename messages, then call WriteFileNameEnd when done
# before printing anything else, so that you are not printing into a long file name with extra characters from it visible.
if ($Host.Name -match 'ise')
{ write-host $writestr; return }
if ($global:wfnlastlen -eq $null) {$global:wfnlastlen=0}
$writelines = [math]::divrem($writestr.length+$cleft, [console]::bufferwidth, [ref]$rem)
#if ($rem -ne 0) {$writelines+=1}
$cwe = ($writelines-(([console]::bufferheight-1)-$ctop)) # calculate where text has scroll back to.
if ($cwe -gt 0) {$ctop-=($cwe)}
write-host "$writestr" -nonewline
if ($global:wfnlastlen -gt $writestr.length)
write-host (" " * ($global:wfnlastlen-$writestr.length)) -nonewline # this only overwrites previously written text if needed, so no need to compute buffer movement on this
$global:wfnlastlen = $oldwritestrlen
if ($ctop -lt 0) {$ctop=$cleft=0}
function WriteFileNameEnd ( $switch=$true) # call this function when you are done overwriting messages on top of each other
{ # and before printing something else. Default switch=$true, which prints a newline, $false restores cursor position same line.
if ($Host.Name -match 'ise')
{ return }
if ($global:wfnoldctop -ne $null -and $global:wfnoldcleft -ne $null)
if ($global:wfnoldcleft -ne 0 -and $switch)
write-host ""
# chkhash.ps1 [file(s)/dir #1] [file(s)/dir #2] ... [file(s)/dir #3] [-u] [-h [path of .xml database]]
# -u updates the XML file database and exits
# otherwise, all files are checked against the XML file database.
# -h specifies location of xml hash database
del variable:\args3 -ea 0
del variable:\args2 -ea 0
del variable:\xfiles -ea 0
del variable:\files -ea 0
del variable:\exclude -ea 0
$nu = 0
$errs = 0
$fc = 0
$fm = 0
$upd = $false
$create = $false
$n = $null
"ChkHash.ps1 - ChkHash.ps1 can create a .XML database of files and their SHA-512 hashes and check files against the database, "
"in order to detect corrupt or hacked files."
".\chkhash.ps1 -h for usage."
for($i=0;$i -lt $args2.count; $i++)
if ($args2[$i] -like "-h*") # -help specified?
"Usage: .\chkhash.ps1 [-h] [-u] [-c] [-x <file path of hashes .xml database>] [file(s)/dir #1] [file(s)/dir #2] ... [file(s)/dir #n] [-e <Dirs>]"
"Options: -h - Help display."
" -c - Create hash database. If .xml hash database does not exist, -c will be assumed."
" -u - Update changed files and add new files to existing database."
" -x - specifies .xml database file path to use. Default is .\hashes.xml"
" -e - exclude dirs. Put this after the files/dirs you want to check with SHA512 and needs to be fullpath (e.g. c:\users\bob not ..\bob)."
"Examples: PS>.\chkhash.ps1 c:\ d:\ -c -x c:\users\bob\hashes\hashes.xml"
" [hash all files on c:\ and d:\ and subdirs, create and store hashes in c:\users\bob\hashes\hashes.xml]"
" PS>.\chkhash.ps1 c:\users\alice\pictures\sunset.jpg -u -x c:\users\alice\hashes\pictureshashes.xml]"
" [hash c:\users\alice\pictures\sunset.jpg and add or update the hash to c:\users\alice\hashes\picturehashes.xml"
" PS>.\chkhash.ps1 c:\users\eve\documents d:\media\movies -x c:\users\eve\hashes\private.xml"
" [hash all files in c:\users\eve\documents and d:\media\movies, check against hashes stored in c:\users\eve\hashes\private.xml"
" or create it and store hashes there if not present]"
" PS>.\chkhash.ps1 c:\users\eve -x c:\users\eve\hashes\private.xml -e c:\users\eve\hashes"
" [hash all files in c:\users\eve and subdirs, check hashes against c:\users\eve\hashes\private.xml or store if not present, exclude "
" c:\users\eve\hashes directory and subdirs]"
" PS>.\chkhash.p1s c:\users\ted\documents\f* d:\data -x d:\hashes.xml -e d:\data\test d:\data\favorites -u"
" [hash all files starting with 'f' in c:\users\ted\documents, and all files in d:\data, add or update hashes to"
" existing d:\hashes.xml, exclude d:\data\test and d:\data\favorites and subdirs]"
" PS>.\chkhash -x c:\users\alice\hashes\hashes.xml"
" [Load hashes.xml and check hashes of all files contained within.]"
"Note: files in subdirectories of any specified directory are automatically processed."
" if you specify only an -x option, or no option and .\hash.xml exists, only files in the database will be checked."
if ($args2[$i] -like "-u*") {$upd=$true;continue} # Update and Add new files to database?
if ($args2[$i] -like "-c*") {$create=$true;continue} # Create database specified?
if ($args2[$i] -like "-x*")
$i++ # Get hashes xml database path
if ($i -ge $args2.count)
write-host "-X specified but no file path of .xml database specified. Exiting."
if ($args2[$i] -like "-e*") # Exclude files, dirs
while (($i+1) -lt $args2.count)
if ($args2[$i] -like "-*") {break}
$exclude+=@(join-path $args2[$i] "\") # collect array of excluded directories.
$args3+=@($args2[$i]) # Add files/dirs
if ($args3.count -ne 0)
# Get list of files and SHA512 hash them.
"Enumerating files from specified locations..."
$files=@(dir $args3 -recurse -ea 0 | ?{$_.mode -notmatch "d"} | ?{noequal $_.directoryname $exclude}) # Get list of files, minus directories and minus files in excluded paths
if ($create -eq $true -or !(test-path $hashespath)) # Create database?
# Create SHA512 hashes of files and write to new database
if ($files.count -eq 0) {"No files found. Exiting."; exit}
$files = $files | %{WriteFileName "SHA-512 Hashing: `"$($_.fullname)`" ...";add-member -inputobject $_ -name SHA512 -membertype noteproperty -value $(get-SHA512 $_.fullname) -passthru}
$files |export-clixml $hashespath
"Created $hashespath"
"$($files.count) file hash(es) saved. Exiting."
write-host "Loading file hashes from $hashespath..." -nonewline
$xfiles=@(import-clixml $hashespath|?{noequal $_.directoryname $exclude}) # Load database
if (($xfiles.count -eq 0) -or ($files.count -eq 0)) {"No files in Database or no files specified. Exiting.";Exit}
if (!(test-path $hashespath)) {"No database found or specified, exiting."; exit}
write-host "Loading file hashes from $hashespath..." -nonewline
$xfiles=@(import-clixml $hashespath|?{noequal $_.directoryname $exclude}) # Load database and check it
if ($xfiles.count -eq 0) {"No files specified and no files in Database. Exiting.";Exit}
$files=$xfiles | %{get-item -ea 0 -literalpath $_.fullname}
"Loaded $($xfiles.count) file hash(es)."
for($x=0;$x -lt $xfiles.count; $x++) # Build dictionary (hash) of filenames and indexes into file array
if ($hash.contains($xfiles[$x].fullname)) {continue}
foreach($f in $files)
if ((get-item -ea 0 -literalpath $f.fullname) -eq $null) {continue} # skip if file no longer exists.
if ($n -eq $null)
$nu++ # increment needs/needed updating count
if ($upd -eq $false) {WriteFileName "Needs to be added: `"$($f.fullname)`"";WriteFileNameEnd;continue} # if not updating, then continue
WriteFileName "SHA-512 Hashing `"$($f.fullname)`" ..."
# Create SHA512 hash of file
$f=$f |%{add-member -inputobject $_ -name SHA512 -membertype noteproperty -value $(get-SHA512 $_.fullname) -passthru -force}
$xfiles+=@($f) # then add file + hash to list
WriteFileName "SHA-512 Hashing and checking: `"$($f.fullname)`" ..."
$fc++ # File checked increment.
if (($upd -eq $false) -and ($f.length -ne $xfiles[$n].length))
WriteFileName "Size mixmatch: `"$($f.fullname)`""; WriteFileNameEnd
$f=$f |%{add-member -inputobject $_ -name SHA512 -membertype noteproperty -value $(get-SHA512 $_.fullname) -passthru -force}
# Check SHA512 and size for mixmatch.
if ($xfiles[$n].length -eq $f.length)
if ($xfiles[$n].SHA512 -eq $f.SHA512)
$fm++;continue # if matched, increment file matches and continue loop
$errs++ # increment mixmatches
if ($upd -eq $true) { $xfiles[$n]=$f; WriteFileName "Updated `"$($f.fullname)`""; WriteFileNameEnd;continue}
WriteFileName "SHA-512 and/or size mixmatch found: `"$($f.fullname)`""; WriteFileNameEnd
WriteFileNameEnd # restore cursor position after last write string
if ($upd -eq $true) # if database updated
$xfiles|export-clixml $hashespath # write xml database
"Updated Database: $hashespath"
"$nu file hash(es) added to Database."
"$errs file hash(es) updated in Database."
"$errs SHA-512 or size mixmatch(es) found."
"$fm file(s) SHA512 and size matched."
"$fc file(s) checked total."
if ($nu -ne 0) {"$nu file(s) need to be added [run with -u option to Add file hashes to database]."}