PoshCode Archive  Artifact [b7093e69bd]

Artifact b7093e69bde2bf254dbf4277ddf6b9672c37bf86ec4ca8c39aa507cf97e5666a:

  • File Send-Growl.ps1 — part of check-in [173b63586d] at 2018-06-10 13:13:07 on branch trunk — This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts. (user: Joel Bennett size: 9644)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Send-Growl
# description: This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts.
# version: 3.0
# type: module
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Register-GrowlType
# x-poshcode-id: 2611
# x-archived: 2017-03-15T18:57:25
# x-published: 2012-04-12T11:03:00
# It includes support for adding new apps, new message types, registering scriptblocks to handle Growl’s callbacks, passing URL callbacks, etc.
# Original post here and future posts here will explain more about callbacks and sending notices to remote computers.
# 2011/04/13 fix for Growl for Windows v2.0.6
## This is the first version of a Growl module (just dot-source to use in PowerShell 1.0)
## v 1.0 supports a very simple notice, and no callbacks
## v 2.0 supports registering multiple message types
##       supports callbacks
## v 2.1 redesigned to be a module used from apps, rather than it's own "PowerGrowler" app
## TODO:
## * Test sending notices to other PCs directly
## 2011/04/13 fix for Growl for Windows v2.0.6

Set-StrictMode -Version 2
## this is just a default now, you'll have opportunities to override it...
$script:appName = "PowerGrowler"

[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$(Split-Path (gp HKCU:\Software\Growl).'(default)')\Growl.Connector.dll") | Out-Null
if(!(Test-Path Variable:Global:PowerGrowlerNotices)) {
   $global:PowerGrowlerNotices = @{}

## We can safely recreate this, it doesn't store much
$script:PowerGrowler = New-Object "Growl.Connector.GrowlConnector"

function Register-GrowlType {
#  Register a new Type name for growl notices from PowerGrowl
#  Creates a new type name that can be used for sending growl notices
#.Parameter AppName
#  The name of the application you want to register as
#.Parameter Name
#  The type name to be used sending growls
#.Parameter DisplayName
#  The test to use for display (defaults to use the same value as the type name)
#.Parameter Icon
#  Overrides the default icon of the message (accepts .ico, .png, .bmp, .jpg, .gif etc)
#.Parameter MachineName
#  The name of a remote machine to register remotely instead of locally.
#.Parameter Priority
#  Overrides the default priority of the message (use sparingly)
#  Register-GrowlType "PoshTwitter" "Command Completed"
#  Registers the type "Command Completed," using the default icon, for sending notifications to the local PC
   [ValidateScript( {!$global:PowerGrowlerNotices.Contains($AppName) -OR !$global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName.Notices.ContainsKey($_)} )]
   [String]$Icon = "$PSScriptRoot\default.ico"
   [String]$DisplayName = $Name
   [Growl.Connector.NotificationType]$Notice = $Name
   $Notice.DisplayName = $DisplayName
   $Notice.Icon = Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $Icon)

   if($MachineName) {
      $Notice.MachineName = $MachineName
   if(!$global:PowerGrowlerNotices.Contains($AppName)) {
      $global:PowerGrowlerNotices.Add( $AppName, ([Growl.Connector.Application]$AppName) )

      $global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName = Add-Member -input $global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName -Name Notices -Type NoteProperty -Value (New-Object hashtable) -Passthru
      $global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName.Icon = Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $AppIcon)
   $global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName.Notices.Add( $Name, $Notice )

   $script:PowerGrowler.Register( $global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName , [Growl.Connector.NotificationType[]]@($global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName.Notices.Values) )

function Set-GrowlPassword { 
#  Set the Growl password
#  Set the password and optionally, the encryption algorithm, for communicating with Growl
#.Parameter Password
#  The password for Growl
#.Parameter Encryption
#  The algorithm to be used for encryption (defaults to AES)
#.Parameter KeyHash
#  The algorithm to be used for key hashing (defaults to SHA1)
   [ValidateSet( "AES", "DES", "RC2", "TripleDES", "PlainText" )]
   [String]$Encryption = "AES"
   [ValidateSet( "MD5", "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512" )]
   [String]$KeyHash = "SHA1"
   $script:PowerGrowler.EncryptionAlgorithm = [Growl.Connector.Cryptography+SymmetricAlgorithmType]::"$Encryption"
   $script:PowerGrowler.KeyHashAlgorithm = [Growl.Connector.Cryptography+SymmetricAlgorithmType]::"$KeyHash"
   $script:PowerGrowler.Password = $Password

## Register the "PowerGrowler" "Default" notice so everything works out of the box
Register-GrowlType $script:AppName "Default" -appIcon "$PsScriptRoot\default.ico"

function Register-GrowlCallback {
#  Register a script to be called when each notice is finished. 
#  Registers a scriptblock as a handler for the NotificationCallback event. You should accept two parameters, a Growl.Connector.Response and a Growl.Connector.CallbackData object.
#  The NotificationCallback only happens when a callback is requested, which in this Growl library only happens if you pass both CallbackData and CallbackType to the Send-Growl function.
#  Register-GrowlCallback { PARAM( $response, $context )
#    Write-Host "Response $($response|out-string)" -fore Cyan
#    Write-Host "Context $($context|fl|out-string)" -fore Green
#    Write-Host $("Response Type: {0}`nNotification ID: {1}`nCallback Data: {2}`nCallback Data Type: {3}`n" -f $context.Result, $context.NotificationID, $context.Data, $context.Type) -fore Yellow
#  }
#  Registers an informational debugging-style handler. 
   Register-ObjectEvent $script:PowerGrowler NotificationCallback -Action $Handler

function Send-Growl {
#  Send a growl notice
#  Send a growl notice with the scpecified values
#.Parameter Caption
#  The short caption to display
#.Parameter Message
#  The message to send (most displays will resize to accomodate)
#.Parameter NoticeType
#  The type of notice to send. This MUST be the name of one of the registered types, and senders should bear in mind that each registered type has user-specified settings, so you should not abuse the types, but create your own for messages that will recur.
#  For example, the user settings allow certain messages to be disabled, set to a different "Display", or to have their Duration and Stickyness changed, as well as have them be Forwarded to another device, have Sounds play, and set different priorities.
#.Parameter Icon
#  Overrides the default icon of the message (accepts .ico, .png, .bmp, .jpg, .gif etc)
#.Parameter Priority
#  Overrides the default priority of the message (use sparingly)
#  Send-Growl "Greetings" "Hello World!"
#  The Hello World of Growl.
#  Send-Growl "You've got Mail!" "Message for you sir!" -icon ~\Icons\mail.png
#  Displays a message with a couple of movie quotes and a mail icon.
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
   [ValidateScript( {$global:PowerGrowlerNotices.Contains($AppName)} )]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][Alias("Type")]   
   [ValidateScript( {$global:PowerGrowlerNotices.$AppName.Notices.ContainsKey($_)} )]   
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4, ParameterSetName="UrlCallback")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4, ParameterSetName="DataCallback")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5, ParameterSetName="DataCallback")]
   [Growl.Connector.Priority]$Priority = "Normal" 

   $notice = New-Object Growl.Connector.Notification $appName, $NoticeType, (Get-Date).Ticks.ToString(), $caption, $Message
   if($Icon) { $notice.Icon = Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $Icon) }
   if($Priority) { $notice.Priority = $Priority }
   if($DebugPreference -gt "SilentlyContinue") { Write-Output $notice }
   if( Test-Path Variable:Local:Url ) {
      $context = new-object Growl.Connector.CallbackContext $(if(Test-Path Variable:Local:CallbackData){$CallbackData}else{$Url.ToString()})
      Write-Host $Url -Fore Cyan
      $script:PowerGrowler.Notify($notice, $context)
   } elseif( (Test-Path Variable:Local:CallbackData) -and (Test-Path Variable:Local:CallbackType) ) {
      $context = new-object Growl.Connector.CallbackContext $CallbackData,$CallbackType
      Write-Host $context.CallbackUrl -Fore Magenta
      $script:PowerGrowler.Notify($notice, $context)
   } else {          

Export-ModuleMember -Function Send-Growl, Set-GrowlPassword, Register-GrowlCallback, Register-GrowlType