PoshCode Archive  Artifact [b72386e604]

Artifact b72386e604f041c0ea662cd53409b08f206f9a3f73813f47d99e66dfa7b62f89:

  • File SearchZIP-psm1.ps1 — part of check-in [c2650cd988] at 2018-06-10 13:22:56 on branch trunk — In any directory containing a large number of ZIP/RAR compressed Web Page files this procedure will search each individual file name for simple text strings, listing both the source RAR/ZIP file and the individual file name containing the string. (user: Archdeacon size: 5737)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: SearchZIP.psm1 
# description: In any directory containing a large number of ZIP/RAR compressed Web Page files this procedure will search each individual file name for simple text strings, listing both the source RAR/ZIP file and the individual file name containing the string.
# version: 2.4
# type: function
# author: Archdeacon
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3248
# x-archived: 2012-02-23T04:58:25
# x-published: 2012-02-21T04:47:00
# Please ensure that this file is saved with the .psm1 extension and placed in the ‘Module’ directory.
function SearchZIPfiles {
Search for (filename) strings inside compressed ZIP or RAR files (V2.4).
In any directory containing a large number of ZIP/RAR compressed Web Page files 
this procedure will search each individual file name for simple text strings, 
listing both the source RAR/ZIP file and the individual file name containing
the string. The relevant RAR/ZIP can then be subsequently opened in the usual
Using the '-Table' (or alias '-GridView') switch will show the results with the 
Out-GridView display.
extract -find 'library' -path d:\scripts

Searching for 'library' - please wait... (Use CTRL+C to quit)
[Editor.zip] File: Windows 7 Library Procedures.mht
[Editor.rar] File: My Library collection from 1974 Idi Amin.html
[Test2.rar] File: Playlists from library - Windows 7 Forums.mht
[Test3.rar] File: Module library functions UserGroup.pdf
Folder 'D:\Scripts' contains 4 matches for 'library' in 4 file(s).
extract -find 'backup' -path desktop

Searching for 'backup' - please wait... (Use CTRL+C to quit)
[Web.zip] File: How To Backup User and System Files.mht
[Pages.rar] File: Create an Image Backup.pdf
Folder 'D:\Scripts' contains 2 matches for 'backup' in 2 file(s).
extract pdf desk

Searching for 'pdf' - please wait... (Use CTRL+C to quit)
[Test1.rar] File: VirtualBox_ Guest Additions package.pdf
[Test2.rar] File: W8 How to Install Windows 8 in VirtualBox.pdf
[Test2.rar] File: W8 Install Windows 8 As a VM with VirtualBox.pdf
Folder 'C:\Users\Sam\desktop' contains 3 matches for 'pdf' in 2 file(s).

This example uses the 'extract' alias to find all 'pdf' files on the desktop.
The first step will find any lines containing the selected pattern (which can
be anywhere in the line). Each of these lines will then be split into 2 
headings: Source and Filename.
Note that there may be the odd occasion where a 'non-readable' character in the
returned string slips through the net! 
Web Address Http://www.SeaStarDevelopment.BraveHost.com
         [string][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$path = $pwd,
   Set-StrictMode -Version 2
   [int]$count = 0
   if ($path -like 'desk*') {
      $path = Join-Path $home 'desktop\*'
   else {
      $xpath = Join-Path $path '*' -ea 0
      if (!($?) -or !(Test-Path $path)) {
         Write-Warning "Path '$path' is invalid - resubmit"
      $path = $xpath

   Get-ChildItem $path -include '*.rar','*.zip' |
      Select-String -SimpleMatch -Pattern $find |
         foreach-Object `
            -begin {
                $container = @{}
                $folder = $path.Replace('*','')
                $lines = @{}
                $regex = '(?s)^(?<zip>.+?\.(?:zip|rar)):(?:\d+):.*\\(?<file>.*\.(mht|html?|pdf))(.*)$'
                Write-Host "Searching for '$find' - please wait... (Use CTRL+C to quit)" 
            } `
            -process {
                $_ = $_ -replace '/','\'
                if ( $_ -match $regex ) {
                   if ($container.keys -contains $matches.zip) {
                      $container[$matches.zip] +=1   #Record the number in each.
                   else {
                      $container[$matches.zip] = 1
                   $source = $matches.zip -replace [regex]::Escape($folder)
                   $file   = $matches.file
                   $file = $file -replace '\p{S}|\p{Cc}',' '   #Some 'Dingbats'.
                   $file = $file -replace '\s+',' '         #Single space words.
                   if ($table) {
                      $key = "{0:D4}" -f $count
                      $lines["$key $source"] = $file       #Create a unique key.
                   else {
                      Write-Host "[$source] File: $file"
            } `
            -end { 
                $total = "in $($container.count) file(s)." 
                $title = "Folder '$($path.Replace('\*',''))' contains $($count) matches for '$find' $total"
                if ($table -and $count -gt 0) {        
                   $lines.GetEnumerator() | 
                      Select-Object @{name = 'Source';expression = {$_.Key.SubString(5)}},
                                    @{name = 'File'  ;expression = {$_.Value}} |
                         Sort-Object File |
                            Out-GridView -Title $title
                else {
                   if ($count -eq 0) {
                      $title = "Folder '$($path.Replace('\*',''))' contains no matches for '$find'."   
                   Write-Host $title
} #End function.

New-Alias extract SearchZIPfiles    -Description 'Find Web files inside ZIP/RAR'
Export-ModuleMember -Function SearchZIPfiles -Alias Extract