PoshCode Archive  Artifact [baf5011a76]

Artifact baf5011a7654d210fe2503dde0667b6d08ff97f2bec5dbadeac688b021452cc1:

  • File Out-Wiki.ps1 — part of check-in [cdbdfdf28a] at 2018-06-10 13:52:39 on branch trunk — Out-Wiki – converts cmdlets help to media wiki (wikipedia) format (user: unknown size: 5206)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Out-Wiki
# description: Out-Wiki – converts cmdlets help to media wiki (wikipedia) format
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# license: CC0
# function: Out-Wiki
# x-poshcode-id: 526
# x-archived: 2010-01-25T15:37:23
# http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/out-wiki-convert-powershell-help-to-wiki-format/
# Modify the invocation line at the bottom of the script to point to your
# PowerShell snapin, and change the preface in the “generate index” section
# Out-Wiki - converts cmdlets help to media wiki (wikipedia) format
# http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/out-wiki-convert-powershell-help-to-wiki-format/
# Modify the invocation line at the bottom of the script to point to your
# PowerShell snapin, and change the preface in the "generate index" section
# (c) Dmitry Sotnikov, http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com

function Out-Wiki {
   param($commands = $null, $outputDir = "./help")

   $commandsHelp = $commands | sort-object noun | get-help -full

   #create an output directory
   if ( -not (Test-Path $outputDir)) {
   		md $outputDir | Out-Null
   #Generate frame page
   $indexFileName = $outputDir + "/index.txt"

   #Generate index
The ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory is an Active Directoryspecific
automation and scripting shell that provides a command-line
management interface for administering directory data either via Quest
ActiveRoles Server or by directly accessing Active Directory domain
controllers. The ActiveRoles Management Shell is built on Microsoft Windows
PowerShell technology.

The following cmdlets are currently in the package:

'@  | out-file $indexFileName

   foreach ($c in $commandsHelp) {
      "* [[$($c.Name)]]"   | out-file $indexFileName -Append

   '[[Category:QAD cmdlets reference]]'  | out-file $indexFileName -Append
   #Generate all single help files
   $outputText = $null
   foreach ($c in $commandsHelp) {
      $fileName = ( $outputDir + "/" + $c.Name + ".txt" )

	  "$($c.synopsis)"  | out-file $fileName
      # Syntax
      "== Syntax =="  | out-file $fileName -Append
      "<code>$(($c.syntax | out-string  -width 2000).Trim())</code>"  | out-file $fileName -Append

      # Detailed Description
      "== Detailed Description =="  | out-file $fileName -Append
	  "$($c.Description  | out-string  -width 2000)"  | out-file $fileName -Append
      # Related Commands
      "== Related Commands =="  | out-file $fileName -Append
      foreach ($relatedLink in $c.relatedLinks.navigationLink) {
         if($relatedLink.linkText -ne $null -and 
            $relatedLink.linkText.StartsWith("about") -eq $false){
            "* [[$($relatedLink.linkText)]]"  | out-file $fileName -Append         
      # Parameters
      "== Parameters =="  | out-file $fileName -Append
{| class="wikitable" border=1
!Pipeline Input
!Default Value
'@   | out-file $fileName -Append

      $paramNum = 0
      foreach ($param in $c.parameters.parameter ) {
         "|-"  | out-file $fileName -Append
         "!$($param.Name)"  | out-file $fileName -Append
         "|$(($param.Description  | out-string  -width 2000).Trim())"  | out-file $fileName -Append
         "|$($param.Required)"  | out-file $fileName -Append
         "|$($param.PipelineInput)"  | out-file $fileName -Append
         "|$($param.DefaultValue)"  | out-file $fileName -Append
      "|}"  | out-file $fileName -Append
      # Input Type
	  if (($c.inputTypes | Out-String ).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
		"== Input Type =="  | out-file $fileName -Append
		"$(($c.inputTypes  | out-string  -width 2000).Trim())"  | out-file $fileName -Append
      # Return Type
	  if (($c.returnValues | Out-String ).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
		"== Return Values =="  | out-file $fileName -Append
		"$(($c.returnValues  | out-string  -width 2000).Trim())"  | out-file $fileName -Append
      # Notes
	 if (($c.alertSet | Out-String).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
      "== Notes =="  | out-file $fileName -Append
      "$(($c.alertSet  | out-string -Width 2000).Trim() )"  | out-file $fileName -Append
      # Examples
	 if (($c.examples | Out-String).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
      "== Examples =="  | out-file $fileName -Append	  
	  foreach ($example in $c.examples.example) {
	      "==== $($example.title.Trim(('-',' ')))===="  | out-file $fileName -Append
	      "<pre>$(($example.code | out-string ).Trim())</pre>"  | out-file $fileName -Append
	      "$(($example.remarks | out-string -Width 2000).Trim())"  | out-file $fileName -Append
      '[[Category:QAD cmdlets reference]]'   | out-file $fileName -Append

Out-Wiki (Get-Command -PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement) "c:\Temp\QADHelp"