# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: ShowUI Weather Widget
# description: This is a simple weather forecast widget that shows the current temperature and forecast. Don’t forget to change the $woEID to the right one for your location.
# version: 250.0
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2809
# x-archived: 2016-08-17T01:08:11
# x-published: 2011-07-19T22:42:00
## And a slick weather widget using Yahoo's forecast and images
New-UIWidget -AsJob {
Grid {
Rectangle -RadiusX 10 -RadiusY 10 -StrokeThickness 0 -Width 170 -Height 80 -HorizontalAlignment Left -VerticalAlignment Top -Margin "60,40,0,0" -Fill {
LinearGradientBrush -Start "0.5,0" -End "0.5,1" -Gradient {
GradientStop -Color "#FF007bff" -Offset 0
GradientStop -Color "#FF40d6ff" -Offset 1
Image -Name Image -Stretch Uniform -Width 250.0 -Height 180.0 -Source "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/weather/gr/31d.png"
TextBlock -Name Temp -Text "99°" -FontSize 80 -Foreground White -Margin "130,0,0,0" -Effect { DropShadowEffect -Color Black -Shadow 0 -Blur 8 }
TextBlock -Name Forecast -Text "Forecast" -FontSize 12 -Foreground White -Margin "120,95,0,0"
} -Refresh "00:10" {
# To find your WOEID, browse or search for your city from the Weather home page.
# The WOEID is the LAST PART OF the URL for the forecast page for that city.
$woEID = 14586
$channel = ([xml](New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?p=$woEID")).rss.channel
$h = ([int](Get-Date -f hh))
if($h -gt ([DateTime]$channel.astronomy.sunrise).Hour -and $h -lt ([DateTime]$channel.astronomy.sunset).Hour) {
$dayOrNight = 'd'
} else {
$dayOrNight = 'n'
$source = "http`://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/weather/gr/{0}{1}.png" -f $channel.item.condition.code, $dayOrNight
$Image.Source = $source
$Temp.Text = $channel.item.condition.temp + [char]176
$Forecast.Text = "High: {0}{2} Low: {1}{2}" -f $channel.item.forecast[0].high, $channel.item.forecast[0].low, [char]176