# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: GPRS Online log
# description: Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire.
# version: 4.0
# type: function
# author: Archdeacon
# license: CC0
# function: Get-OSVersion
# x-poshcode-id: 3132
# x-derived-from-id: 3157
# x-archived: 2012-02-05T09:15:54
# x-published: 2012-12-29T21:41:00
Get-GprsTime (V4.0 Update for Windows 7 and allow time correction)
(V4.2 'Interval' now incorporate previous 'FormatSpan' function)
Check the total connect time of any GPRS SIM devices from a specified date.
Use 'Get-Help .\Get-GprsTime -full' to view Help for this script.
Display all the GPRS modem Event Log entries. While applications issued by the
mobile phone manufacturers will invariably monitor only their own usage, this
will show any logged GPRS activity, be it via PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc.
Use the -Verbose switch for some extra information if desired. A default value
can be set with the -Monthly switch but can be temporarily overridden with any
-Start value and deleted by entering an invalid date. Now uses .NET Parse to
use any culture date input. Switches -M and -S cannot be used together.
A Balloon prompt will be issued in the Notification area for the 5 days
before the nominal month end.
NOTE: this can effectively be suppressed by using a value higher than the SIM
card term, ie something like -Account 90 for a 30 day card which will override
the default setting.
Define a function in $profile to set any permanent switches, for example to
remove 1hour 15 minutes from the total each time.
function GPRS {
Invoke-Expression ".\Get-GprsTime -Adjust 1:15:00- $args"
.\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -Monthly 4/8/2011
This will set the default search date to start from 4/8/2011 and is used to
reset the start date each month for the average 30/31 day SIM card.
.\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -Start 12/07/2009 -Account 100 -Verbose
Search from 12/07/2011 and also show (Verbose) details for each session. The
Account switch will override any balloon prompt near the SIM expiry date.
.\Get-GprsTime.ps1 5/9/2011 -v
Search one day only and show session details.
.\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -Today
Show all sessions for today. This always defaults to verbose output.
.\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -Debug
This shows the first available Event Log record & confirms switch settings.
(Note that it will probably not be the first 'RemoteAccess' or 'RasClient'
.\Get-GprsTime -Adjust 1:20:00
If the same SIM card is used on another computer then such times will have
to be added here manually (this should be put in a function in $profile so
that it will automatically be included - see example above).
To remove an amount of time, just put a '-' sign after the desired figure.
A shorter total time than that actually used will result if the Event Log
does not contain earlier dates; just increase the log size in such a case.
The author can be contacted at www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com and a
(binary compiled) Module version of this procedure is included in the file
Gprs3xxx.zip download there; the execution time of the module being about
10 times faster than this script.
Use '(measure-Command {.\Get-GprsTime}).TotalSeconds' to confirm the times.
For the Event Log to record connect & disconnect events, the modem software
should be set to RAS rather than NDIS if possible.
Param ([String] $start,
[alias("PERIOD")][string] $adjust,
[String] $monthly,
[Int] $account = 0,
[Switch] $today,
[Switch] $verbose,
[Switch] $debug)
Trap [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
[Int]$line = $error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
if ($line -eq 206) {
Write-Warning "[$name] Current GPRS variable has been deleted."
$monthly = ""
else {
Write-Warning "[$name] Date is missing or invalid $SCRIPT:form"
exit 1
#Establish the Operating System...We only need to confirm XP here.
#The result will be written to the 'out' variable '$osv'.
function Get-OSVersion($computer,[ref]$osv) {
$os = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem -computerName $computer
Switch -regex ($os.Version) {
'^5\.1\.(\d{1,4})$' { $osv.value = "xp" } #Find XP & variants.
default { $osv.value = "unknown" }
$osv = $null
Get-OSVersion -computer 'localhost' -osv ([ref]$osv)
if ($osv -eq 'xp') {
$logname = 'System'
$connEvent = 20158
$discEvent = 20159
$source = 'RemoteAccess'
else { #Treat As Vista or Windows 7.
$logname = 'Application'
$connEvent = 20225
$discEvent = 20226
$source = 'RasClient'
$entryType = 'Information'
$logEntry = $null
$oldest = Get-eventlog -LogName $logname | #Get the earliest Log record.
Sort-Object TimeGenerated |
Select-Object -first 1
if ($oldest.TimeGenerated) {
$logEntry = "System Event records available from - $($oldest.TimeGenerated.ToLongDateString())"
$name = $myInvocation.MyCommand
$newLine = "[$name] The switches -Start and -Monthly can only be used separately."
if ($debug) {
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
if ($start -and $monthly) {
Write-Warning "$newLine"
exit 1
$SCRIPT:form = ""
#In certain cases Culture & UICulture can be different and have been known to
# return conflicting results regarding '-is [DateTime]' queries, etc.
if ($Host.CurrentCulture -eq $Host.CurrentUICulture) {
$SCRIPT:form = '-Use format mm/dd/year'
[Int]$culture = "{0:%d}" -f [DateTime] "6/5/2009" #Returns local day.
if ($culture -eq 6) {
$SCRIPT:form = '-Use format dd/mm/year'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$WarningPreference = 'Continue'
$conn = $disc = $default = $print = $null
$timeNow = [DateTime]::Now
$total = $timeNow - $timeNow #Set initial value to 00:00:00.
$insert = "since"
if ($verbose) {
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
function CreditMsg ($value, $value2) {
$value = [Math]::Abs($value)
$prefix = "CURRENT"
[DateTime] $creditDT = $value2
$creditDT = $creditDT.AddDays($value) #Add the -Account days.
$thisDay = "{0:M/d/yyyy}" -f [DateTime]::Now #Force US format.
#If we use '$number = $creditDT - (Get-Date)' instead of the line below we
#can sometimes get a value of 1 returned instead 2, hence the above lines.
$number = $creditDT - [DateTime] $thisDay
[String] $credit = $creditDT
$credit = $credit.Replace('00:00:00','') #Remove any trailing time.
$credit = "{0:d}" -f [DateTime]$credit
Switch($number.Days) {
1 {$prefix = "($value days) will expire tomorrow"; break}
0 {$prefix = "($value days) will expire today"; break}
-1 {$prefix = "($value days) expired yesterday"; break}
{($_ -lt 0)} {$prefix = "($value days) expired on $credit"; break}
{($_ -le 5)} {$prefix = "($value days) will expire on $credit"}
Default {$prefix = "CURRENT"} #Only come here if over 5 days.
return $prefix
function Interval ([String] $value) { #Convert returns of '1.11:00:00'.
Switch -regex ($value) {
'^00?:00?:\d+(.*)$' {$suffix = "seconds"; break}
'^00?:\d+:\d+(.*)$' {$suffix = "minutes"; break}
'^\d+:\d+:\d+(.*)$' {$suffix = " hours"; break}
'^(\d+)\.(\d+)(\D.*)$' {$suffix = " hours"
$pDays = $matches[1]
$pHours = $matches[2]
[string]$pRest = $matches[3]
[string]$tHours = (([int]$pDays) * 24)+[int]$pHours
$value = $tHours + $pRest; break}
default {$suffix = " hours"} #Should never come here!
return "$value $suffix"
function CheckSetting ($value) {
if ($value) { #Correct for local culture.
$print = $default.ToShortDateString()
else {
$print = "(Value not set)"
return $print
#The Script effectively starts here.............................................
$getGprs = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("GPRS","User")
#First check for GPRS variable and change from US date format to current locale.
if ([DateTime]::TryParse($getGprs, [Ref]$timeNow)) { #No error as date is valid.
$default = "{0:d}" -f [datetime]$getGprs
$default = [DateTime]::Parse($default)
$checkParts = "{0:yyyy},{0:%M}" -f $default
$times = $checkParts.Split(',')
$dayCount = [DateTime]::DaysInMonth($times[0],$times[1]) #Range 28-31.
if($account -eq 0) {
$account = $dayCount
$summary = "$($dayCount.ToString()) days"
else {
$summary = "$($account.Tostring()) days"
$text = CreditMsg $account $getGprs #Check if within 5 days of expiry date.
if ($text -ne "CURRENT") {
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
$objNotifyIcon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$objNotifyIcon.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Exclamation
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = "Info"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipTitle = "GPRS online account"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipText = "Credit $text"
$objNotifyIcon.Visible = $True
else {
$summary = "(Days not set)"
if ((!$today) -and (!$monthly) -and (!$start)) {
Write-Warning("Monthly date is either invalid or not set.")
exit 1
if ($start) {
$start = [DateTime]::Parse($start) #Trigger TRAP if invalid!
[DateTime]$limit = $start
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$print = CheckSetting $default
if ($monthly) {
$start = [DateTime]::Parse($monthly) #Trigger TRAP if invalid!
Write-Output "Setting GPRS (monthly) environment variable to: $monthly"
$gprs = [String]$start.Replace('00:00:00','')
[DateTime] $limit = $start #Change to required US date format.
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$print = $limit.ToShortDateString()
$summary = "(Days undetermined)" #Will show next time around.
if ($today) {
$verBosePreference = 'Continue' #Show VERBOSE by default.
[DateTime] $limit = (Get-Date)
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$limit = $limit.Date #Override any start date if using -Today input.
$insert = "for today"
$print = CheckSetting $default
if ((!$today) -and (!$monthly) -and (!$start)) {
if ($default) {
$monthly = $default
[DateTime] $limit = $monthly
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$print = CheckSetting $default
$adjustment = $null #Otherwise 'Set-Strictmode -Version latest' will catch.
if ($adjust) {
$pattern = '^(\d{1,3}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})-?$'
if ($adjust -notmatch $pattern ) {
Write-Warning "Invalid format - use <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>"
} #Now create the 'adjustment' to add later.
$adjustment = New-TimeSpan -hours $matches[1] -minutes $matches[2] -seconds $matches[3]
$outString = $adjust.Replace('-','')
$outString = interval $outString
Write-Verbose "All records $($insert.Replace('for ','')) - $convert"
Write-Verbose "Script activation - User [$($env:UserName)] Computer [$($env:ComputerName)]"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Calculating total connect time of all GPRS modem devices..."
#We cannot proceed beyond here without a valid $limit value.
Write-Debug "Using - [Search date] $($limit.ToShortDateString()) [Account] $summary [GPRS Monthly] $print"
if ($logEntry) {
Write-Debug "$logEntry"
$lines = Get-EventLog $logname | Where-Object {($_.TimeGenerated -ge $limit) -and `
($_.EventID -eq $discEvent -or $_.EventID -eq $connEvent)}
if ($lines) {
Write-Verbose "A total of $([Math]::Truncate($lines.Count/2)) online sessions extracted from the System Event Log."
else {
Write-Output "(There are no events indicated in the System Event Log)"
$lines | ForEach-Object {
try {
$source = $_.Source
catch {
if ($_.EventID -eq $discEvent) { #Event 20159 is Disconnect.
$disc = $_.TimeGenerated
else { #Event 20158 is Connect.
$conn = $_.TimeGenerated
} #We are only interested in matching pairs of DISC/CONN...
if ($disc -ne $null -and $conn -ne $null -and $disc -gt $conn) {
$diff = $disc - $conn
$total += $diff
$convDisc = "{0:G}" -f $disc
$convConn = "{0:G}" -f $conn
$period = Interval $diff
Write-Verbose "Disconnect at $convDisc. Online - $period"
Write-Verbose " Connect at $convConn."
} #End ForEach
if (!$source) {
$source = '(Undetermined)'
Write-Verbose "Using local event source - System Event Log [$source]"
$period = Interval $total
if ($adjustment -and ($total -match $pattern)) {
$outDate = New-TimeSpan -hours $matches[1] -minutes $matches[2] -seconds $matches[3]
if (!$adjust.EndsWith('-')) {
$period = $outDate + $adjustment #The '-adjust' value added at start.
$temp = [String]$period #Extract any 1.0:00:00 values if + 24 hours.
Write-Debug "Processing (Timespan) string: $temp"
$show = (interval $temp).Replace(' ',' ')
Write-Output "Total online usage $insert $convert is $show"
Write-Output "(Including $($outString.Replace(' ',' ')) adjustment time)"
else {
if ($outDate.TotalSeconds -gt $adjustment.TotalSeconds) {
$period = $outDate - $adjustment
$temp = [String]$period
Write-Debug "Processing (Timespan) string: $temp"
$show = (interval $temp).Replace(' ',' ')
Write-Output "Total online usage $insert $convert is $show"
Write-Output "(Excluding $($outString.Replace(' ',' ')) adjustment time)"
else {
Write-Output "Total online usage $insert $convert is $($period.ToString().Replace(' ',' '))."
$adjust = $adjust.Replace('-','')
Write-Warning "Invalid amount entered ($adjust) - no adjustment performed"
else {
Write-OutPut "Total online usage $insert $convert is $($period.ToString().Replace(' ',' '))."
Write-Output ""