# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Set Single email
# description: Script which creates a new Mail Enabled user with the Email address Policy disabled and a SINGLE custom email address attached to the account. Designed for new Powershell users.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Sean Kearney
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1521
# x-archived: 2015-07-18T04:02:05
# x-published: 2010-12-11T13:37:00
# Very simple script to use in Exchange 2007 with a dead simple task
# Create an email enabled user with the local Email Address Policy Disabled with a SINGLE email address
# Attached to it
# This can be used in an environment where you may have multiple email addresses but don't want an account picking
# up multiple email addresses or more explicitly where an email account should have only ONE address and it may not be the standard
# If you are hosting multiple domains on your server. IE ABCCORPORATION.COM may have a private address for their website called
# @hotwebsitestuff.com.
# What this script will do after creating the address is purge all email addresses in the Proxy list and
# Replace it with just the one
# Questions and details just email sean@energizeit.ca
# Obtain FirstName, Last Name and designed email address
$FirstName=READ-HOST 'Enter First Name '
$LastName=READ-HOST 'Enter Last Name'
# Email address is in the form of name@domain.xxx and does not need to contain quotes or 'SMTP:'
$EmailAddress=READ-HOST 'E-mail Address reqd '
# Password for the account
$Password=READ-HOST 'DefaultPassword' -assecurestring
# Script will generate the needed fields from provided data. Name is "FirstName Lastname"
# Alias is "Firstname.Lastname"
# Account will be created in a fictional OU in Active Directory "Contoso.Local"
# With a default UPN of "firstname.lastname@contoso.local"
$Name=$FirstName+' '+$LastName
# Information will echo to the screen
# Create New Mailbox on Exchange 2007 server. This is the standard New-Mailbox commandlet automatically generated by Exchange 2007
# With Hardcoded fields replaced by variables
New-Mailbox -Name $Name -Alias $Alias -OrganizationalUnit $OU -UserPrincipalName $UPN -SamAccountName $Firstname -FirstName $FirstName -Initials '' -LastName $Lastname -Password $Password -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false -Database 'OUREXCHANGESERVER\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database'
# If you find the mailbox doesn't appear immediately, you may have to do a "start-sleep 2" in Powershell V2 to make the script pause
# for two seconds
# Read the information about the mailbox in Quest and disable EmailAddressPolicy
get-mailbox $Alias | Set-Mailbox -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $False
# Assign Mailbox Object to a variable "$MailboxUser"
# Using the "Clear()" Method purge the Property "EmailAddresses" within
$mailboxuser=get-mailbox $Alias
# Add back in the ONE address you want
# and then Set those changes back to the mailbox
$mailboxuser | set-mailbox