PoshCode Archive  Artifact [c50b880456]

Artifact c50b8804562cefa3b8b04568311d65be787ab286318d0ae568e43d6ca833273c:

  • File Sendmail-for-PoSh.ps1 — part of check-in [f99eda9e9c] at 2018-06-10 14:27:12 on branch trunk — Sending Mails via Powershell with Text Edit, Signature Support and Encryption. (user: Patrick size: 3862)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Sendmail for PoSh
# description: Sending Mails via Powershell with Text Edit, Signature Support and Encryption.
# version: 1.0
# type: function
# author: Patrick
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 936
# x-archived: 2016-05-20T03:47:30
# x-published: 2009-03-12T08:55:00
# Send via Outlook or SMTP (Outlook needs extra plugin -> outlook redemption (google it))
# Save as ps1 and call the file. After that simply use sendmail and enter the options
#region vars
$global:maileditor = "C:\Programme\vim\vim72\vim.exe"
$global:encryption = "C:\Programme\GNU\GnuPG\gpg.exe"
$global:enckey = "s.patrick1982@gmail.com"
$global:tempmail = "C:\temp\psmail.txt"
$global:sigmail = "C:\temp\halten\sig.txt"
$global:mailbody = ""
#endregion vars

#region initMail
function global:initHeader {
	$global:mailTo = ($global:mailTo).Split(',') | % { $_.Trim() }

	if (Test-Path $global:sigmail) {
		(Get-Content $global:sigmail | Out-String) | Out-File $global:tempmail

	& $global:maileditor $global:tempmail


function global:initMail {
	$smtpserver = "yoursmtpserver"
	$myuser = "user"
	$mypass = "pass"
	$myAddress = "Patrick<s.patrick1982@gmail.com>"
	$global:mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
	$global:srv = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
	$global:srv.Host = $smtpserver
	$global:srv.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($myuser, $mypass)
	$global:mail.from = $myAddress
	foreach ($rcpt in $global:mailTo) {
		if ($rcpt -ne "") {
	$global:mail.subject = $global:subject

function global:initMailol {
	$global:outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
	$global:srv = New-Object -ComObject Redemption.SafeMailItem
	$global:omail = $outlook.CreateItem("olMailItem")
	$global:srv.Item = $global:omail

	#region check
	#User Input
	foreach ($rcpt in $global:mailTo) {
		$global:srv.Recipients.Add($rcpt) | Out-Null

	#check recipients
	$check = $global:srv.Recipients.ResolveAll()
	if ($check -eq $False) {
		for ($i=0; $i -gt $global:sitem.Recipients.Count;$i++) {

	$global:srv.item.Subject = $global:subject

	if ($global:debug -eq $true) {
		Write-Host "Mail an - " $global:sitem.Recipients
		Write-Host "Betreff - " $global:subject
#endregion initMail

#region sendmail
function global:sendmail {
	Param (

	#Parameter Check
	if (!$global:client) { 
		$global:client = Read-Host -Prompt "Which Client (srv,ol): "
	if (!$global:mailto) {
		$global:mailTo = Read-Host -Prompt "E-Mail To: "
	if (!$global:subject) {
		$global:subject = Read-Host -Prompt "Subject: "
	initheader($global:mailTo, $global:subject)
#region encrypt
	switch ($global:mtype) {
		s {
			& $global:encryption -a -r $global:enckey --clearsign $global:tempmail
		e {
			& $global:encryption -a -r $global:enckey --encrypt $global:tempmail 
#endregion encrypt

	if ($global:mtype -ne "") {
		$global:mailbody = (Get-Content $global:tempmail".asc" | Out-String)
	} else {
		$global:mailbody = (Get-Content $global:tempmail | Out-String)
	if (test-path $global:tempmail) { Remove-Item $global:tempmail -Confirm:$false }
	if (test-path $global:tempmail".asc" ) { Remove-Item $global:tempmail".asc" -Confirm:$false }
	switch ($global:client) {
		srv {
			$global:mail.Body = $global:mailbody
		ol {
			$global:srv.Body = $global:mailbody
