PoshCode Archive  Artifact [c5e26c3c7a]

Artifact c5e26c3c7aaf7f854768a214b8c4ccc18f4574d69e637644b626bbb7e6f8b269:

  • File get-DiskVolumeInfo.ps1 — part of check-in [16be16f540] at 2018-06-10 13:18:01 on branch trunk — This function returns information about disk volumes, works on Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Win2008, WinVista, Win7. Can be used in a pipeline with -Raw switch or stand-alone. (user: Richard Vantreas size: 3516)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: get-DiskVolumeInfo
# description: This function returns information about disk volumes, works on Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Win2008, WinVista, Win7.  Can be used in a pipeline with -Raw switch or stand-alone.
# version: 5.2
# type: function
# author: Richard Vantreas
# license: CC0
# function: get-DiskVolumeInfo
# x-poshcode-id: 2976
# x-archived: 2011-11-05T19:16:11
# x-published: 2011-09-28T10:46:00
# v1.0 Initial Build – Richard Vantrease
function get-DiskVolumeInfo
        Returns information about disk volumes including freespace
        Returns information about disk volumes including freespace
        show-InnerException ExceptionObject
        Shows the inner exception object of the error object that is passed to the
    	ChangeLog    :
    	Date	    Initials	Short Description
        02/18/2009  RLV         New

        show-InnerException -ex $_

    write-log "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) - Begin function"
    foreach($Key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys){ write-log "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) PARAM: -$Key - $($PSBoundParameters[$Key])" }

    # Create an empty array to hold the property bags that will be created later
    $VolArray = @()
    # Windows 2003 supports mount points
    if($(gwmi win32_operatingSystem -comp $ComputerName).version -ge '5.2')
        # #region Persistent fold region
        $VolArray = gwmi win32_volume -Computer $ComputerName | Select-Object `
            @{Name='Computer';Expression={$ComputerName}}, `
            @{Name='VolumeName';Expression={if($_.Name -like "\\?\Volume*"){'\\?\Volume'}else{$_.Name}}}, `
            @{Name='Capacity_GB';Expression={[math]::Round($_.Capacity/1GB)}}, `
            @{Name='FreeSpace_GB';Expression={[math]::Round($_.FreeSpace/1GB)}}, `
            @{Name='Pct_Free';Expression={if($_.Capacity -gt 0){[math]::Round(($_.FreeSpace/$_.Capacity)*100)}else{0}}}, `
        # #endregion
    # Windows 2000 and Windows XP no mount point support
        # #region Persistent fold region
        $VolArray = gwmi win32_LogicalDisk -Computer $ComputerName | Select-Object `
            @{Name='Computer';Expression={$ComputerName}}, `
            @{Name='VolumeName';Expression={$_.Name}}, `
            @{Name='Capacity_GB';Expression={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB)}}, `
            @{Name='FreeSpace_GB';Expression={[math]::Round($_.FreeSpace/1GB)}}, `
            @{Name='Pct_Free';Expression={if($_.Size -gt 0){[math]::Round(($_.FreeSpace/$_.Size)*100)}else{0}}}
        # #endregion
    if($Raw){  $VolArray   }
    else{   $VolArray | ft -auto    }
    write-log "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) - End function"