# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Home Automation Module
# description: This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential.
# version: 1.1
# type: function
# author: DollarUnderscore
# license: CC0
# function: Connect-TelldusLive
# x-poshcode-id: 5013
# x-archived: 2014-11-12T12:13:59
# x-published: 2014-03-23T12:14:00
# This removes the need of specififying credentials on all commands which helps a lot with both performance and usability.
# For more information see my blog at:
# http://dollarunderscore.azurewebsites.net
# Created By: Anders Wahlqvist
# Website: DollarUnderscore (http://dollarunderscore.azurewebsites.net)
function Connect-TelldusLive
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential)
$TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest $turnOffURI -SessionVariable Global:Telldus
$form = $TelldusWEB.Forms[0]
$form.Fields["email"] = $Credential.UserName
$form.Fields["password"] = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LoginPostURI -WebSession $Global:Telldus -Method POST -Body $form.Fields
$form = $null
function Get-TDDevice
Retrieves all devices associated with a Telldus Live! account.
This command will list all devices associated with an Telldus Live!-account and their current status and other information.
Get-TDDevice | Format-Table
if ($Telldus -eq $null) {
Write-Error "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet"
$request = @{'group'='devices';'method'= $Action;'param[supportedMethods]'= $SupportedMethods;'responseAsXml'='xml'}
[xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Global:Telldus -Method POST -Body $request
foreach ($Result in $Results)
$PropertiesToOutput = @{
'Name' = $Result.name;
'State' = switch ($Result.state)
1 { "On" }
2 { "Off" }
16 { "Dimmed" }
default { "Unknown" }
'DeviceID' = $Result.id;
'Statevalue' = $Result.statevalue
'Methods' = switch ($Result.methods)
3 { "On/Off" }
19 { "On/Off/Dim" }
default { "Unknown" }
'Type' = $Result.type;
'Client' = $Result.client;
'ClientName' = $Result.clientName;
'Online' = switch ($Result.online)
0 { $false }
1 { $true }
$returnObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PropertiesToOutput
Write-Output $returnObject | Select-Object Name, DeviceID, State, Statevalue, Methods, Type, ClientName, Client, Online
function Set-TDDevice
Turns a device on or off.
This command can set the state of a device to on or off through the Telldus Live! service.
Set-TDDevice -DeviceID 123456 -Action turnOff
Set-TDDevice -DeviceID 123456 -Action turnOn
The DeviceID of the device to turn off or on. (Pipelining possible)
What to do with that device. Possible values are "turnOff" or "turnOn".
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[string] $DeviceID,
[string] $Action)
if ($Telldus -eq $null) {
Write-Error "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet"
$PostActionURI = "http://api.telldus.com/explore/doCall"
$request = @{'group'='device';'method'= $Action;'param[id]'= $DeviceID;'responseAsXml'='xml'}
[xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Global:Telldus -Method POST -Body $request
$Results=$ActionResults.device.status -replace "\s"
Write-Verbose "Doing action $Action on device $DeviceID. Result: $Results."
function Get-TDSensor
Retrieves all sensors associated with a Telldus Live! account.
This command will list all sensors associated with an Telldus Live!-account and their current status and other information.
Get-TDSensor | Format-Table
if ($Telldus -eq $null) {
Write-Error "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet"
$SensorList=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $sensorListURI -WebSession $Global:Telldus
[xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Global:Telldus -Method POST -Body $SensorListForm.Fields
[datetime] $TelldusDate="1970-01-01 00:00:00"
foreach ($Result in $TheResults) {
$returnObject = New-Object System.Object
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DeviceID -Value $DeviceID
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $SensorName
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LocationID -Value $clientid
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LocationName -Value $clientName
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LastUpdate -Value $SensorLastUpdatedDate
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Online -Value $sensoronline
Write-Output $returnObject
function Get-TDSensorData
Retrieves the sensordata of specified sensor.
This command will retrieve the sensordata associated with the specified ID.
Get-TDSensorData -DeviceID 123456
The DeviceID of the sensor which data you want to retrieve.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID)
if ($Telldus -eq $null) {
Write-Error "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet"
$request = @{'group'='sensor';'method'= 'info';'param[id]'= $DeviceID;'responseAsXml'='xml'}
[xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Global:Telldus -Method POST -Body $request
[datetime] $TelldusDate="1970-01-01 00:00:00"
$SensorTemp=($SensorData | ? name -eq "temp").value | select -First 1
$SensorHumidity=($SensorData | ? name -eq "humidity").value | select -First 1
$returnObject = New-Object System.Object
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DeviceID -Value $DeviceID
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $SensorName
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LocationName -Value $clientName
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Temperature -Value $SensorTemp
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Humidity -Value $SensorHumidity
$returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LastUpdate -Value $SensorLastUpdatedDate
Write-Output $returnObject
function Set-TDDimmer
Dims a device to a certain level.
This command can set the dimming level of a device to through the Telldus Live! service.
Set-TDDimmer -DeviceID 123456 -Level 89
Set-TDDimmer -Level 180
The DeviceID of the device to dim. (Pipelining possible)
What level to dim to. Possible values are 0 - 255.
HelpMessage="Enter the DeviceID.")] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID,
HelpMessage="Enter the level to dim to between 0 and 255.")]
[int] $Level)
if ($Telldus -eq $null) {
Write-Error "You must first connect using the Connect-TelldusLive cmdlet"
$request = @{'group'='device';'method'= $Action;'param[id]'= $DeviceID;'param[level]'= $Level;'responseAsXml'='xml'}
[xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Global:Telldus -Method POST -Body $request
$Results=$ActionResults.device.status -replace "\s"
Write-Verbose "Dimming device $DeviceID to level $Level. Result: $Results."