# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Select-UserGroup
# description: A script for ShowUI 1.0 — using Quest’s active directory cmdlets to retrieve user information and allow you to select one of the groups they’re a member of. Could be extended to populate a bunch of form fields from active directory and even allow updating them…
# version: 0.1
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2737
# x-archived: 2012-01-03T12:18:12
# x-published: 2012-06-17T20:07:00
New-Grid -ControlName SelectUserGroups -Columns Auto,* -Rows 4 {
$GetGroups = {
$user = Get-QADUuser $this.Text -SizeLimit 1
if($User.LogonName -eq $this.Text -or $User.Email -eq $this.Text) {
$this.Foreground = "Black"
$Group.ItemsSource = Get-QADGroup -ContainsMember $user
$UserName.Text = $user.LogonName
$EmailAddress.Text = $user.Email
} else {
$this.Foreground = "Red"
$Group.ItemsSource = @()
New-Label "Name"
New-Textbox -name UserName -minwidth 100 -Column 1 -On_LostFocus $GetGroups
New-Label "Email" -Row 1
New-Textbox -name EmailAddress -minwidth 100 -Column 1 -Row 1 -On_LostFocus $GetGroups
New-Label "Group" -Row 2
New-Listbox -name Group -Column 1 -Row 2
New-Button "OK" -Row 3 -Column 1 -On_Click { Get-ParentControl | Set-UIValue -Passthru | Close-Control }
} -Show