# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: sudo for Powershell
# description: Added hidden window, with Export/Import-Clixml to pull results into current window
# version: 1.4
# type: script
# author: pezhore
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3056
# x-derived-from-id: 3057
# x-archived: 2017-04-22T16:01:51
# x-published: 2012-11-20T13:42:00
# Doesn’t deal well with input PS commands (e.g. ‘sudo $Local:WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole(“Administrators”)’) is broken.
# Updated from other people’s attempts. Useful for calling programs (notepad.exe, etc) or for running powershell scripts in an elevated prompt (use the -ps flag)
## sudo.ps1
# Authors: rbellamy, pezhore, mrigns, This guy: http://tsukasa.jidder.de/blog/2008/03/15/scripting-sudo-with-powershell,
# other powershell peoples
# Sources:
# http://tsukasa.jidder.de/blog/2008/03/15/scripting-sudo-with-powershell
# http://www.ainotenshi.org/%E2%80%98sudo%E2%80%99-for-powershell-sorta
# Version:
# 1.0 Initial version
# 1.1 added -ps flag, cleaned up passed $file/$script full path
# 1.3 Fixed passing working directory to powershell/auto closing
# 1.4 Added hidden window, with Export/Import-Clixml to pull results into current window
# Doesn't deal well with input PS commands (e.g. 'sudo $Local:WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole("Administrators")')
# is broken.
param (
[switch]$ps = $true, # Switch for running args as powershell script
[string]$file, # Script/Program to run
[string]$arguments = $args # Arguments to program/script
$tempPath = "$env:TEMP:\PoSH-sudo-$PID.xml";
# Find our powershell full path
$powershell = (Get-Command powershell).Definition;
# Get current directory
$dir = Get-Location;
# File verification
if([System.IO.File]::Exists("$(Get-Location)\$file")) {
# Get full path
$file = (Get-ChildItem $file).Fullname;
if ($ps) {
#If we're running this as a elevated powershell script
# Create a powershell process
$psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $powershell;
$psi.WorkingDirectory = Get-Location;
# Combine the script and its arguments
$sArgs = $file + " " + $arguments;
# Set the arguments to be the ps script and it's arguments
$psi.Arguments = " -Command Set-Location $dir; $sArgs";
# NOT using the shell to execute!
$psi.UseShellExecute = $false;
# Magic to run as elevated
$psi.Verb = "RunAs";
} else {
# We're running something other than a powershells script
# Same as above, create proccess/working directory/arguments/runas
$psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $file;
$psi.Arguments = $arguments;
# Magic to run as elevated
$psi.Verb = "RunAs";
$psi.Arguments = $psi.Arguments + " | Export-Clixml -Path `"$tempPath`"";
$psi.WindowStyle = "Hidden";
# Execute the process
Import-Clixml -Path "$tempPath";
Remove-Item $tempPath;