# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Function Run-Script
# description: This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Archdeacon
# license: CC0
# function: Run-Script
# x-poshcode-id: 3093
# x-derived-from-id: 3094
# x-archived: 2015-04-27T06:53:23
# x-published: 2012-12-13T20:30:00
function Run-Script {
if ($psISE.CurrentFile.DisplayName.StartsWith("Untitled")) {
$script = $psISE.CurrentFile.DisplayName
$logfile = "$env:programfiles\Sea Star Development\" +
"Script Monitor Service\ScriptMon.txt" #Change to suit.
if (!(Test-Path env:\JobCount)) {
$env:JobCount = 1 #This will work across multi Tab sessions.
$number = $env:JobCount.PadLeft(4,'0')
$startTime = Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
$tag = "$startTime [$script] start. --> PSE $($myInvocation.Line)"
if (Test-Path $logfile) {
$tag | Out-File $logfile -encoding 'Default' -Append
"$startTime [$script] started."
Write-EventLog -Logname Scripts -Source Monitor -EntryType Information -EventID 2 -Category 002 -Message "Script Job: $script (PSE$number) started."
Invoke-Command -Scriptblock { & "$pwd\$script" }
$endTime = Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
$tag = "$endTime [$script] ended. --> PSE $($myInvocation.Line)"
if (Test-Path $logfile) {
$tag | Out-File $logfile -encoding 'Default' -Append
"$endTime [$script] ended."
Write-Eventlog -Logname Scripts -Source Monitor -EntryType Information -EventID 1 -Category 001 -Message "Script Job: $script (PSE$number) ended."
$env:JobCount = [int]$env:JobCount+1
$psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Add("Run Script",{Run-Script}, "Alt+R") | Out-Null