# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: ActiveDirectoryFunctions
# description: A bunch of AD-related functions … I’m only pasting this because I can’t find another Get-ADComputer or Get-NTAccountName
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Get-ADUser
# x-poshcode-id: 3011
# x-archived: 2012-01-14T07:06:26
# x-published: 2012-10-18T10:54:00
# This Release: Fix a bug in Get-NTAccountName (it was outputting extra records)
# Gets a directory entry from ActiveDirectory based on the login user name
function Get-ADUser {
$ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'')
$ads.filter = "(&(objectClass=Person)(samAccountName=$UserName))"
$ads.FindAll().GetEnumerator() | %{ $_.GetDirectoryEntry() }
function Get-NTAccountName {
process {
$ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'')
$ads.filter = "(|(name=$Name)(samAccountName=$Name))"
$distinguishedName = $ads.FindOne().Properties["distinguishedname"]
# Use the NameTranslate object.
$objTrans = New-Object -comObject "NameTranslate"
$objNT = $objTrans.GetType()
# Invoke the Init method to Initialize NameTranslate by locating
# the Global Catalog. Note the constant 3 is ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC.
$null = $objNT.InvokeMember("Init", "InvokeMethod", $Null, $objTrans, (3, $Null))
# Use the Set method to specify the Distinguished Name of the current domain.
# Note the constant 1 is ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779.
$null = $objNT.InvokeMember("Set", "InvokeMethod", $Null, $objTrans, (1, "$distinguishedName"))
# Use the Get method to retrieve the NetBIOS name of the current domain.
# Note the constant 3 is ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4.
# The value retrieved includes a trailing backslash.
$objNT.InvokeMember("Get", "InvokeMethod", $Null, $objTrans, 3)
function Get-SID {
process {
$ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'')
$ads.filter = "(|(name=$Name)(samAccountName=$Name))"
new-object security.principal.securityidentifier $ads.FindOne().Properties["objectSID"][0], 0
# Gets a directory entry from ActiveDirectory based on the computer name
function Get-ADComputer {
$ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'')
$ads.filter = "(&(objectClass=Computer)(name=$ComputerName))"
$ads.FindAll().GetEnumerator() | %{
$Computer = $_.GetDirectoryEntry()
$Computer = Resolve-PropertyValueCollection -InputObject $Computer
Add-Member -InputObject $Computer -Type NoteProperty -Name SID -Value (new-object security.principal.securityidentifier $Computer.objectSID, 0)
Add-Member -InputObject $Computer -Type NoteProperty -Name GUID -Value (new-object GUID (,[byte[]]$Computer.objectGUID))
Add-Member -InputObject $Computer -Type NoteProperty -Name CreatorSID -Value (new-object security.principal.securityidentifier $Computer."mS-DS-CreatorSID", 0)
Add-Member -InputObject $Computer -Type NoteProperty -Name NTAccountName -Value (Get-NTAccountName $ComputerName)
# Gets a directory entry from ActiveDirectory based on the group's friendly name
function Get-ADGroup {
$ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'')
$ads.filter = "(&(objectClass=Group)(samAccountName=$UserName))"
$ads.FindAll().GetEnumerator() | %{ $_.GetDirectoryEntry() }
# Look up a DN from a user's (login) name
function Get-DistinguishedName {
(Get-ADUser $UserName).DistinguishedName
# Get Active Directory group membership recursively
# $groups = Get-GroupMembership (Get-DistinguishedName Jaykul)
# $groups = Get-GroupMembership (Get-DistinguishedName Jaykul) -RecurseLimit 0
# Gets the groups the user belongs to without recursing
function Get-GroupMembership {
if(!$Name.StartsWith("CN=","InvariantCultureIgnoreCase")) {
$Name = Get-DistinguishedName $Name
$groups = ([adsi]"LDAP://$Name").MemberOf
if ($groups -and $RecurseLimit) {
Foreach ($gr in $groups) {
$groups += @(Get-GroupMembership $gr -RecurseLimit:$($RecurseLimit-1) |
? {$groups -notcontains $_})
return $groups | Convert-DistinguishedName
function Convert-DistinguishedName {
process {
if(!$Name.StartsWith("CN=","InvariantCultureIgnoreCase")) {
$Name = Get-DistinguishedName $Name
$name -replace "CN=","Name=" -replace "DC=","Domain=" -replace "OU=","Org=" | ConvertFrom-PropertyString -Delimiter "," | ForEach { $_.Domain = $_.Domain -join "."; $_ } | Add-Member NoteProperty DN $name -passthru
function Resolve-PropertyValueCollection {
process {
$SingleMembers = @()
$MultiMembers = @()
$InputObject | Get-Member -Type Property | ForEach-Object {
$Name = $_.Name
if($InputObject.($Name).Count -le 1) {
$SingleMembers += $Name
} else {
$MultiMembers += $Name
$OutputObject = Select-Object -InputObject $InputObject -Property $MultiMembers
foreach($member in $singleMembers) {
Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -Type NoteProperty -Name $Member -Value ($InputObject.$Member)[0]
# Pretty-print the vitals on a user...
function Select-UserInfo {
process {
switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
"Name" {
foreach($n in $Name) {
Write-Verbose "Getting $n User Info"
Get-ADUser $n | Resolve-PropertyValueCollection
"Input" {
foreach($io in $InputObject) {
Write-Verbose "Converting User Info for $($io.displayName)"
Resolve-PropertyValueCollection -InputObject $io
function Get-GroupMembers {
process {
Foreach ($member in (Get-ADGroup $GroupName).Members() ) {
new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry $member | Resolve-PropertyValueCollection