PoshCode Archive  Artifact [d656205409]

Artifact d656205409d86db6ddd507b27824b0cb6e7a76b3a554947e8ffc54e328f16d4c:

  • File Search-SQL-Error-Log.ps1 — part of check-in [c7cfa33639] at 2018-06-10 13:41:11 on branch trunk — ############################################################################################# (user: Rob Sewell size: 2761)

# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: Search SQL Error Log
# description: #############################################################################################
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Rob Sewell
# license: CC0
# function: Search-SQLErrorLog
# x-poshcode-id: 4456
# x-archived: 2014-08-18T21:33:37
# x-published: 2014-09-11T11:47:00
# #
# NAME: Search-SQLErrorLog.ps1
# AUTHOR: Rob Sewell http://sqldbawithabeard.com
# DATE:22/07/2013
# #
# COMMENTS: Load function for Searching SQL Error Log 
# # #
# NAME: Search-SQLErrorLog.ps1
# AUTHOR: Rob Sewell http://sqldbawithabeard.com
# DATE:22/07/2013
# COMMENTS: Load function for Searching SQL Error Log 
<# Usage: Search-SQLErrorLog backup fade2black

   Output to file
        Search-SQLErrorLog backup fade2black|Out-File c:\temp\error.txt

        $ErrorLog = Search-SQLErrorLog FADE2BLACK
        Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer Mail.Server -to DBA@MyWork.com -Subject SQL Error Log Search for $Search -Body $ErrorLog 

   Email as attachment
        $ErrorLog = Search-SQLErrorLog FADE2BLACK|Out-File c:\temp\log.txt
        $Body = @"
                  Dear DBA, 

                  Please find attached the Error Log for $Search. 

                  You're Welcome. 

                  The Beard
         Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer Mail.Server -to DBA@MyWork.com -Subject "SQL Error Log" `
         -Body $Body -Attachments $ErrorLog
# 覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧

Function Search-SQLErrorLog ([string] $SearchTerm , [string] $SQLServer)

 $Search = '*' + $SearchTerm + '*'


$server = new-object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $SQLServer

$server.ReadErrorLog(6)| Where-Object {$_.Text -like $Search} | Select LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize
$server.ReadErrorLog(5)| Where-Object {$_.Text -like $Search} | Select LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize
$server.ReadErrorLog(4)| Where-Object {$_.Text -like $Search} | Select LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize
$server.ReadErrorLog(3)| Where-Object {$_.Text -like $Search} | Select LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize
$server.ReadErrorLog(2)| Where-Object {$_.Text -like $Search} | Select LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize 
$server.ReadErrorLog(1)| Where-Object {$_.Text -like $Search} | Select LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize 
$server.ReadErrorLog(0)| Where-Object {$_.Text -like $Search} | Select LogDate, ProcessInfo, Text| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize 
