PoshCode Archive  Artifact [d6848f8808]

Artifact d6848f8808c02b8d4b25776566da69a2dfd500c0bef97e74b101306db20e8e4e:

  • File Get-LocalGroups.ps1 — part of check-in [bb8a4e4499] at 2018-06-10 12:56:46 on branch trunk — I import this as a module because it depends on the other two functions. You could easily dot-source it as well. Requires v2 CTP3 or higher to get the help documentation to work. (user: tojo2000 size: 4786)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-LocalGroups
# description: I import this as a module because it depends on the other two functions.  You could easily dot-source it as well.  Requires v2 CTP3 or higher to get the help documentation to work.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: tojo2000
# license: CC0
# function: Add-NoteProperty
# x-poshcode-id: 1267
# x-archived: 2012-02-05T07:06:44
# x-published: 2012-08-12T21:26:00
function Add-NoteProperty {
  Adds a NoteProperty member to an object.
  This function makes adding a property a lot easier than Add-Member, assuming
  you want to add a NoteProperty, which I find is true about 90% of the time.
.Parameter object
  The object to add the property to.
.Parameter name
  The name of the new property.
.Parameter value
  The object to add as the property.
  # Create a new custom object and add some properties.
  PS> $custom_obj = New-Object PSObject
  PS> Add-NoteProperty $custom_obj Name 'Custom'
  PS> Add-NoteProperty $custom_obj Value 42
  # Add a NoteProperty by passing the object to be modified down the pipeline.
  PS> $bunch_of_objects | Add-NoteProperty -name 'meaning_of_life' -value 42
  NAME:      Add-NoteProperty
  AUTHOR:    Tim Johnson <tojo2000@tojo200.com>
  FILE:      LocalGroups.psm1
  param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
  ValueFromPipeline = $true,
  Position = 0)]
  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
  Position = 1)]
  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
  Position = 2)]


    $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
    -Name $name `
    -Value $property


function Get-COMProperty{
  Gets a property of a __ComObject object.
  This function calls the InvokeMember static method of the class to get 
  properties that aren't directly exposed to PowerShell, such as local group
  members found by calling Members() on a DirectoryServices group object.
.Parameter com_object
  The object to retrieve the property from.
.Parameter property_name
  The name of the property.
  # Get the names of all members of a group.
  PS> [adsi]$computer = 'WinNT://servername'
  PS> $groups = $groups = $computer.psbase.children |
  >>    ?{$_.psbase.schemaclassname -eq 'group'}
  PS> $groups[0].Members() | %{Get-COMProperty $_ 'Name'}
  NAME:      Get-COMProperty
  AUTHOR:    Tim Johnson <tojo2000@tojo200.com>
  FILE:      LocalGroups.psm1
  param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
  Position = 1)]
  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
  Position = 2)]

  [string]$property = $com_object.GetType().InvokeMember($property_name, 
  Write-Output $property

function Get-LocalGroups{
  Gets a list of objects with information about local groups and their members.
  This function returns a list of custom PSObjects that are a list of local
  groups on a computer.  Each object has a property called Members that is a
  list of PSObjects representing each member, with Name, Domain, and ADSPath.
.Parameter computername
  The object to retrieve the property from.
  # Get a list of groups from a server.
  PS> Get-LocalGroups servername
  NAME:      Get-LocalGroups
  AUTHOR:    Tim Johnson <tojo2000@tojo200.com>
  FILE:      LocalGroups.psm1
  param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
  ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
  [string]$computername = $env:computername)


    $output = @()
    [adsi]$computer = "WinNT://$computername"
    $groups = $computer.psbase.children |
    ?{$_.psbase.schemaclassname -eq 'group'}

    foreach ($group in $groups) {
      $members = @()
      $grp_obj = New-Object PSObject
      Add-NoteProperty $grp_obj 'Name' $group.Name.ToString()
      Add-NoteProperty $grp_obj 'aDSPath' $group.aDSPath.ToString()

      foreach ($user in $group.Members()){
        $usr_obj = New-Object PSObject
        Add-NoteProperty $usr_obj 'aDSPath' (Get-COMProperty $user 'aDSPath')
        Add-NoteProperty $usr_obj 'Name' (Get-COMProperty $user 'Name')
        $path = $usr_obj.aDSPath.split('/')

        if ($path.Count -eq 4){
          Add-NoteProperty $usr_obj 'Domain' $path[2]
        }elseif ($path.Count -eq 5) {
          Add-NoteProperty $usr_obj 'Domain' $path[3]
          Add-NoteProperty $usr_obj 'Domain' 'Unknown'

        $members += $usr_obj

      Add-NoteProperty $grp_obj 'Members' $members
      Write-Output $grp_obj