# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Install-ISPackage
# description: The Install-ISPackage script installs an Dtsx file to a SQL Server store using the command-line utility dtutil.
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# author: Chad Miller
# license: CC0
# function: Get-SqlVersion
# x-poshcode-id: 4546
# x-archived: 2016-04-16T03:00:27
# x-published: 2016-10-24T10:15:00
# Works for 2005 and higher
Installs an SSIS package to a SQL Server store.
The Install-ISPackage script installs an Dtsx file to a SQL Server store using the command-line utility dtutil.
Works for 2005 and higher
./install-ispackage.ps1 -DtsxFullName "C:\Users\Public\bin\SSIS\sqlpsx1.dtsx" -ServerInstance "Z001\SQL1" -PackageFullName "SQLPSX\sqlpsx1"
This command install the sqlpsx1.dtsx package to SQL Server instance Z001\SQL1 under the SQLPSX folder as sqlpsx1. If SQLPSX folder does not exist it will be created.
Version History
v1.0 - Chad Miller - 6/26/2012 - Initial release
v1.1 - Chad Miller - 7/05/2012 - Updated to output object. Fixed lastexitcode check in test functions
v1.2 - Chad Miller - 7/09/2012 - Added SqlVersion and Dtutil Path logic
v1.3 - Chad Miller - 7/10/2012 - Fixed 2005 path logic
v1.4 - Chad Miller - 9/25/2012 - Fixed 2012 path logic
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)]
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$Script:dtutil = $null
$exitCode = @{
0="The utility executed successfully."
1="The utility failed."
4="The utility cannot locate the requested package."
5="The utility cannot load the requested package."
6="The utility cannot resolve the command line because it contains either syntactic or semantic errors"}
function Get-SqlVersion
write-verbose "sqlcmd -S `"$ServerInstance`" -d `"master`" -Q `"SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')`" -h -1 -W"
$SqlVersion = sqlcmd -S "$ServerInstance" -d "master" -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')" -h -1 -W
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
throw $SqlVersion
else {
} #Get-SqlVersion
function Set-DtutilPath
$paths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine") -split ";"
if ($SqlVersion -like "9*") {
$Script:dtutil = $paths | where { $_ -like "*Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\" }
if ($Script:dtutil -eq $null) {
throw "SQL Server 2005 Version of dtutil not found."
elseif ($SqlVersion -like "10*") {
$Script:dtutil = $paths | where { $_ -like "*Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\" }
if ($Script:dtutil -eq $null) {
throw "SQL Server 2008 or 2008R2 Version of dtutil not found."
elseif ($SqlVersion -like "11*") {
$Script:dtutil = $paths | where { $_ -like "*Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn\" }
if ($Script:dtutil -eq $null) {
throw "SQL Server 2012 Version of dtutil not found."
if ($Script:dtutil -eq $null) {
throw "Unable to find path to dtutil.exe. Verify dtutil installed."
else {
$Script:dtutil += 'dtutil.exe'
} #Set-DtutilPath
function install-package
param($DtsxFullName, $ServerInstance, $PackageFullName)
$result = & $Script:dtutil /File "$DtsxFullName" /DestServer "$ServerInstance" /Copy SQL`;"$PackageFullName" /Quiet
$result = $result -join "`n"
new-object psobject -property @{
ExitCode = $lastexitcode
ExitDescription = "$($exitcode[$lastexitcode])"
Command = "$Script:dtutil /File `"$DtsxFullName`" /DestServer `"$ServerInstance`" /Copy SQL;`"$PackageFullName`" /Quiet"
Result = $result
Success = ($lastexitcode -eq 0)}
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
throw $exitcode[$lastexitcode]
} #install-package
function test-path
param($ServerInstance, $FolderPath)
write-verbose "$Script:dtutil /SourceServer `"$ServerInstance`" /FExists SQL`;`"$FolderPath`""
$result = & $Script:dtutil /SourceServer "$ServerInstance" /FExists SQL`;"$FolderPath"
if ($lastexitcode -gt 1) {
$result = $result -join "`n"
throw "$result `n $($exitcode[$lastexitcode])"
if ($result -and $result[4] -eq "The specified folder exists.") {
else {
} #test-path
function test-packagepath
param($ServerInstance, $PackageFullName)
write-verbose "$Script:dtutil /SourceServer `"$ServerInstance`" /SQL `"$PackageFullName`" /EXISTS"
$result = & $Script:dtutil /SourceServer "$ServerInstance" /SQL "$PackageFullName" /EXISTS
if ($lastexitcode -gt 1) {
$result = $result -join "`n"
throw "$result `n $($exitcode[$lastexitcode])"
new-object psobject -property @{
ExitCode = $lastexitcode
ExitDescription = "$($exitcode[$lastexitcode])"
Command = "$Script:dtutil /SourceServer `"$ServerInstance`" /SQL `"$PackageFullName`" /EXISTS"
Result = $result[4]
Success = ($lastexitcode -eq 0 -and $result -and $result[4] -eq "The specified package exists.")}
} #test-packagepath
function new-folder
param($ServerInstance, $ParentFolderPath, $NewFolderName)
$result = & $Script:dtutil /SourceServer "$ServerInstance" /FCreate SQL`;"$ParentFolderPath"`;"$NewFolderName"
$result = $result -join "`n"
new-object psobject -property @{
ExitCode = $lastexitcode
ExitDescription = "$($exitcode[$lastexitcode])"
Command = "$Script:dtutil /SourceServer `"$ServerInstance`" /FCreate SQL;`"$ParentFolderPath`";`"$NewFolderName`""
Result = $result
Success = ($lastexitcode -eq 0)}
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
throw $exitcode[$lastexitcode]
} #new-folder
function Get-FolderList
if ($PackageFullName -match '\\') {
$folders = $PackageFullName -split "\\"
0..$($folders.Length -2) | foreach {
new-object psobject -property @{
Parent=$(if($_-gt 0) { $($folders[0..$($_ -1)] -join "\") } else { "\" })
FullPath=$($folders[0..$_] -join "\")
} #Get-FolderList
## MAIN ##
try {
#1. Get Sql Version
$SqlVersion = Get-SqlVersion -ServerInstance $ServerInstance
#2. Set Dtutil Path based on Sql Version
Set-DtutilPath -SqlVersion $SqlVersion
#3. Get SSIS Folder List, verify exists and create missing folders
Get-FolderList -PackageFullName $PackageFullName |
where { $(test-path -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -FolderPath $_.FullPath) -eq $false } |
foreach { new-folder -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -ParentFolderPath $_.Parent -NewFolderName $_.Child }
#4. Install SSIS Package
install-package -DtsxFullName $DtsxFullName -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -PackageFullName $PackageFullName
#5. Verify Package
test-packagepath -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -PackageFullName $PackageFullName
catch {
write-error "$_ `n $("Failed to install DtsxFullName {0} to ServerInstance {1} PackageFullName {2}" -f $DtsxFullName,$ServerInstance,$PackageFullName)"