# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-McAfeeInfo
# description: This script produces report for McAfee AntiVirus on a set of remote computers. Writes output object containing Server, Product Version, Engine Version, and Virus Definition Version.
# version: 8.0
# type: function
# author: halr9000
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 6245
# x-archived: 2016-03-26T10:11:59
# x-published: 2016-03-02T14:37:00
# The logic for testing versions is incomplete.
# Produces report for McAfee AntiVirus on a set of remote computers
# Usage: get-content <list of servers.txt> | .\GetMcAfeeInfo.ps1
# Optionally pipe output to Export-Csv, ConverTo-Html
Begin {
# Pings $cn and if successful, pass $cn to output, otherwise, $null
function SelectAlive ( $cn ) {
$ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping # faster than ping, not to mention easier to parse
$reply = $null
$cn = $cn.trim() # removes any extraneous whitespace
$reply = $ping.Send($cn)
if ($reply.status -eq "Success") {
Write-Output $cn
} else {
Write-Warning "$cn : not pingable"
# Attempts to query registry for $cn and if successful, pass $cn to output, otherwise, $null
function SelectRemoteRegistryAccess ( $cn ) {
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # squelch errors
$root = "LocalMachine"
if ( [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey( $root, $cn ) ) {
Write-Output $cn
} else {
Write-Warning "$cn : remote registry access not accessible"
function GetHKLMRegValue ( $cn, $key, $value ) {
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # squelch errors
$root = "LocalMachine"
$rootkey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey( $root, $cn )
$key = $rootkey.OpenSubKey( $key )
$key.GetValue( $value )
# McAfee registry paths
$sKeyPath85 = "SOFTWARE\McAfee\DesktopProtection"
$sKeyPath85e = "SOFTWARE\McAfee\AVEngine"
$sKeyPath80 = "SOFTWARE\Network Associates\TVD\VirusScan Enterprise\CurrentVersion"
$sProductVer = "szProductVer"
$sEngineVer80 = "szEngineVer"
$sEngineVer85 = "EngineVersionMajor"
$sVirDefVer80 = "szVirDefVer"
$sVirDefVer85 = "AVDatVersion"
Process {
# If the computer isn't pingable, move on to next in pipeline.
if ( -not ( SelectAlive $_ ) ) { continue }
# Can we access the remote registry? If not, then the service is stopped or firewall enabled, or its a Linux box :)
if ( -not ( SelectRemoteRegistryAccess $_ ) ) { continue }
# create custom object with properties for each datum
# technique described here: http://bsonposh.com/archives/221
$Output = "" | Select-Object Server, ProductVersion, EngineVersion, DatVersion
if ( GetHKLMRegValue -cn $_ -key $sKeyPath85 -value $sProductVer ) {
$output.Server = $_
$output.ProductVersion = GetHKLMRegValue -cn $_ -key $sKeyPath85 -value $sProductVer
$output.EngineVersion = GetHKLMRegValue -cn $_ -key $sKeyPath85 -value $sEngineVerValue
$output.DatVersion = GetHKLMRegValue -cn $_ -key $sKeyPath85 -value $sVirDefVer85
} else {
# do 8.0