PoshCode Archive  Artifact [d814bc834a]

Artifact d814bc834a82c35e833c14421ca2f00fcf441f39f2fe905893f025ec0635d0f8:

  • File Ping-WSMan.ps1 — part of check-in [105afc3284] at 2018-06-10 13:56:57 on branch trunk — It’s like Test-WSMan but you can set the flags, so you can turn off CACheck and CNCheck (and I do, by default) (user: Joel Bennett size: 3762)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Ping-WSMan
# description: It’s like Test-WSMan but you can set the flags, so you can turn off CACheck and CNCheck (and I do, by default)
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Ping-WsMan
# x-poshcode-id: 5547
# x-archived: 2014-11-04T04:48:21
# x-published: 2014-10-29T06:33:00
# And it might even work without parameters this time ;-)
# Note: this version doesn’t support certificates yet
Import-Module Microsoft.WSMan.Management
Add-Type @"
  public enum WSManSessionFlags {
    None = 0, UseUtf8 = 1, SkipCACheck = 8192, SkipCNCheck = 16384, UseSsl = 134217728,
    UseNoAuthentication = 32768, 
    Negotiate = 131072, Kerberos = 524288, ClientCertificate = 2097152, 
    Digest = 65536, Basic = 262144, CredSsp = 16777216, CredUserNamePassword = 4096, 
    NoEncryption = 1048576,  EnableSpnServerPort = 4194304, UseUtf16 = 8388608, 
    SkipRevocationCheck = 33554432, AllowNegotiateImplicitCredentials = 67108864

  public enum WSManSessionOptions {
    None = 0, UseUtf8 = 1, UseUtf16 = 8388608, 
    SkipCACheck = 8192, SkipCNCheck = 16384, UseSsl = 134217728,
    NoEncryption = 1048576,  EnableSpnServerPort = 4194304, 
    SkipRevocationCheck = 33554432, AllowNegotiateImplicitCredentials = 67108864    

  public enum WSManAuthentication {
    None = 32768, Basic = 266240, Negotiate = 131072, Kerberos = 524288, 
    ClientCertificate = 2097152, Digest = 69632, CredSsp = 16781312

function Ping-WsMan {
    # It's like Test-WSMan, but with SessionOptions
    # This just calls Identify, and it relies on Microsoft.WSMan.Management classes
    # but it lets you specify some SessionOptions that aren't available on Test-WSMan
        $ComputerName = 'localhost',

        [int]$Port = 5985,

        [string]$Uri = "${ComputerName}:${Port}" + $( if($ApplicationName){ "/$ApplicationName" } ),


        [WSManSessionOptions]$SessionOptions = ("SkipCACheck","SkipCNCheck"),

        [WSManAuthentication]$Authentication = "None",


    if($UseSsl) {
        if(!$Port){ $Port = 5986 }
        $SessionOptions += "UseSsl"
        $Uri = "${ComputerName}:${Port}" + $( if($ApplicationName){ "/$ApplicationName" } )

    [WSManSessionFlags]$SessionFlags = $SessionOptions -bor $Authentication
    $wsman = New-Object Microsoft.WSMan.Management.WSManClass
    if($Credential) {
        if($Authentication -eq "None") {
            $SessionFlags -= "UseNoAuthentication"
            $SessionFlags += "CredUserNamePassword"
        $options = [System.__ComObject].InvokeMember('CreateConnectionOptions', 'InvokeMethod', $null, $wsman, $null)
        $options.UserName = $Credential.UserName
        $options.Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $Parameters = $Uri, $SessionFlags, $options
    } else {
        $Parameters = $Uri, $SessionFlags

    Write-Verbose $SessionFlags

    $session = [System.__ComObject].InvokeMember('CreateSession', 'InvokeMethod', $null, $wsman, $Parameters)