PoshCode Archive  Artifact [d9964a4e76]

Artifact d9964a4e7681388e202ef997477bbe206b5db70ebd5ec1e42365ccb8c8432cdc:

  • File Subversion-Functions.ps1 — part of check-in [686a956280] at 2018-06-10 13:51:06 on branch trunk — A PowerShell Module that exposes wrapper functions for the subversion svn.exe commands to update, commit, import, checkout, status, add, and delete. (user: Frank Peter Schultze size: 8345)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Subversion Functions
# description: A PowerShell Module that exposes wrapper functions for the subversion svn.exe commands to update, commit, import, checkout, status, add, and delete.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Frank Peter Schultze
# license: CC0
# function: Update-SvnWorkingCopy
# x-poshcode-id: 5160
# x-archived: 2014-10-16T02:21:29
# x-published: 2014-05-14T17:15:00
# Filename: Subversion.psm1
# Created:  2014-05-14
# Version:  0.1
# Author:   Frank Peter Schultze
# Requires the Subversion command-line binary svn.exe
# The exposed functions provide only basic functionality and were successfully tested with the
# subversion command line client from http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion.
# DISCLAIMER: This PowerShell module is provided "as is", without any warranty, whether express
# or implied, of its accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-
# infringement, and none of the third-party products or information mentioned in the work are
# authored, recommended, supported or guaranteed by me. Further, I shall not be liable for any
# damages you may sustain by using this module, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or
# consequential, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

        Wrapper function for "svn.exe update"

        Bring the latest changes from the repository into the working copy (HEAD revision).

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies the directory of the working copy.

        Update-SvnWorkingCopy -Path .\myProject
function Update-SvnWorkingCopy
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    svn.exe update "$Path"
Set-Alias -Name udsvnwc -Value Update-SvnWorkingCopy

        Wrapper function for "svn.exe commit"

        Send changes from your working copy to the repository.

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies the directory of the working copy.

    .PARAMETER  Message
        The Message parameter identifies a log message. If it is not given PowerShell will prompt for it.

        Publish-SvnWorkingCopy -Path .\myProject -Message 'Fixed bug #456'
function Publish-SvnWorkingCopy
    svn.exe commit "$Path" --message "$Message"
Set-Alias -Name pbsvnwc -Value Publish-SvnWorkingCopy

        Wrapper function for "svn.exe import"

        Commit an unversioned file or directory tree into the repository.

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies the path of an unversioned file or directory tree. If it is not given '.' is assumed.

        The Url parameter identifies the URL of the Subversion repository.

    .PARAMETER  Message
        The Message parameter identifies a log message. If it is not given 'Import' is assumed.

        Import-SvnUnversionedFilePath -Path .\myProject -Url https://myserver/svn/myrepo
function Import-SvnUnversionedFilePath
        $Path = '.'
        $Message = 'Import'
    svn.exe import "$Path" "$Url" --message "$Message"
Set-Alias -Name ipsvn -Value Import-SvnUnversionedFilePath

        Wrapper function for "svn.exe checkout"

        Check out a working copy from a repository (HEAD revision).

        The Url parameter identifies the URL of the Subversion repository.

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies an non-existing directory for the working copy.

        New-SvnWorkingCopy -Url https://myserver/svn/myrepo -Path .\myProject
function New-SvnWorkingCopy
    svn.exe checkout "$Url" "$Path"
Set-Alias -Name nsvnwc -Value New-SvnWorkingCopy

        Wrapper function for "svn.exe status"

        Print the status of working copy files and directories.

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies the directory of the working copy.

        Get-SvnWorkingCopy -Path .\myProject
function Get-SvnWorkingCopy
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    svn.exe status "$Path"
Set-Alias -Name gsvnwc -Value Get-SvnWorkingCopy

        Wrapper function for "svn.exe add"

        Put files and directories under version control, scheduling them for addition to repository in next commit.

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies the file or directory to be put under version control.

        Add-SvnWorkingCopyItem -Path .\myProject\final.txt
function Add-SvnWorkingCopyItem
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    svn.exe add "$Path"
Set-Alias -Name asvnwci -Value Add-SvnWorkingCopyItem

        Wrapper function for "svn.exe delete"

        Remove files and directories from version control. Each item specified by Path is scheduled for deletion upon the next commit. Items that have not been committed, are immediately removed from the working copy.

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies the file or directory to be removed from version control.

        Remove-SvnWorkingCopyItem -Path .\myProject\test.txt
function Remove-SvnWorkingCopyItem
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    svn.exe delete "$Path"
Set-Alias -Name rsvnwci -Value Remove-SvnWorkingCopyItem

        Fix a working copy that has been modified by non-svn commands in terms of adding and removing files.

        Identify items that are not under version control and items that are missing (i.e. removed by non-svn command).
        Put non-versioned items under version control (i.e. schedule for adding upon next commit).
        Remove missing items from version control (i.e. schedule for deletion upon next commit).

        The Url parameter identifies the URL of the Subversion repository.

    .PARAMETER  Path
        The Path parameter identifies the directory of the working copy.

        Repair-SvnWorkingCopy -Path .\myProject
function Repair-SvnWorkingCopy
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

    Set-Variable -Name C_SVN_ITEM_MISSING -Value '!' -Option ReadOnly
    Set-Variable -Name C_SVN_ITEM_UNKNOWN -Value '?' -Option ReadOnly

    Get-SvnWorkingCopy -Path $Path |
        Where-Object {$_ -match '^(?<Status>\S)\s+(?<File>\S+)$'} |
            ForEach-Object {
                $Status = $Matches.Status
                $File   = $Matches.File
                switch ($Status)
                        Remove-SvnWorkingCopyItem -Path "$File"
                        Add-SvnWorkingCopyItem -Path "$File"

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *