# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Set Logfile length
# description: Set any text file to a fixed number of lines. Useful for maintaining files such as the PS Transcript log. Now option added to remove blank lines.
# version: 2.1
# type: script
# author: Archdeacon
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3123
# x-archived: 2012-01-14T07:05:04
# x-published: 2012-12-24T03:44:00
Set any text file to a fixed number of lines. Use 'Get-Help .\SetFileLines
-full' to view Help for this file.
This script will maintain the PS Transcript file (default setting), or any
text file, at a fixed length, ie matching the number of lines entered.
However, omitting the lines parameter will just remove any blank lines; and
using the -Blanks switch will remove blanks from the desired length. Can be
included in $profile.
Set-FileLines -File c:\Scripts\anyfile.txt
Remove all blank lines from the file 'anyfile.txt'.
Set-FileLines 1500 -Blanks
This will set the file length of 'Transcript.txt' to 1500 lines and also
remove all blank lines.
Remove any blank lines from the default file 'Transcript.txt'.
The 'Lines' property returned by '(Get-Content $file | Measure-Object -line)'
excludes any blank lines so the resulting calculated totals may not be 100%
The author can be contacted via www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com
V2.1 Use 'Switch -regex' instead of 'Get-Content | foreach', 22 Dec 2011.
Param ([int] $lines = 0,
[String]$file = "$pwd\Transcript.txt",
if ($file -notlike "*.txt") {
Write-Warning "This script can only process .txt files"
exit 1
if (!(Test-Path $file)) {
Write-Warning "File $file does not exist - please enter valid filename."
exit 1
[int]$count = 0
[int]$blankLines = 0
$encoding = 'Default'
$errorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if ($lines -eq 0) { #A value of 0 lines will just remove blanks.
[int]$extra = 1
[int]$count = 1
[switch]$blanks = $true #Otherwise no blanks will be deleted below.
else {
$fileLength = (Get-Content $file | Measure-Object -line)
[int]$extra = $fileLength.Lines - $lines #Number of lines to remove.
} #Note: $fileLength.Lines excludes any blank lines, so not 100% accurate.
if ($extra -gt 0) {
$fileLength = $null
$date = "{0:G}" -f [DateTime]::Now
Write-Output "$date Starting maintenance on file <$file>"
$tempfile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
if ($file -like "*transcript*.txt") {
$encoding = 'Unicode'
Stop-Transcript | Out-Null
$status = $? # $true if we are running transcript.
switch -regex -file $file {
{ $count -lt $extra } { $count++; continue}
'^\s*$' { if ($blanks) {
$_ | Out-File $tempFile -encoding $encoding -Append -Force
} #End blank line.
default { $_ | Out-File $tempFile -encoding $encoding -Append -Force }
} #End switch
Remove-Item $file -Force #File in use by another process.
if (!$?) {
Write-Warning "$($error[0]) Application terminating."
Remove-Item $tempfile
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
exit 2
Move-Item $tempfile -Destination $file -Force
if ($lines -eq 0) { #Only interested in blank lines here.
$tag = "$blankLines blank lines removed."
elseIf ($blanks) {
$tag = "$extra lines removed (+ $blankLines blank)."
else {
$tag = "$extra lines removed."
if (($file -like "*transcript.txt") -and $status) {
Start-Transcript -append -path $file -force | Out-Null
Write-Output "Maintenance of file completed: $tag"
else {
Write-Output "[$file] Filesize ($($FileLength.Lines) lines) is below minimum; no lines removed."
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'