PoshCode Archive  Artifact [dcad7d9f6f]

Artifact dcad7d9f6fb9c0e5de41c071cff5da3c1013507bbda05d0207e093183f3fc1dc:

  • File WSUS-production-approval.ps1 — part of check-in [6a3e936ac6] at 2018-06-10 14:18:10 on branch trunk — Compare updates between WSUS target groups (e.g Test and Production) and approve updates to the latter and email report on changes made. (user: rov3_ size: 5236)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: WSUS production approval
# description: Compare updates between WSUS target groups (e.g Test and Production) and approve updates to the latter and email report on changes made.
# version: 1.5
# type: function
# author: rov3_
# license: CC0
# function: Get-WSUSgroupupdates
# x-poshcode-id: 6584
# x-archived: 2017-01-08T07:50:16
# x-published: 2017-10-18T20:52:00

$date = Get-Date
$targetGroup = "Enter the name of your production WSUS target group here"
$updateFilter = "$_.title -notlike '*Server*' -and $_.title -notlike '*sharepoint*'"
$reportSMTP = "your SMTP server"
$reportTitle = "<h1>$env:computername</h1><h3>$updateCount updates approved for $targetGroup on $date.</h3>"
$reportFrom = "address status email comes from"
$reportTo = "address status email goes to"
$reportSubject = "Updates approved for $targetGroup"


# Formatting for reporting email.

$reportHeader = @"
    <link rel="stylesheet" src="https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/latest/normalize.css">
        body {
            color: #222;
            font-family: sans-serif;
            font-size: 14px;
            margin: 2% 0;
        h1 {
            font-size: 2em;
            font-weight: normal;
            padding: 0 2%;
        h3 {
            font-size: 1.25em;
            font-weight: normal;
            padding: 0 2%;
        table {
            border-collapse: collapse;
            width: 100%;
        tr:nth-child(even) {
			background: #ADD8E6;
        tr:nth-child(odd) {
            background: #E0FFFF;	
        tr:first-child {
			background: #EEE;
        th {
            border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
            font-weight: bold;
            text-align: left;
        th {
            padding: .25em;
        th:first-child    {
            padding-left: 2%;
        th:last-child {
            padding-left: 2%;
        h2 {
            font-size: 1.5em;
            font-weight: normal;
            margin: 1 0 .5%;
            padding: 0 2%;

# Function to find updates applied per group.

function Get-WSUSgroupupdates {
Param ($target)

    $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer()
    $updateScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope;
    $updateScope.UpdateApprovalActions =[Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalActions]::Install -bor [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalActions]::Uninstall -bor [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalActions]:: All -bor [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalActions]::NotApproved
    $updates = $wsus.GetUpdates($updateScope)
    $groups = $wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | where {$_.name -eq $target}
    $updateRep = @() 
    foreach($update in $updates) {
        foreach($group in $groups) {
        $status = "Install"
            if ($update.GetUpdateApprovals($group).Count -ne 0)
            {$status = $update.GetUpdateApprovals($group)[0].Action}
            $updateRep += $update


# Use function to find updates for target groups.

$testGroup = Get-WSUSgroupupdates -target "Workstations Test"
$corpGroup = Get-WSUSgroupupdates -target "Production Corporate"

# Compare test against target group to find difference.

Compare-Object $testGroup.id.updateid $corpGroup.id.updateid | `
    where {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='} | `
    ForEach-Object  { $findDiff += $_.InputObject }

# Approve updates found in test that have not been applied for target group.

$allUpdate = $findDiff | where {$updateFilter} | `
    Approve-WsusUpdate -Action Install -TargetGroupName $targetGroup

# Get count of updates approved for reporting email sub header.

$updateCount = ($allUpdate.update.title).Count | Out-String

# Put updates into an HTML table with user friendly column names.

$outBody = $allUpdate.Update | select `
    @{Label='Type';Expression={$_.UpdateClassificationTitle}} | `
    ConvertTo-Html -fragment -Property Update,Released,Type -PreContent $reportTitle

# Create final HTML with formatting applied and send as email.

$outHTM = ConvertTo-Html -Head $reportHeader -Body $outBody

Send-MailMessage `
   -SmtpServer $reportSMTP `
   -BodyAsHtml ($outHTM | out-string) `
   -From $reportFrom `
   -To $reportTo `
   -Subject $reportSubject