PoshCode Archive  Artifact [e06c6867d1]

Artifact e06c6867d17bc51a40a0dd5f108dcb000737ce5bbe01599d5f021725f76fa713:

  • File Get-Netstat-1-0.ps1 — part of check-in [f2695362b7] at 2018-06-10 14:25:55 on branch trunk — It would really be sweet if I could get-netstat -sate CLOSE_WAIT (user: glnsize size: 1861)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-Netstat 1,0
# description: It would really be sweet if I could get-netstat -sate CLOSE_WAIT
# version: 0.1
# author: glnsize
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 884
# x-archived: 2009-12-11T07:29:55
# I have a server issue I’m trying to track down after it hangs upon a sudden plethora of CLOSE_WAIT s I plan to modify it to log or email every few minutes all the close_waits so I can try and narrow down the first client that seems to get there to help pinpoint.
# Very helpful script though…
$null, $null, $null, $null, $netstat = netstat -a -n -o
[regex]$regexTCP = '(?<Protocol>\S+)\s+(?<LocalAddress>\S+)\s+(?<RemoteAddress>\S+)\s+(?<State>\S+)\s+(?<PID>\S+)'
[regex]$regexUDP = '(?<Protocol>\S+)\s+(?<LocalAddress>\S+)\s+(?<RemoteAddress>\S+)\s+(?<PID>\S+)'
foreach ($net in $netstat)
    switch -regex ($net.Trim())
            $process = "" | Select-Object Protocol, LocalAddress, RemoteAddress, State, PID, ProcessName
            $process.Protocol = $matches.Protocol
            $process.LocalAddress = $matches.LocalAddress
            $process.RemoteAddress = $matches.RemoteAddress
            $process.State = $matches.State
            $process.PID = $matches.PID
            $process.ProcessName = ( Get-Process -Id $matches.PID ).ProcessName
            $process = "" | Select-Object Protocol, LocalAddress, RemoteAddress, State, PID, ProcessName
            $process.Protocol = $matches.Protocol
            $process.LocalAddress = $matches.LocalAddress
            $process.PID = $matches.PID
	   $process.ProcessName = ( Get-Process -Id $matches.PID ).ProcessName