# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: get-highCPUprocesses
# description: Enumerates all CPU related tasks (filters out null CPU times) with the following properties:
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: internetrush1
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 6156
# x-archived: 2016-03-18T21:48:26
# x-published: 2016-12-29T14:44:00
# Name, CPUSeconds, WorkingSetMB, TotalProcessorTime, CPUPercent, and Description
# Handy if GUI / server is unresponsive
param([string]$computerName, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential)
invoke-command -ComputerName $computername -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock {
$CPUPercent = @{
Name = 'CurrentCPUPercent'
Expression = {
$TotalSec = (New-TimeSpan -Start $_.StartTime).TotalSeconds
[Math]::Round( ($_.CPU * 100 / $TotalSec), 2)
$processes = Get-Process | ? {$_.TotalProcessorTime -ne $Null} | Select-Object -Property Name, @{Name="CPUSeconds"; Expression = {($_.CPU)}},@{Name="WorkingSetMB"; Expression = {($_.WorkingSet / 1mb)}},TotalProcessorTime, $CPUPercent, Description
$processes | Sort-Object -Property CurrentCPUPercent -Descending | Out-GridView -Title 'Current Highest CPU %'