# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title:
# description: Script to compress files from command line.
# version: 0.1
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 411
# x-archived: 2012-06-30T05:24:07
# The script uses the windows shell zip manipulation methods to deal with compressed files.
# Name: zip.ps1
# Author: Shadow
# Created: 05/12/2008
param([string]$zipfilename=$(throw "ZIP archive name needed!"),
[string[]]$filetozip=$(throw "Supply the file(s) to compress (wildcards accepted)"))
trap [Exception] {break;}
#empyt zip file contents
#create a new file with $ZIPFILENAME and copy the above array into it
$fmode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Create;
$zipfile = new-object -type System.IO.FileStream $zipfilename, $fmode;
#open the new zip file as folder from Windows Shell Application
$shell=new-object -comobject Shell.Application;
$foldername=(ls $zipfile.Name).FullName;
#Iterate files to zip, copying them to zip folder.
#In the process, the shell compress them
Write-Host "Compressing:";
$filetozip| %{ls $_}|