# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: update-powerpackcolumns
# description: This script is designed to work around a PowerPack export issue in PowerGUI 1.5.1 (fixed in subsequent releases): http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2008/08/06/script-to-export-column-selection/
# version: 1.5.1
# type: script
# author: Dmitry Sotnikov
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 504
# x-archived: 2013-06-22T18:21:34
# x-published: 2009-08-06T07:25:00
# The script goes though the PowerGUI configuration and PowerPack file and updates the file with column selection info from PowerGUI config
# It can illustrate a few tricks on XML processing and working with PowerGUI files
# Update Columns in PowerPacks
# (c) Dmitry Sotnikov
# http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com
# This script is designed to work around a PowerPack export
# issue in PowerGUI 1.5.1 (fixed in subsequent releases
# The script goes though the PowerGUI configuration
# and PowerPack file and updates the file with column
# selection info from PowerGUI config
# Make sure you set these paths to the old and new pack accordingly
$powergui_cfg_path = "$($env:APPDATA)\Quest Software\PowerGUI\quest.powergui.xml"
$powerpack_path = 'c:\scripts\aliases.powerpack'
$updated_powerpack_path = 'C:\scripts\new.powerpack'
# First extract column data from PowerGUI config
# load local PowerGUI configuration
$pg = [xml] (gc $powergui_cfg_path)
# locate column-by-type storage
$uiviews = $null
foreach ($c in $pg.configuration.items.container) {
if ($c.Name -eq 'UI View') { $uiviews = $c; break; }
# hash-table to store columns by type
$columns = @{}
if ( $uiviews -ne $null ) {
# for each of these types, create a hash table, storing the column names
foreach ($c in $uiviews.items.container.items.container) {
"Type: $($c.Type)"
$properties = @()
if ( $c.items.container -ne $null ) {
foreach ($col in $c.items.container) {$col.Name; $properties += $col.Name }
if ($properties.Length -gt 0) { $columns[$c.Type] = $properties }
} elseif ( $c.items.item -ne $null ) {
foreach ($col in $c.items.item) {$col.Name; $properties += $col.Name }
if ($properties.Length -gt 0) { $columns[$c.Type] = $properties }
" === Hash Table === "
# Now go through the PowerPack and add column data when required
$pp = [xml] (gc $powerpack_path)
# This function adds column data to a tree node or link
function AssignTypes {
if ( $segment -ne $null ) {
if ($segment.items.container.name -notlike "properties*") {
# no properties assigned
" --- No columns assigned"
if ( ($segment.returntype -ne $null) -and $columns.ContainsKey($segment.returntype) ) {
# construct the columns section
" --- Found columns by type"
$cont = $pp.CreateElement("container")
$cont.SetAttribute("id", [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
$cont.SetAttribute("name", "properties_a807f902-4b43-4b22-86d8-724abc4c3d4a")
$subitems = $pp.CreateElement("items")
foreach ($c in $columns[$segment.returntype]) {
$item = $pp.CreateElement("item")
$item.SetAttribute("id", [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
$item.SetAttribute("name", $c)
} else {
" --- Columns already assigned"
# This function recurses through the navigation tree
function IterateTree {
if (($segment.Type -like 'Script*') -or ($segment.Type -like 'CmdLet*')) {
# found a node, check whether it has columns assigned
AssignTypes $segment
if ($segment.items.container -ne $null) {
$segment.items.container | ForEach-Object { IterateTree $_ }
" === Tree === "
IterateTree $pp.configuration.items.container[0]
" === Links === "
$pp.configuration.items.container[1].items.container |
where { $_.id -eq '481eccc0-43f8-47b8-9660-f100dff38e14' } | ForEach-Object {
# Do both container and item because of possible format variation
$_.items.container | ForEach-Object { AssignTypes $_ }
$_.items.item | ForEach-Object { AssignTypes $_ }
# Save updated file