# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Hash Checker
# description: 13vIQtSdw25DI
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Test-Hash
# x-poshcode-id: 3838
# x-archived: 2014-10-11T00:06:16
# x-published: 2014-12-19T19:41:00
# Test the HMAC hash(es) of a file
# Takes the HMAC hash of a file using specified algorithm, and optionally, compare it to a baseline hash
# Test-Hash npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe -HashFile npp.5.3.1.release.md5
# Searches the provided hash file for a line matching the "npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe" file name
# and take the hash of the file (using the extension of the HashFile as the Type of Hash).
# Test-Hash npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe 360293affe09ffc229a3f75411ffa9a1 MD5
# Takes the MD5 hash and compares it to the provided hash
# Test-Hash npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe 5e6c2045f4ddffd459e6282f3ff1bd32b7f67517
# Tests all of the hashes against the provided (Sha1) hash
function Test-Hash {
[string]$ExpectedHash = $(if($HashFileName){ ((Get-Content $HashFileName) -match $FileName)[0].split(" ")[0] })
[string[]]$TypeOfHash = $(if($HashFileName){
[IO.Path]::GetExtension((Convert-Path $HashFileName)).Substring(1)
} else { "MD5","SHA1","SHA256","SHA384","SHA512","RIPEMD160" })
$hashes = @{}
foreach($Type in $TypeOfHash) {
[string]$hash = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create(
[IO.File]::ReadAllBytes( (Convert-Path $FileName) )
) | ForEach { "{0:x2}" -f $_ }
$hashes.$Type = $hash
if($ExpectedHash) {
($hashes.Values -eq $hash).Count -ge 1
} else {
foreach($hash in $hashes.GetEnumerator()) {
"{0,-8}{1}" -f $hash.Name, $hash.Value