# encoding: ascii
# api: csharp
# title:
# description: Simple script for work with recycle bin
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# license: CC0
# function: Recycle-Item
# x-poshcode-id: 5327
# x-archived: 2014-07-25T21:49:44
This script creates object which correctly works with ntfs streams and reparse points
Usage samples:
'.\*.bak' | recycle -WipeOut -> multiplies objects by zero
recycle -Path '.\*.ini' -> sends objects to Recycle Bin
$RecycleBin.Measure() -> returns true size of all items in Recycle Bin
$RecycleBin.Clear() -> this is obvious
$RecycleBin.List() -> returns friendly items list
More examples:
$time_to_die = [TimeSpan]::FromDays(20)
($RecycleBin.List() | where PermanentState -GE $time_to_die).Delete()
$shell32_wrapper = @"
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace shell32 {
// Put all the variables required for the DLLImports here
enum RecycleFlags : uint { SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION = 0x00000001, SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI = 0x00000002, SHERB_NOSOUND = 0x00000004 }
public static class RecycleBin {
internal static extern uint SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr hwnd, string pszRootPath, RecycleFlags dwFlags);
internal static extern uint SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon();
public class ShellWrapper : IDisposable {
// Creates a new wrapper for the local machine
public ShellWrapper() { }
// Disposes of this wrapper
public void Dispose() {
// Put public functions here
public void Empty() {
RecycleBin.SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr.Zero, null, RecycleFlags.SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION | RecycleFlags.SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI | RecycleFlags.SHERB_NOSOUND);
public void IconUpdate() {
// Occurs on destruction of the Wrapper
~ShellWrapper() {
} // Wrapper class
Add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.VisualBasic"
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $shell32_wrapper
## =================
Function Recycle-Item
$dialog_mode = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption]::OnlyErrorDialogs
$recycle_mode_default = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.RecycleOption]::SendToRecycleBin
$recycle_mode_wipeout = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.RecycleOption]::DeletePermanently
$recycle_mode = switch -Exact ($WipeOut) {$true{$recycle_mode_wipeout};Default{$recycle_mode_default}}
$Path | gi -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | foreach -Process {
if ($_.Mode[0] -eq [char]0x64)
"Removing directory: `"$($_.FullName)`"" | Write-Verbose
"Removing file: `"$($_.FullName)`"" | Write-Verbose
Set-Alias -Name 'recycle' -Value Recycle-Item
## =================
$method = @{}
$method['List'] = {
.{ param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Mask)} @args
$actual_list = $this.Items() | select
if ($Mask) { $actual_list = $actual_list | where -Property 'Name' -like -Value $Mask }
$sked = @()
$actual_list | foreach {
$rec = $_ | select 'Name','Type',
@{Name = 'PermanentState'; Expression = { [DateTime]::Now - $_.ModifyDate }},
@{Name = 'Object'; Expression = { gi -LiteralPath $_.Path -Force }},
@{Name = 'Actions'; Expression = { $_.Verbs() | select }}
$rec | Add-Member -MemberType 'ScriptMethod' -Name 'RemoveInfoFile' -Value {
$t = $this.Object
"$($t.PSParentPath)\$($t.PSChildName.Replace('$R','$I'))" | ri
$rec | Add-Member -MemberType 'ScriptMethod' -Name 'Delete' -Value {
$this.Object | recycle -WipeOut
$rec | Add-Member -MemberType 'ScriptMethod' -Name 'Restore' -Value {
if (!$this.Object.Exists) { $this.RemoveInfoFile() }
$rec | Add-Member -MemberType 'ScriptMethod' -Name 'Measure' -Value {
Set-Variable -Name _measure -Value @{
Item = $this.Name
Links = 0
Files = 0
Folders = 0
Size = 0
} -Option AllScope
function calculate ([System.Object]$Obj, [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Fol)
if (-not $Obj) { $Obj = $Fol | ls -Force }
if ($Obj)
$Obj | foreach {
if ($_.Attributes -match 'ReparsePoint') { ++$_measure.Links }
elseif ($_.Attributes -notmatch 'Directory')
Try { $_measure.Size += ($_ | gi -Force -Stream '*' | measure Length -Sum).Sum }
Catch { $_measure.Size += $_.Length }
Finally { ++$_measure.Files }
else { ++$_measure.Folders; calculate -Fol $_ }
} # /function::calculate
calculate -Obj $this.Object
return New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property $_measure
} # /measure
$sked += $rec
return $sked
$method['Clear'] = {
.{ param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Mask)} @args
if ($Mask)
$this.List($Mask) | foreach { $_.Delete() }
else { $this.Wrapper.Empty() }
$method['Measure'] = {
.{ param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Mask)} @args
$res = @{Links = 0; Files = 0; Folders = 0; Size = 0}
$this.List($Mask) | foreach {
$item = $_.Measure()
$res.Links += $item.Links; $res.Files += $item.Files
$res.Folders += $item.Folders; $res.Size += $item.Size
return New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property $res
$bin = (New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application').Namespace(0xA)
$bin | Add-Member -MemberType 'ScriptMethod' -Name 'List' -Value $method.List
$bin | Add-Member -MemberType 'ScriptMethod' -Name 'Clear' -Value $method.Clear
$bin | Add-Member -MemberType 'ScriptMethod' -Name 'Measure' -Value $method.Measure
$bin | Add-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Wrapper' -Value (New-Object -TypeName 'shell32.ShellWrapper')
New-Variable -Name RecycleBin -Value $bin -Option Constant
Remove-Variable -Name 'method', 'bin', 'shell32_wrapper'