# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Select-Expand
# description: Like Select-Object -Expand, but with recursive iteration of a select chain
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# license: CC0
# function: Select-Expand
# x-poshcode-id: 1718
# x-archived: 2010-04-11T06:49:25
function Select-Expand {
Like Select-Object -Expand, but with recursive iteration of a select chain
Takes a dot-separated series of properties to expand, and recursively iterates the output of each property ...
.Parameter Property
A collection of property names to expand.
Each property can be a dot-separated series of properties, and each one is expanded, iterated, and then evaluated against the next
.Parameter InputObject
The input to be selected from
.Parameter Unique
If set, this becomes a pipeline hold-up, and the total output is checked to ensure uniqueness
.Parameter EmptyToo
If set, Select-Expand will include empty/null values in it's output
Get-Help Get-Command | Select-Expand relatedLinks.navigationLink.uri -Unique
This will return the online-help link for Get-Command. It's the equivalent of running the following command:
C:\PS> Get-Help Get-Command | Select-Object -Expand relatedLinks | Select-Object -Expand navigationLink | Select-Object -Expand uri | Where-Object {$_} | Select-Object -Unique
begin {
if($unique) {
$output = @()
process {
foreach($io in $InputObject) {
foreach($prop in $Property -split "\.") {
if($io -ne $null) {
$io = $io | Select-Object -Expand $prop
Write-Verbose $($io | out-string)
if(!$EmptyToo -and ($io -ne $null)) {
$io = $io | Where-Object {$_}
if($unique) {
$output += @($io)
} else {
Write-Output $io
end {
if($unique) {
Write-Output $output | Select-Object -Unique
New-Alias slep Select-Expand