PoshCode Archive  Artifact [e8dc7efcc4]

Artifact e8dc7efcc43136de867b173ce5aa1063e065183a2e5b540c979f9b9ffeb52942:

  • File HEX-string-to-SID-string.ps1 — part of check-in [9a00272929] at 2018-06-10 14:01:38 on branch trunk — The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL) (user: Dormidont size: 2266)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: HEX string to SID string
# description: The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL)
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Dormidont
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5801
# x-derived-from-id: 5802
# x-archived: 2015-07-29T08:02:34
# x-published: 2015-04-01T15:18:00
# It was translated from vbscript function found on the internets
# Maybe there is a simpler way to do it but I’m dumb enough not to have found it :)
Function EndianReverse ($strHex)
   $reverse=$reverse+$strHex.substring($intCounter-1, 2)
 until ($intCounter -eq -1)
 return $reverse

Function hex2sid ($strHex)
 $intSidVersionLength = 2
 $intSubAuthorityCountLength = 2
 $intAuthorityIdentifierLength = 12
 $intSubAuthorityLength = 8
 $intStringPosition = 0
 $bytSidVersion = [byte][convert]::ToInt32($strHex.substring($intStringPosition, $intSidVersionLength),16)
 $intStringPosition = $intStringPosition + $intSidVersionLength
 $bytSubAuthorityCount=[byte][convert]::ToInt32($strHex.substring($intStringPosition, $intSubAuthorityCountLength),16)
 $intStringPosition = $intStringPosition + $intSubAuthorityCountLength
 $lngAuthorityIdentifier=[long][convert]::ToInt32($strHex.substring($intStringPosition, $intAuthorityIdentifierLength),16)
 $intStringPosition = $intStringPosition + $intAuthorityIdentifierLength
 [string]$ConvertHexStringToSidString = "S-" + $bytSidVersion + "-" + $lngAuthorityIdentifier
   $lngTempSubAuthority = EndianReverse($strHex.substring($intStringPosition, $intSubAuthorityLength))
   $lngTempSubAuthority = [long][convert]::ToInt32($lngTempSubAuthority,16)
   $intStringPosition = $intStringPosition + $intSubAuthorityLength
   if ($lngTempSubAuthority -lt 0) 
     $lngTempSubAuthority = $lngTempSubAuthority + 4294967296
   $ConvertHexStringToSidString = $ConvertHexStringToSidString+"-"+$lngTempSubAuthority
   $bytSubAuthorityCount = $bytSubAuthorityCount - 1
 until ($bytSubAuthorityCount -eq 0)
 return $ConvertHexStringToSidString