PoshCode Archive  Artifact [ed4f72db8b]

Artifact ed4f72db8b461d03b3f8aaa5cde267b5e82d0565476811f25edd323144f69410:

  • File Reverse-filename-sequenc.ps1 — part of check-in [4a0425ce9d] at 2018-06-10 13:20:36 on branch trunk — This script will rename a sequenced set of files in a directory. (user: Sean Wendt size: 2284)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Reverse filename sequenc
# description: This script will rename a sequenced set of files in a directory.
# version: 0.9
# type: script
# author: Sean Wendt
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3113
# x-archived: 2015-01-26T04:27:47
# x-published: 2012-12-22T00:22:00
# Reverse filename sequence v 0.9
# Author: Sean Wendt
# This script will rename a sequenced set of files in a directory.
# For example, you have foobar01.jpg, foobar02.jpg, foobar03.jpg 
# -- it will reverse the order, so the last file is now 01, the second to last 02, etc..
# Limitations: 	-You cannot use the same filename prefix, i.e. foobar must change to foobars.
# 				-It's hardcoded to only support 5 digit numbers right now.
#				-Similarly, it will only support a file sequence with up to 5 digits.
# This is the first script I've written, I know it's not great! ;)
# Help to make it better would be appreciated. Thanks.

$file_extension = Read-Host "Enter file extension, i.e. .jpg or .txt"
$file_prefix = Read-Host "Enter file prefix, i.e. entering foobar will rename files to foobar001.ext, foobar002.ext, etc.."
$files =  Get-ChildItem | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer -ne "True"} # Creates array of files in current directory, ignores folders
$idx = 0 # Sets index value (0 = filenames start at foobar00000.jpg, modify to 1 to start at foobar00001.jpg)

for ($ctr=$files.count; $ctr -gt 0 ; --$ctr)
	if (($idx -ge 0) -and ($idx -le 9))
		Rename-Item -path $files[$ctr-1].name -newname ($file_prefix + '00000' + $idx++ + $file_extension)
	elseif (($idx -ge 10) -and ($idx -le 99))
		Rename-Item -path $files[$ctr-1].name -newname ($file_prefix + '0000' + $idx++ + $file_extension)
	elseif (($idx -ge 100) -and ($idx -le 999))
		Rename-Item -path $files[$ctr-1].name -newname ($file_prefix + '000' + $idx++ + $file_extension)
	elseif (($idx -ge 1000) -and ($idx -le 9999))
		Rename-Item -path $files[$ctr-1].name -newname ($file_prefix + '00' + $idx++ + $file_extension)
	elseif (($idx -ge 10000) -and ($idx -le 99999))
		Rename-Item -path $files[$ctr-1].name -newname ($file_prefix + '0' + $idx++ + $file_extension)
	$idx #prints the index # it just completed