# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Sub-Array with the Large
# description: http://www.mytechinterviews.com/sub-array-with-the-largest-sum
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: BobLobLaw
# license: CC0
# function: New-RandomArray
# x-poshcode-id: 4177
# x-archived: 2014-11-13T07:00:20
# x-published: 2014-05-21T08:21:00
# Question: You are given an array with integers (both positive and negative) in any random order. Find the sub-array with the largest sum.
# On Sunday Netflix will release 15 new episodes of Arrested Development! YEAH!
function New-RandomArray{
#Generates a random number array.
#Each element of the array is a random number between the Maximum and Minimum
#The amount of random number you want in your array.
#Max value for each random number in the array.
#Min value for each random number in the array.
Write-Verbose 'Generating random array ...'
return (1..$Length | ForEach-Object {Get-Random -Maximum $Maximum -Minimum $Minimum})
function Get-MaxSumSubArray{
#You are given an array with integers (both positive and negative) in any random order. Find the sub-array with the largest sum.
#That's what it does.
#The array you want to use. If you don't have one I'll MAKE one!
[int[]]$Array=(New-RandomArray -Verbose),
#The length of the sub array.
if($SubArrayLength -ge $Array.Count){
throw "You are not finding a sub-array."
$BeginningIndexOfLastSubArray = $Array.Count - $SubArrayLength
<# One line command
0..$BeginningIndexOfLastSubArray |
ForEach-Object {$array[$_..($_+$SubArrayLength-1)] |
Measure-Object -Sum} |
Sort-Object -Property Sum -Descending |
Select-Object -First 1
$MaxSumSubArray = [PSCustomObject]@{Sum=[int]::MinValue;StartIndex=$null;EndIndex=$null}
#Could make faster with jobs.
Write-Verbose "Calculating sub-array {$($array[$i..($i+$SubArrayLength-1)] -join ', ')}."
$tmpsum = $array[$i..($i+$SubArrayLength-1)] | Measure-Object -Sum
if($tmpsum.Sum -gt $MaxSumSubArray.Sum){
$MaxSumSubArray.Sum = $tmpsum.Sum
$MaxSumSubArray.StartIndex = $i
$MaxSumSubArray.EndIndex = $i+$SubArrayLength-1
return $MaxSumSubArray
Get-MaxSumSubArray -Verbose