# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Make a phone call
# description: Make a phone call from Powershell and pass TextToSpeech variables like ComputerName, DiskFreeSpace.
# version: 4.18.12
# type: class
# author: Sunny Chakrabort
# license: CC0
# function: get-FreeDiskPercentForC
# x-poshcode-id: 3369
# x-archived: 2016-12-13T14:25:40
# x-published: 2012-04-18T06:22:00
# User will receive a phone call with >
# Please check the server $this.
# The percent Free Space on C Drive is $inDecimals.
# Don’t forget to change $mycell variable with your own cell
# Feel free to pass other variables, and let me know if you want me to edit the script to allow these variables to pass through to the call.
AUTHOR: Sunny Chakraborty(sunnyc7@gmail.com)
WEBSITE: http://tekout.wordpress.com
CREATED: 17th April, 2012
LASTEDIT: 17th April, 2012
Requires: PowerShell v2 or better
4/17/2012 Try passing powershell objects to PROTO API and pass the variables to .JS file
Pass other system variables and check if text to speech can translate double or a double-to-char conversion is required.
4/18/2012 Changed get-diskusage to gwmi -class win32_logicaldisk
Make a phone call from Powershell.
The script demonstrates how you can collect state-data in powershell and pass it as an argument to a REST API call and alert a System Admin.
For this example, TROPO REST API's were used. (www.tropo.com)
The phone-number will receive a Call with the following text To speech
Please check the server $this.
The percent Free Space on C Drive is $inDecimals.
This is a proof of concept. V 0.1
There are numerous areas of improvement.
Please create a new account and setup your application in tropo. Its free for dev use. http://www.tropo.com
Copy and replace the TOKEN in your application with the TOKEN below to initiate a call.
JAVASCRIPT (Hosted on Tropo)
call('+' + numToCall , {
onAnswer: function() {
say("Houston ! We have a problem ");
say("Please check the server" + sourceServer );
say("The percent Free Space on C Drive is" + freeCDisk );
log("Call logged Successfully");
onTimeout: function() {
log("Call timed out");
onCallFailure: function() {
log("Call could not be completed as dialed");
# Proto API section. Please replace protoToken with your own Application Token,
# I am posting my API token here so that someone can download and run the script by editing just the cell # field.
$baseUrl = "https://api.tropo.com/1.0/sessions?action=create&"
# Modify these variables.
$protoToken = "10b0026696a79f448eb21d8dbc69d78acf12e2f1f62f291feecec8f2b8d1eac76da63d91dd317061a5a9eeb0"
#US 10 Digit only for now. For Example 17327911234,19177911234
# Calls to Outside US are not allowed during the dev trials on Tropo.
# You will receive a call from this number - 19172688401. That's the callerID
$myCell = '11234567890'
# Functions
#4.18.12 -- Previous versoin used Get-DiskUsage and was erroring out if the cmldet is not installed.
#modified it to use GWMI
Function get-FreeDiskPercentForC {
$disk = gwmi -class "win32_LogicalDisk"
$free = $disk[0].FreeSpace / $disk[0].Size
$freeDiskCPercent = [System.Math]::Round($free, 2)
# Get some more parameters here.
$sourceServer =hostname
$cDisk = get-FreeDiskPercentForC
# Concatenate and form the Proto API string. I am sure someone can figure out a better way to do this than just adding.
$callThis = $baseUrl+ 'token=' + $protoToken + '&numToCall=' + $myCell + '&sourceServer=' + $sourceServer + '&freeCDisk=' + $cDisk
# Call the Proto API
# I could have tested this with Invoke-RestMethod, but I didn't see the point. I am not receiving any data from the URL.
$newClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient