PoshCode Archive  Artifact [f398580f95]

Artifact f398580f95e6228f49ddb04c7745f46287d5db2e01e3677b81b3b15176daf9c6:

  • File Compare-SQLResultSet.ps1 — part of check-in [bc3ff32d53] at 2018-06-10 13:29:44 on branch trunk — A function to compare result sets from SQL Server queries. I wrote it to help with ensuring that original and modified code returned the same results. Currently only works with similarly shaped results sets (i.e. those with the same number of columns). (user: Josh Feierman size: 4690)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Compare-SQLResultSet
# description: A function to compare result sets from SQL Server queries. I wrote it to help with ensuring that original and modified code returned the same results. Currently only works with similarly shaped results sets (i.e. those with the same number of columns).
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Josh Feierman
# license: CC0
# function: Compare-SQLResultSet
# x-poshcode-id: 3709
# x-archived: 2012-10-28T00:27:07
# x-published: 2012-10-23T07:27:00
  Compares two result sets from SQL queries for differences.
  Compares the result sets from two SQL queries and outputs the
  Currently the function only handles similarly shaped result sets. That is,
  result sets with the same number and names of columns. Functionality will be
  added in the future to allow for comparison and differencing of disparate result
.PARAMETER ServerName1
  The name of the server on which the first query should be executed.
.PARAMETER DatabaseName1
  The name of the database on which the first query should be executed.
  The first SQL query to be executed.
.PARAMETER ServerName2
  The name of the server on which the second query should be executed.
.PARAMETER DatabaseName2
  The name of the database on which the second query should be executed.
  The second SQL query to be executed.
  Compare-SQLResultSet -ServerName1 myServer1 -DatabaseName1 myDatabase -Query1 "exec dbo.myproc" -ServerName2 myServer2 -DatabaseName2 myDatabase -Query2 "exec dbo.myproc_changed"

  Could be used to compare two result sets from the same server and database, but two different
  procedures. Useful for comparing old and new code.
  Author: Josh Feierman
  Version: 1

function Compare-SQLResultSet
      if (-not (Get-Module -Name SQLPS -ListAvailable))
          Write-Warning "The SQLPS module is not installed, please obtain and install it."
      Import-Module SQLPS
      #Get the two result sets
      $resultSet1 = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName1 -Database $DatabaseName1 -Query $Query1
      $resultSet2 = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName2 -Database $DatabaseName2 -Query $Query2
      #Get a count of records in both sets, so we can iterate over the correct number
      $firstCount = $resultSet1.Count
      $secondCount = $resultSet2.Count
      if ($firstCount -gt $secondCount) {$totalCount = $firstCount}
      elseif ($secondCount -gt $firstCount) {$totalCount = $secondCount}
      else {$totalCount = $firstCount}
      #Begin iteration
      for ($counter = 0; $counter -lt $totalCount; $counter ++)
          #Get the row from the first result set
          if ($counter -lt $firstCount)
              $firstRow = $resultSet1[$counter]
              $firstRow = $null
          if ($counter -lt $secondCount)
              $secondRow = $resultSet2[$counter]
              $secondRow = $null
          #Create custom output object for comparison
          $compareObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
              RowNumber = $counter + 1
              ColumnName = $null
              FirstValue = $null
              SecondValue = $null
          #Get a list of columns
          $properties = Get-Member -inputObject $firstRow -MemberType Properties
          foreach ($property in $properties)
              $firstValue = $firstRow.Item($property.Name)
              $secondValue = $secondRow.Item($property.Name)
              if ($firstValue -ne $secondValue)
                  $compareObject.ColumnName = $property.Name
                  $compareObject.FirstValue = $firstValue
                  $compareObject.SecondValue = $secondValue
                  Write-Output $compareObject
      Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
