PoshCode Archive  Artifact [f45c42c474]

Artifact f45c42c4742d0582d256611ca309b4771d7e359d59caed51fd961a2843c3fd6b:

  • File Send-SmtpMessage.ps1 — part of check-in [7f678a352f] at 2018-06-10 14:05:35 on branch trunk — Send an email via the GMail SMTP server (or any server, really, but there’s some extra code in here and defaults that will make it work with Gmail so you won’t have to do research). NOTE: there’s a Send-SmtpMail in PSCX, but as far as I can tell, there’s no way to convince it to use SSL so I can’t get it to work with Gmail at all. (user: Joel Bennett size: 2830)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Send-SmtpMessage
# description: Send an email via the GMail SMTP server (or any server, really, but there’s some extra code in here and defaults that will make it work with Gmail so you won’t have to do research).  NOTE: there’s a Send-SmtpMail in PSCX, but as far as I can tell, there’s no way to convince it to use SSL so I can’t get it to work with Gmail at all.
# version: 1.2
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5990
# x-archived: 2016-05-17T11:10:32
# x-published: 2016-08-26T09:37:00
## Send-SmtpMessage -- a special implementation to show how to send via GMail
## GMail is a bit more complicated than most....
## Examples:
## Send-SmtpMessage "receiver@gmail.com" "Hello there" "This is an important email"
##       sends a message after prompting you for your login credentials... 
##       notice this will use your login as the FROM email (gmail will force that anyway)
## Send-SmtpMessage "receiver@gmail.com" "Hello there" "This is an important email" `
##   $(New-Object Net.NetworkCredential "Username","Password") `
##   "Sender@Server.com" "smtp.Server.com" $null
##       sends a message without prompting, and specifies the sender and server address...
## Revision History
## 1.2 - Works for gmail now
## 1.0 - Works for me
param (
   [Net.Mail.MailAddress]$to = $(Read-Host "Email address to send to (eg: receiver@hotmail.com)")
  ,[string]$Subject = $(Read-Host "Email Subject")
  ,[string]$Body = $(Read-Host "Main Email Body")
  ## Note your login name for gmail is: user@gmail.com
  ,[Net.NetworkCredential]$credentials = $(Get-Credential)

  ,[Net.Mail.MailAddress]$from = $null
  ,[string]$Server="smtp.gmail.com"  # Change this to your server address
  ,[int]$Port=587                    # Does anyone other than gmail use this port?
## Fix up the credentials for Gmail
## (gmail requires user@gmail.com in the username, and NOTHING in the domain)
$credentials.UserName += "@" + $credentials.Domain
$credentials.Domain = ""

if(!$from) { 
  $from = $credentials.UserName

## Most (not gmail) servers will not need to specify a port
if($Port) {
   $mail = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient $Server,$Port
} else {
   $mail = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient $Server

$mail.Credentials = $credentials
## Gmail _requires_ Ssl -- most others seem to have it as an option, nowadays
$mail.EnableSsl = $true

## And finally ....