# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: VMware Host Network Info
# description: The following script will add some nice host network information into an object which is exported to a csv file for passing to the network guys or can be used to find your server in that mess of cables that are always meaning to be tidied in the data center.
# version: 0.1
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 855
# x-archived: 2009-02-10T03:26:28
# You will get:
# Host,
# Physical Nic Name
# Speed
# Switch Device ID
# Port ID
# Observed Network ranges
# VLAN’s
$filename = "c:\DetailedNetworkInfo.csv"
Write "Gathering VMHost objects"
$vmhosts = Get-VMHost | Sort Name | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Connected"} | Get-View
$MyCol = @()
foreach ($vmhost in $vmhosts){
$ESXHost = $vmhost.Name
Write "Collating information for $ESXHost"
$networkSystem = Get-view $vmhost.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem
foreach($pnic in $networkSystem.NetworkConfig.Pnic){
$pnicInfo = $networkSystem.QueryNetworkHint($pnic.Device)
foreach($Hint in $pnicInfo){
$NetworkInfo = "" | select-Object Host, PNic, Speed, MAC, DeviceID, PortID, Observed, VLAN
$NetworkInfo.Host = $vmhost.Name
$NetworkInfo.PNic = $Hint.Device
$NetworkInfo.DeviceID = $Hint.connectedSwitchPort.DevId
$NetworkInfo.PortID = $Hint.connectedSwitchPort.PortId
$record = 0
If ($Hint.Device -eq $vmhost.Config.Network.Pnic[$record].Device){
$NetworkInfo.Speed = $vmhost.Config.Network.Pnic[$record].LinkSpeed.SpeedMb
$NetworkInfo.MAC = $vmhost.Config.Network.Pnic[$record].Mac
$record ++
Until ($record -eq ($vmhost.Config.Network.Pnic.Length))
foreach ($obs in $Hint.Subnet){
$NetworkInfo.Observed += $obs.IpSubnet + " "
Foreach ($VLAN in $obs.VlanId){
If ($VLAN -eq $null){
$strVLAN = $VLAN.ToString()
$NetworkInfo.VLAN += $strVLAN + " "
$MyCol += $NetworkInfo
$Mycol | Sort Host, PNic | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation