# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-MSDNInfo
# description: Opens the MSDN web page of an object member: type, method or property.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Shay Levy
# license: CC0
# function: Get-MSDNInfo
# x-poshcode-id: 2278
# x-archived: 2012-12-29T04:05:56
# x-published: 2012-10-04T05:22:00
function Get-MSDNInfo
Opens the MSDN web page of an object member: type, method or property.
The Get-MSDNInfo function enables you to quickly open a web browser to the MSDN web
page of any given instance of a .NET object. You can also refer to Get-MSDNInfo by its alias: 'msdn'.
.PARAMETER InputObject
Specifies an instance of a .NET object.
Specifies one member name (type, property or method name).
Specifies the type of the object member.
Possible values are: 'Type','Property','Method' or their shortcuts: 'T','M','P'.
The default value is 'Type'.
If MSDN has localized versions then you can use this parameter with a value of the localized
version culture string. The default value is 'en-US'. The full list of cultures can be found by
executing the following command:
PS > [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures('AllCultures')
The List parameter orders the function to print a list of the incoming object's methods and properties.
You can use the List parameter to get a view of the object members that the function support.
PS> $ps = Get-Process -Id $pid
PS> $ps | Get-MSDNInfo -List
TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Process
MemberType Name
---------- ----
Method BeginErrorReadLine
Method BeginOutputReadLine
Method CancelErrorRead
Method CancelOutputRead
Method Close
Method CloseMainWindow
Method CreateObjRef
Method Dispose
Method EnterDebugMode
Method Equals
Method GetCurrentProcess
Method GetHashCode
Method GetLifetimeService
Method GetProcessById
Method GetProcesses
Property BasePriority
Property Container
Property EnableRaisingEvents
Property ExitCode
Property ExitTime
Property Handle
Property HandleCount
Property HasExited
Property Id
Property MachineName
Property MainModule
The first command store the current session process object in a variable named $ps.
The variable is piped to Get-MSDNInfo which specifies the List parameter. The result is a list of the process object members.
PS> $date = Get-Date
PS> Get-MSDNInfo -InputObject $date -MemberType Property
TypeName: System.DateTime
1. Date
2. Day
3. DayOfWeek
4. DayOfYear
5. Hour
6. Kind
7. Millisecond
8. Minute
9. Month
10. Now
11. Second
12. Ticks
13. TimeOfDay
14. Today
15. UtcNow
16. Year
Enter the Property item number ( Between 1 and 16. Press CTRL+C to cancel):
The command gets all the properties of the date object and prints a numbered menu.
You are asked to supply the property item number. Once you type the number and press the Enter key, the function
invokes the given property web page in the default browser.
PS> $date = Get-Date
PS> Get-MSDNInfo -InputObject $date
Opens the web page of the object type name.
Get-Date | Get-MSDNInfo -Name DayOfWeek -MemberType Property
If you know the exact property name and you don't want the function to print the numbered menu then
you can pass the property name as an argument to the MemberType parameter. This will open the MSDN
web page of the DayOfWeek property of the DateTime structure.
PS> $winrm = Get-Service -Name WinRM
PS> $winrm | msdn -mt Method
TypeName: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
1. Close
2. Continue
3. CreateObjRef
4. Dispose
5. Equals
6. ExecuteCommand
7. GetDevices
8. GetHashCode
9. GetLifetimeService
10. GetServices
11. GetType
12. InitializeLifetimeService
13. Pause
14. Refresh
15. Start
16. Stop
17. ToString
18. WaitForStatus
Enter the Method item number ( Between 1 and 18. Press CTRL+C to cancel):
The command prints a numbered menu of the WinRM service object methods.
You are asked to supply the method item number. Once you type the number and press the Enter
key, the function invokes the given method web page in the default browser.
The command also uses the 'msdn' alias of the function Get-MSDNInfo and the alias 'mt' of the MemberType parameter.
$date | Get-MSDNInfo -Name AddDays -MemberType Method
Opens the page of the AddDays DateTime method.
Author: Shay Levy
Blog : http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/ScriptFanatic/
$baseUrl = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/$Culture/library/"
# exclude special name members
$SpecialName = [System.Reflection.MethodAttributes]::SpecialName
switch -regex($MemberType)
'^(Type|t)$' {$MemberType='Type'; break}
'^(Method|m)$' {$MemberType='Method'; break}
'^(Property|p)$' {$MemberType='Property'; break}
default {$MemberType='Type'}
if($MemberType -eq 'Type' -AND $Name)
Throw "Invalid 'MemberType' value. Please enter another value: 'Property' or 'Method'."
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'List')
Write-Host "`n`t TypeName: $($InputObject.GetType().FullName)"
$InputObject.GetType().GetMembers() | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -match '^(method|property)$' -AND !($_.Attributes -band $SpecialName)} | Sort-Object MemberType,Name -Unique | Format-Table MemberType,Name -Auto
$member = $InputObject.GetType().GetMembers() | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq $MemberType -AND !($_.Attributes -band $SpecialName)} | Select-Object Name,MemberType,DeclaringType -Unique | Sort-Object Name
if($MemberType -eq 'Type')
Start-Process -FilePath ("$baseUrl{0}.aspx" -f $InputObject.GetType().FullName)
$m = $member | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq $MemberType -AND $_.Name -eq $Name}
Start-Process -FilePath ("$baseUrl{0}.{1}.aspx" -f $m.DeclaringType,$m.Name)
Write-Error "'$Name' is not a $MemberType of '$($InputObject.GetType().FullName)'. Check the Name and try again."
# display numbered members menu
Write-Host "`n TypeName: $($InputObject.GetType().FullName)`n"
for($i=0;$i -lt $member.count; $i++)
Write-Host "$($i+1). $($member[$i].name)"
[int]$num = Read-Host -Prompt "`nEnter the $membertype item number ( Between 1 and $($member.count). Press CTRL+C to cancel)"
} while ( $num -lt 1 -or $num -gt $member.count)
Start-Process -FilePath ("$baseUrl{0}.{1}.aspx" -f $member[$num-1].DeclaringType,$member[$num-1].Name)
Set-Alias -Name msdn -Value Get-MSDNInfo