# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: PowerChart
# description: A first attempt at a generic graphing function using commands from WPFToolkit’s DataVisualization dll
# version: 0.52
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: New-PowerChart
# x-poshcode-id: 2781
# x-archived: 2011-07-16T11:23:57
# x-published: 2011-07-08T23:42:00
# First make sure these commands worked:
# Import-Module ShowUI <# Version 1.1 #>;
# Add-UIModule .\WPFToolkit.dll -Name WPFToolkit -AsCmdlet -Import;
# Add-UIModule .\System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit.dll -Name DataVizualization -AsCmdlet;
function New-PowerChart() {
# Create a chart using the WPF DataVisualization Toolkit (WPFToolkit)
# New-PowerChart Area { ls | ? {!$_.PSIsContainer} } -IndependentValue Name -DependentValue Length -Show
# New-PowerChart Pie { ps | sort WS -desc | select -first 10 } Name WS -Show -Interval "0:0:5"
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='The data for the chart ...')]
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='The property name for the independent values ...')]
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='The property name for the dependent values ...')]
[Parameter(Position=4, HelpMessage='The property name for the size values ...')]
Chart -ControlNale PowerChart -Tag @{Interval=$Interval; ItemsSource=$ItemsSource} -On_Loaded {
$Interval = $this.Tag.Interval
if($Interval) {
Register-PowerShellCommand -ScriptBlock {
$Window.Content.Series | ForEach{ $_.ItemsSource = &$($Window.Content.Tag.ItemsSource[$i++]) }
} -in $Interval -run
} -Series {
$Series = @()
# Write-Host "Three" -Fore Cyan
for($c=0; $c -lt $ChartType.length; $c++) {
$chartType = $ChartType[$c].ToLower()
if($SizeValuePath -and $ChartType[$c] -eq "Bubble") {
$Series += iex "$($chartType)Series -DependentValuePath $($DependentValuePath[$c]) -IndependentValuePath $($IndependentValuePath[$c]) -SizeValuePath $($SizeValuePath[$c]) -ItemsSource `$(&{$($ItemsSource[$c])})"
#$Series[-1].DataPointStyle = $this.FindResource("$($chartType)DataPointTooltipsFix")
} elseif($ChartType[$c] -eq "Pie") {
$Series += iex "$($chartType)Series -DependentValuePath $($DependentValuePath[$c]) -IndependentValuePath $($IndependentValuePath[$c]) -ItemsSource `$(&{$($ItemsSource[$c])})"
#$Series[-1].StylePalette = $this.FindResource("$($chartType)PaletteTooltipsFix")
} else {
Write-Verbose "$($chartType)Series -DependentValuePath $($DependentValuePath[$c]) -IndependentValuePath $($IndependentValuePath[$c]) -ItemsSource `$(&{$($ItemsSource[$c])})"
$Series += iex "$($chartType)Series -DependentValuePath $($DependentValuePath[$c]) -IndependentValuePath $($IndependentValuePath[$c]) -ItemsSource `$(&{$($ItemsSource[$c])})"
#A$Series[-1].DataPointStyle = $this.FindResource("$($chartType)DataPointTooltipsFix")
Write-Verbose "There are $($Series.Count) Series!"
} -Background Transparent -BorderThickness 0 -Show:$Show